Layman System

Chapter 1888: Existential meaning

Zhou Dong heard some doubts, but he followed the guidance of the system to the hospital, and the system accurately located the ward where the principal was.

Zhou Dong silently stood at the door and looked inside, and found that there were only the principal and Song Ji inside.

Seeing that the two of them talked very well and laughed and laughed, there was a wave in my heart and I felt that the system was right.

I didn't expect that the system knew a lot. Perhaps the departure of the principal would be a good thing for Song Ji and it would help him grow.

Song Ji and the principal cherish each other's last time, so the two of them talked a lot in the past two days, and neither of them knew about it.

The system felt the waves in Zhou Dong's heart and asked him.

"This is the wooden bottom where I asked you to come to the hospital. Do you plan to continue seeing this scene?"

Zhou Dong hesitated after hearing it, because he felt it was unnecessary. Just like he thought, let Song Ji go through these and watch them spend the last time.

Shaking his head and replied.

"Forget it, there is no need to continue this matter. Let them, father and son, enjoy the last time. I hope Song Jihui will grow from this matter."

After speaking, he turned and left.

After listening to the system, it was quite gratifying, knowing that Zhou Dong was still a person who understood things.

Zhou Dong didn't go back to the villa directly when he went out, instead he wandered along the road.

Because there are some things he still hasn't figured out, he needs to digest them slowly.

The system has been with him all the time, detecting that he seems to have not come out a bit, so he asked.

"What's the matter? Haven't you figured it out yet? If you haven't figured it out yet, I'll talk to you about it."

Zhou Dong didn't know what was wrong, he suddenly got into the horns, and he couldn't figure it out a little bit. Since he can help himself out, why not just talk about it.

"Okay, I don't know what's wrong, I suddenly got into the horns and I don't understand this."

The system immediately said when it heard this.

"It doesn't matter, let me help you out. Think about it. We can't always think about it. In case one person leaves will make another person stronger, is this a good thing or a bad thing? His father also hopes that he can grow up, and there is still a long way to go in the future. How can he be a child with a temperament?"

Zhou Dong listened as if he didn't understand. Although it was literally ok, but the underlying meaning was really difficult to make people understand. He was a relative, so why did he grow up by sacrificing relatives?


"You literally understand that I can hear it, but I still don't understand the deeper meaning. Why do you want to sacrifice the closest person? Does it feel that there is some unfairness?"

The system laughed and answered meaningfully.

"Maybe you feel particularly cruel sometimes, but there is no fairness in this world. The reason why you can enjoy fairness is because your strength is strong enough, and people below your strength also suffer unfairness. Treat!"

When Zhou Dong heard this, he understood, and suddenly thought of his previous life, at that time he was nothing at all, anyone could come and grab himself.

It's really uncomfortable, there is nothing I can do.

The system saw that Zhou Dong seemed to understand a little bit, and then continued to talk about the sacrifice.

"You have to understand that when the person closest to you sacrifices for you, how will you think about it and whether it will motivate yourself to become stronger and not let the people around you leave!"

Zhou Dong was also broken by a single word, so that he understood that this was indeed the case. When his grandfather left, he grew up in one day.

And at that time, I didn't think about anything else, so I wanted to make myself stronger and treat the remaining relatives a little better.

Sure enough, sometimes these bad things are the best way to motivate a person.

It's just cruel.

Zhou Dong thought he wanted to understand, and his mood slowly improved, and he felt that the time was about to come. Don't let the people in the family wait in a hurry, go back quickly.

When I returned to the villa, I found that everyone was back, and then they did everything together, and when I saw myself back, I immediately stood up and said with a smile.

"Brother Dong, where are you going? We called you just now, but you haven't picked up yet. We have all cooked food."

Zhou Dong shook his head and walked over without saying anything.

It's kind of let everyone know what's going on, why is this mood so low? Concerned inquiries,

"What's the matter, something happened again this time that made you so depressed. Tell everyone, let everyone help you figure out a solution, it doesn't matter."

When Zhou Dong sat down, he suddenly realized that only one person left did he appear to be so present.

Shaking his head and smiling.

"Nothing has happened, it's just that I've been too tired recently, which has caused me to lose my mood, but seeing you happy every day makes me feel better."

When everyone heard this, their faces expressed happiness.

Zhou Dong saw that everyone had been waiting for so long, so he said immediately.

"Well, don't say it, hurry up and eat, everyone is already hungry!"

When this sentence just fell, everyone was like a child, eating desperately, as if they had never eaten it.

Half a month later, Jay Chou still insisted on checking the team's training.

Suddenly, Ouyang Xiangcheng's phone number reached Zhou Dong. Zhou Dong was a little strange. He felt that he hadn't contacted Mr. Ouyang for a long time. What should be the matter of this sudden contact? The answer sounds like a question.

"What's the matter, is Ouyang Ouyang doing something?"

Seeing Ouyang Xiangcheng on the phone, he couldn't hide his inner joy. Zhou Dong was a little strange. What happened to her that made her so happy?

"What's the matter? This is Old Man Ouyang, what happened to you, you have become so happy!"

Don't tease Ouyang Xiangcheng what he thinks, just say immediately.

"You heard that you will be like me. This is definitely great news. I have already told the company, and the company has also agreed to incorporate the game studio into the company."

Zhou Dong was shocked at once. I didn't expect that Old Man Ouyang was quite capable, he really founded it by himself, and the people under his hands still listen to him, mainly because he speaks out a lot of opponents.

Said happily.

"It deserves to be the group you created. In the end, I still need to listen to you. I'm going to be a large number of opponents and it will come out at once."

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