Layman System

Chapter 1743: Targeted

When Zhou Dong heard what the kid said there, he really wanted to laugh. He really underestimated himself. What he said was one of the best in this district.

It really made him have some surprises. I just want him to feel like this.

Then it answered slowly.

"Which way am I a member of someone else's family? I'm just an ordinary player. When I'm bored, I just play games here. To be honest, I feel that this game is really simple. I didn't plan on how long. Time has reached this point, is it still possible?"

Wang Ziqiu did feel that Zhou Dong's strength was really not so good that he could complete this appearance as an ordinary player. It was a little surprising.

But he is so capable, so if he came to his team, wouldn't that mean he added a ruthless character to his team, and he immediately asked.

"What else, have you not joined any team? Do you have a certain understanding of the team? That is, the games in this zone are all top-notch. Are you interested in joining our team? "

Zhou Dong laughed instantly when he heard these words. He originally intended to let him enter his team, but why suddenly such a big reversal came to him, so he quickly asked him negatively.

"Seriously, I still have a team here. Are you interested in joining us? How do you say our team will gradually become stronger. If you are interested, you can try it. I think it should be good. Yeah!"

When Wang Ziqiu heard these words, he was stunned. What's wrong? Why did you suddenly give yourself such a big contrast? This is indeed for myself, and I am a little confused.

Didn’t you say that you want him to join your team? Why did he suddenly let himself join his son again? What happened? Who is this guy? All the thoughts filled his brain in an instant.

Then he asked!

"No, no, I was there just now and asked if you have a team, you told me that there is none, why did you suddenly pop out of the team, who are you? How could you be like this? What about the situation?"

Zhou Dong laughed instantly when he heard these words. He felt that this guy was really interesting. He was still thinking about this here, so let's talk to him quietly.

"I am no one, just an ordinary player. This wave is preparing to build a team. If you are interested, come to me. What I say here will give you a particularly good position."

When Wang Ziqiu heard that this was the case, he immediately denied it, because he couldn't figure it out. After all, I was also the one who stood out from the youth academy in the guild.

How can you casually go to a team that is not yet ready to be established, do you have some doubts about your own case? At that time, if someone else wants him, once they see that they are from that team, they will definitely not even take care of them.

Then don't you just lower one's worth, this is absolutely impossible, so he shook his head and refused, and quickly refused!

"Forget it, forget it, our team is still preparing for training, and our union is also good to us, so I don’t want my team of teammates. I'll stay on my team instead of going to you. It's high."

In fact, what Wang Ziqiu said was also a true thought, because in his mind he would never do anything to sorry his team.

Although it has been spread outside that he is going to be expelled, but he will definitely not betray him. If it is to wait for that day to come, let's talk about it on your own. Isn't it not coming anyway?

So I still have to carry out my own training in accordance with one of my own regulations, but I can't pull down some of my previous training, and finally get to where it is today, so I say that it must be good.

Zhou Dong also fully understood what he meant here, so he didn't force him to nod. After agreeing to it, this kind of thing also depends on fate. After all, the fate of the two of them has not yet arrived, so it can only be slowed down.

But I don't know why I always have a particularly wonderful idea in my heart. I feel that this guy will come to him, and then he will come to his team.

So let this time slowly test them and see if they can stand the test.

Wang Ziqiu suddenly saw Zhou Dong not speaking here, so he asked strangely.

"I'm really sorry, it was indeed a real idea of ​​mine just now, because my current team is really pretty good, so I'll just stay here honestly, thank you for your kindness."

Zhou Dong felt that this little guy was really fun, so he just answered.

"Nothing, nothing, don’t these things look like this? Let’s play more games in the future. It’s pretty good to get points together at that time. That’s OK, let’s be like this first. We have time. Let's play games together."

Wang Ziqiu saw this sentence here, but did not speak directly. Just silently offline, and at this time he had already remembered Zhou Dong's account and name.

I feel that it is really unusual to meet a guy like this, and with so much work on his hands, this is also an unimaginable person!

The current atmosphere of the entire team suddenly became bad, because it had spread before that, saying that it was about to expel this Wang Ziqiu, because it did not have the strength that a team should have!

So now it has reached a special peak.

Their team has also repeatedly failed and has fallen from the second position to a third position, but these members did not put these mistakes on themselves.

Directly pointing all the fingers at Wang Ziqiu, it feels that this guy has affected some of their operations, because if he were not for him, they would never have such a situation.

One of the team members was also speechless, and walked directly to Wang Ziqiu and said to him.

"I said you guys don’t usually train very well. Look at you in a team match. What are you going to do? Can you make us feel happy? We were all in a good mood when we played the game that day. No."

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