Layman System

Chapter 1793: Racer's review

Zhou Dong watched that the van was constantly speeding in front.

This designation cannot catch up, so a solution must be found.

It's absolutely impossible to keep chirping with him here.

So Zhou Dong began to work hard in his brain to think of a better way, and suddenly realized that he could redeem a deceleration buff in the system store.

Just do it, I went directly to the system store, and then accurately found the deceleration buff I saw before.

After the exchange, it was directly used on the van in front.

The things in the system store were really good to use, and the speed of the van was directly reduced.

The driver in the van. Suddenly found that the speed had slowed down, something strange, and immediately turned to look at the person next to him and asked.

"I said what the **** is wrong, it's not right. I remember that before we went out, I checked all the equipment on the car and there was no problem at all. Why did this suddenly slow down?"

The people next to him are also aware of this problem and feel that they will be caught up in this way.

Started to talk in a panic.

"No, no, you asked me to confirm after you checked, what's wrong, our car has never had this problem, what is the situation, we will be overtaken sooner or later if we continue like this."

The van driver is also experienced, and seeing the people next to him is already so panicked.

I can't count on him anymore, now I can only rely on myself.

Then he said quickly.

"It's okay, it's okay anyway, I'm also an experienced driver, let me come, let me see where the problem is, but now I have reached the lowest throttle."

The people in the car were already afraid that they would be caught again in this action. Wouldn't it be a loss?

After Zhou Dong used up this deceleration buff, it was particularly obvious that their car had already slowed down.

On the contrary, his car is getting faster and faster, and the taxi driver thinks his own technology is still in hand.

So I started talking excitedly.

"Seriously, this technique of mine is indeed quite powerful, look at this, don't look at him driving so fast just now, we caught up immediately, it looks like I can consider coming back."

Zhou Dong saw the driver's excitement so he couldn't disturb his excitement, so he could only smile awkwardly.

"Yes, there is really no reduction in this technique, and it will only get better and better. If you wait until you come back, I must go to see you in a game."

The taxi driver laughed instantly, feeling that this was really fun.

I just said it briefly, but I actually wanted to take it seriously there and waved his hand.

"Forget it, don't make a joke here. I'm how old I am. If I could drive it, I would have seen it a long time ago. There is no need to continue driving a taxi here. I just meant to be a joke."

Zhou Dong also felt that what the taxi driver had just said was a joke, so he didn't take it seriously.

After all, the crux of the matter now is to rescue Ouyang Mingli quickly, and then to see who is on the opposite side.

Actually have such a big courage!

If you let Old Man Ouyang know about this, wouldn't it be a rage and start, all your contacts must catch the opposite person.

But if he knew it, he would be particularly worried. After all, his illness was just getting better, and he was in a stage of recuperating, so he couldn't rush to get angry.

It's better to settle this matter by yourself quickly, and don't let him think about these things too much.

Suddenly, the taxi driver didn't know what was wrong, he became more excited, and began to shout.

"You have to catch it, now I'm going to try something that I used to drive racing cars before."

Zhou Dong instantly panicked when he heard this, this guy was still addicted to it.

Why do I have to restore a memory from the beginning? I just simply praised him, and it turned out to be like this.

He thinks too much.

Zhou Dong just wanted to refuse and said that he should let him drive steadily, but at this time the taxi driver's accelerator pedal had reached the bottom.

And the movements on the hands have begun to increase there, which is also particularly helpless.

It seems that it's too late to say anything, and it's already like this, so you can only grab it and make sure you don't get thrown out by the car.

This time, the taxi driver was so refreshed. He found the time when he was at his peak in a flash. The whole person was very excited, and I don't know if he could see it. These things.

The workmanship also immediately felt her self-confidence. The driving speed was so fast that she had never sat in it before.

These things I dare not imagine.

Thinking that I could be a car driven by a racer once in my lifetime, it was really exciting!

Soon, the taxi driver was already cool enough, and it didn't feel interesting anymore. The speed of the car slowed down, and the movement on his hands slowly became less.

Zhou Dong saw that his movements had gradually decreased, so he quickly told him.

"Master, let's drive safely, but don't drag racing there. You are already this old. I'm afraid you suddenly can't stand your heart. If we drive slowly, we will catch up with him sooner or later. You can't run away."

The taxi driver felt that he did not have some of the skills of the year.

So I followed some of Zhou Dong's suggestions and deliberately slowed down the car.

Slowly began to chase the black van there.

The van in front felt that I should not be able to run.

Just stop again to see who is on the opposite side, who dares to chase his car. Isn't his life going?

Suddenly, Zhou Dong and the taxi driver saw that the van in front had stopped, and quickly pulled over. Zhou Dong paid the money immediately.

Because of this matter, I don't want to hurt the taxi driver.

Since you dare to kidnap votes here, you are definitely prepared.

In order to prevent others from being harmed, this matter should be solved by myself, after all, I am not afraid of them!

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