Layman System

Chapter 1779: accepted

"I don't care what you think about it now. Anyway, I will never do it. I have already put the words here for things that are unfavorable to Zhou Dong. No matter how you think about me, just think about it. I don't bother to explain. Up."

Ouyang Xiangcheng had obviously moved to the truth at this time. After saying this, he turned around and left here directly.

Gao Jiao was left alone there, dumbfounded. Thinking that Ouyang Xiangcheng has never treated him like this.

But he was like this for the first time.

The more Gao Jiao thought about it there, the more annoyed she became. I feel that since Ouyang Xiangcheng's illness has healed, it feels like a different person.

And the whole person is not as easy-going as before.

"I said, what the **** is going on with you? Why do you suddenly get better, you are like someone I don't know at all. How can you treat our mother and child like this? We are your relatives. "

At this time, Ouyang Xiangcheng had just walked to the door, when he suddenly heard these words, he immediately stopped. Then he turned his head with a face full of incomprehension.

I feel that these are really surprising to me.

Because before that, he had never heard Gao Jiao say such heavyweight words. This made my heart think more.

Obviously Ouyang Xiangcheng also realized the seriousness of this matter, so he turned around and walked back slowly, silently in front of the writer's Gaojiao.

To be honest, the only thing I have now is to quickly explain to him, to solve some of the misunderstandings between them immediately, and do not continue to say these useless here.

"Can you listen to me and explain it? There are some things that are not what you imagined. I am really unable to do this. You must know that if I do something that I am sorry for her, I will be in my heart for the rest of my life. I feel sorry for the face, because he is my savior."

Ouyang Xiangcheng said these words, but also hope that Gao Jiao can understand his helplessness.

Because since Ouyang Mingli was born, I have never treated her. leave it alone. Everything he said, I will try my best to satisfy.

But this is the only thing you really can't do by yourself, if you can do it, you don't need to speak up.

If you do it yourself, you take the initiative to complete this thing for him, but this thing can't be done!

Gao Jiao couldn't listen to all Ouyang Xiangcheng's explanations at all now. In his mind, he had already assumed that Ouyang Xiangcheng had become someone he didn't know.

Gao Jiao's mental state is now close to madness, and she immediately swayed her hand there, indicating that she did not want to listen to his explanation at all.

But Ouyang Xiangcheng still wants to explain it, because he doesn't want to be misunderstood so deeply, he is not such a cruel person!

Gao Jiao saw that Ouyang Xiangcheng was unprepared and continued to listen to her own explanation, so she was about to turn around and leave. Because he felt that if he continued here, it would be a waste of time.

And she wouldn't say why, she would only repeat these few words here, which made her feel a little irritated, so she didn't want to continue listening here.

It also sounds meaningless.

Ouyang Xiangcheng usually treats his family very kindly, no matter what happens outside, he won't get it inside.

And there is a special harmony in my whole family, and I haven't made any major incidents.

Ouyang Xiangcheng was simple and Gao Jiao was about to leave at this time, and he did not listen to any of his own explanations. This made some people anxious, and he quickly agreed.

"Okay, okay, since this matter has not been explained clearly, then I promise you that this matter can be covered by me, now you should be satisfied."

At this time, Gao Jiao had stood up, and suddenly heard that Ouyang Xiangcheng had compromised with him. There were some differences.

Turning around with a face full of disbelief, I feel like I have heard something wrong?

When Ouyang Xiangcheng saw his expression here, he probably guessed that some of it didn't believe what he said just now, so he needed to do it again for him.

"I said I have agreed to this matter, can you see if it works? If it works, you nod here, if it doesn't work, you shook your head and you give me a sign!"

Of course Gao Jiao agreed here. She said so much just to wait for what he said, so she nodded her head to show that she agreed.

After this confirmation, Gao Jiao's heart was finally relieved. I feel that the saliva I wasted is really not in vain, and finally let him understand that these things can help him.

At the same time, I also saw some hope that my daughter can come out of this shadow, which is really good.

He was really afraid that his daughter was suffering from depression. At that time, it was too late to regret, so he said that this matter must be resolved quickly at this time, which is especially perfect.

Speaking of which, Gao Jiao didn't like the kind of destruction of other people's families, but it was also out of helplessness, because she couldn't be there to watch her daughter in this state every day.

Today, he really saw the state of his daughter. It was really not very good, otherwise he would not come to Ouyang Xiangcheng to let him solve this matter.

He usually handles these things in a special way and has his own way, but this time it is indeed a difficulty encountered. If he can solve it, he will not use it in front of him, let him help deal with it.

In other words, his illness has just recovered, and he has not achieved a relatively stable state, so it will become a little troublesome for him to suddenly deal with these more cumbersome things!

Then I thought about it again, feeling that it is possible to do anything for the happiness of my daughter here. How to say I am also a mother.

It is impossible to watch his daughter unable to get out there. You must let your daughter come out, and you should do anything here.

"Isn’t this like you? For the sake of our daughter, you can sacrifice a bit. Some things really need to be solved by you. If I can solve them, I don’t need to come here to talk to you. dont you agree?"

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