Layman System

Chapter 1767: Disgusting first step

What's more, I am also a sweet potato now, and each team wants to have its own. I can't fall off the shelf, just ask them this.

The shelf must be held there. When they come to find themselves, you can teach them a lesson when you do it yourself. Even if they didn't agree to the information given to their team members, that wouldn't work.

At that time, I can fully contact the members of each team, then my team will become particularly strong in no time?

"You have to keep a hand when you talk to these people, but you can't just be there casually."

Presumably, there are already many people there knowing that they are planning to start a team. And everyone is very excited, being able to play games under their own team is definitely a particularly famous character.

So I have to put up a shelf even more here, but I can't let anyone feel like I can do it casually here.

"We must let them show some strength. If they don't have strength, then forget it, don't delay some time here."

And now I have the most confidence. Those players will definitely risk breaching the contract to engage in this grassroots team with themselves.

At that time, I will not be happy here, so it will take a while to prove it.

Although I said that my current small abacus has been very good, there is no movement at all in the other unions, as if it has disappeared, and nothing has happened at all.

Zhou Dong is also very strange. It shouldn't be. Now is the best time to find yourself. If you don't find it now, when will you wait?

How come they suddenly became like this when they heard that they were preparing to form a team. Isn't this a particularly silly thing? If you can take a team member to help them play a copy, they will get more things.

Well, since they don't want to understand these things, they will simply disgust them again, Zhou Dong directly found Wang Ziqiu and Wang Xinxin and said.

"How about it. Are you two training here every day? It's so boring? I will take you two to find something more interesting. I feel that you will definitely be interested."

When the two people heard that it was an interesting thing, they immediately became curious, raised their heads and looked at Zhou Dong, not understanding what the interesting thing he was talking about was.

Zhou Dong was so curious to see the two of them. He wanted to keep a secret there, but when he saw their expressions, he felt that there was no need to keep secrets. Just talk to them, anyway.

"Isn’t there a trade union that hasn’t heard anything recently? Let’s refresh it quickly, remember to disgust them, and tell them that some of their strength is definitely not your opponent. Don’t resist stubbornly there, but follow your own requirements. do."

Wang Ziqiu and Wang Xinxin are really interested here. They feel that this matter is really interesting and can challenge every guild infinitely.

What kind of thing will this be? And looking at the expression that every guild didn't dare to offend Zhou Dong, I was very happy.

So Wang Ziqiu and Wang Xinxin didn't have any ambiguity here, and they agreed directly, because the same training is repeated every day, which really makes people feel tired.

If you continue like this, I'm afraid everyone will get depression there, so I'd better go out to relax and refresh other things. This can be interesting.

Just now I walked to the place where I was going to scan the records, and suddenly I saw a crowd of black and heavy people, like everyone from other guilds.

What are they doing here, and seeing them look fierce and evil, it is estimated that they have been waiting here for a long time, and they are too irritated by the sun.

Zhou Dong turned his face and said to Wang Ziqiu and Wang Xinxin.

"Look, I haven't seen it, I haven't seen it, now there is a team ready to work with us, you two must be careful for a while, don't let yourself be injured, and you don't need so much strength to deal with them."

Wang Ziqiu and Wang Xinxin agreed when they heard these words, because they had been training there for this period of time, and they had not confirmed what the state of their training was in actual combat.

Isn't this just right, when the time comes, I will take out some experience in actual combat and see if I can bring them down.

Now every member of the team thinks like this.

"It feels like Zhou Dong's guy just wants to set up a very big union by himself, and then weed out these small unions directly. By then, the whole team will be the one-man leader, it really won't work."

So after several days of discussions there, the discussions were finally over. Zhou Dong's idea must be killed in the cradle. It is absolutely impossible for him to have such a thing happen.

After saying this, Zhou Dong turned his head abruptly and continued to stare straight ahead, to see what the opposite was doing so that he could make a corresponding judgment.

After watching for a long time, I didn't understand what was going on with him. Is there only this expression on everyone's face? This is too fierce.

Forget it, it has nothing to do with me anyway, I only need to finish some of my own things, what are you doing watching them?

Although Zhou Dong comforted himself so much, he was already anxious in his heart, because the sudden arrival of such a large number of people would affect his process of closing the net.

In case there are really some spies in it, isn't it possible that other people will know about the mission or something?

And now I feel that there is nothing to fight because it is so boring.

He was about to take Wang Ziqiu and Wang Xinxin to leave here. There were too many people on the opposite side. If they fight, then they will definitely suffer here.

If you don't want to suffer, you must leave here quickly.

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