Layman System

Chapter 1859: The difficult road to change

Zhuang Zixue heard this, although she had some doubts, she still agreed!

"Yes, I have already thought about it before, no matter what, if there is a problem with this matter, I will be responsible. Have you already made good progress with you?"

After hearing these words, Zhou Dong was relieved a lot. Anyway, as long as he can take the responsibility, he will help him to the end. Then answer!

"Okay, since you have thought it all out clearly, then this matter is basically settled. At that time, you will continue to go back to school, do a good job in your teaching reform, and improve your class results. I am very optimistic about you. "

Zhuang Zixue was really eye-catching when she heard this, and she was so happy that she had found it so many times before it was of no use. He went there this time and succeeded.

This is indeed a more powerful person. Zhou Dong hung up the phone and walked back to the dean’s office again. Seeing him sitting there, he said,

"I just asked, and he said that he can be responsible for this matter, and then you can see how to connect to the next job. If students in their class have problems, he alone is responsible for this matter. You are not turned off."

After hearing this, the dean was immediately surprised. He didn't understand what was going on. How did this group of people think differently from their own? If ordinary people heard that they were responsible, they would definitely dispel this idea.

This group of people heard that they were responsible, but they wanted to go up the wind. It was the first time to see such a situation, which surprised me.

Regardless of whether he agrees or disagrees with him, it is best to ask him, don't go back then, I don't have the mood to help him take responsibility.

"If I promise you, there is no turning back. You have to understand this."

Zhou Dong also understood this. The parties concerned all said that there is no problem. Could there be problems with others?

I agreed without thinking!

"Okay, you don't need to ask too much. We all want to understand this matter. Anyway, it has nothing to do with you. As long as you promise us to do this, it will be over. Go to the school and say you didn't agree with anything."

The dean of teaching was embarrassed after hearing it. Could it be that he was in such a role in their hearts, and he thought he was too bad, right?

Talking suspiciously.

"How can I say that I am also a teaching director of a school. I can still afford this reputation, but I won't be in a state of remorse. As long as you want to understand, I am completely the green light."

Zhou Dong was relieved after hearing this. As long as there is no problem here, it is estimated that there is nothing else to do. Who made him be responsible for this.

It's not that you need to find his own thing, but to solve this problem yourself, it is to find the person in charge, what is the use of finding someone who has nothing to do?

Since it is to solve the problem, it must be done in one step. Don't do anything. When the time comes, you can't explain it yourself. It's better to solve it quickly.

Who made his own character look like this? When you encounter a problem, you must hurry to solve it.

Zhou Dong watched, now that these problems were solved, there was no need to stay, and he turned around and said.

"Okay, since it's already like this, then I won't be here to chat with you if there are still a few things away from me, and I will deal with my affairs quickly."

To be honest, the first time the dean of teaching saw such a courageous person, he actually dared to say that he was going to take the responsibility, and then he was rather daunted here and did not react.

But as soon as I heard Zhou Dong was about to leave, I reacted and said quickly.

"Brother Dong, wait a minute, I still have something to ask you."

Zhou Dong stopped when he heard something else and turned around to look at him doubtfully, not knowing what happened again.

Seeing Zhou Dong stopped, the dean of instructors quickly stood up and stepped forward and said!

"Brother Dong, it’s not that I said how difficult this thing is to do. You have to think carefully about it. Some things are not as simple as you think. If you just agree casually, it’s absolutely impossible. This matter of husband and wife responsibility is really true. It’s not as easy as you think."

Zhou Dong looked at the dean strangely and said.

"Isn’t this all already said, why do you continue to grind? You just need to do what we say, don’t think about it, it’s not what you should think, and you’re not responsible for it. problem."

After hearing this, the dean was embarrassed. He really had nothing to do with him, but he kindly reminded him that he actually came to such a sentence and made himself helpless.

Zhou Dong didn't bother to take care of it at this time. If it weren't for the task, he would never be so concerned about this matter.

I also understand that if something goes wrong, no one can take responsibility for this responsibility, so I will call to ask Zhuang Zixue if there is any problem and whether he is confident.

If there is no problem with him, then what else would he say, he must do it. Anyway, he needs to complete the task here.

The dean was speechless by Zhou Dong. Although he said he had problems with test tube teaching, if there was a major change, the principal would still need to wait for the leaders to make a decision.

If they didn't nod their heads, what's the use of their own little dean, after all, what the school looks like is their face, but not their own.

If something happens, I will find myself in the end, because I am a big leader in teaching.

So before you can understand these things, you must get an idea of ​​this guy. When he says that there is no problem, he can make a decision by himself. What if there are still problems that involve him!

Said to Zhou Dong in a solemn way.

"Brother, it's not that I don't want to help you with this matter, but this matter does require the school leader's approval. If he doesn't nod his head, I can't help it. Although I am engaged in teaching. But there are some things. Leaders must be respected."

Zhou Dong knew that the dean of teaching said these things to make him change his mind, but he had already said what he said. How can he change casually and leave a word.

"I'm a person who never changes things. Just do what I said. Don't gossip about it. Hurry up and get my thing done and it's over."

After saying this, Zhou Dong set off and left.

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