Layman System

Chapter 1911: Solve problems

Zhong Shiqi stopped as soon as he walked out, because the amount of information today is too large, and he needs to take a good look, think about what is the relationship between this group of people, and how is it so complicated?

When he was talking about this with Song Ji, Zhou Dong suddenly appeared behind them, and Zhou Dong didn't know what they were muttering when they saw them.

Curiously leaned over and listened, but still didn't hear anything clearly, suddenly Zhong Shiqi felt a cool breeze around him.

He immediately turned his head and took a look, but when he saw Zhou Dong, he stepped back, clutching his heart and talking.

"Brother Dong, you are too scary, how come there is no sound when you walk, when did you come?"

It happened that Zhuang Zixue didn't have time to close the door at this time, so she was stunned inside.

Zhou Dong asked Zhong Shiqi sneakily here.

"Why are you here? What are you doing here?"

Zhong Shiqi answered immediately after listening.

"I'm not here to find out where all of our people live in advance, and then stop by to get familiar with it by the way."

Zhuang Zixue found that the photo was still on the bed and quickly put it away, to prevent Zhou Dong from seeing that other embarrassing things would happen, and that time would be even more alienated, but that would not happen.

But listening to Zhong Shiqi's words, he still looked worried.

I'm afraid that this guy will leak the words all of a sudden.

When Zhong Shiqi finished speaking just now, he inadvertently glanced into the room and saw Zhuang Zixue's worries with just one glance.

In order not to worry him, I had to continue.

"Don't worry, I didn't see anything. My mental state is absolutely normal and I won't peek at other girls."

Of course Zhuang Zixue would understand this sentence, and she was relieved all at once. Zhong Shiqi saw it at the same time. He was also relieved, and she was relieved after learning Zhuang Zixue.

Zhou Dong heard that since nothing happened, let's accompany him to have a supper.

It just so happened that today I felt a bit complicated, I said to him.

"All right, I just saw you sneaking around there, thinking what you were going to do? Then since there is nothing to do, let me have a supper with me. It just happened that I felt a little depressed today."

Zhong Shiqi was stunned. He didn't understand what was going on. Why was he going to eat supper all of a sudden?

This has never been done before, and when he was about to ask what happened, Zhou Dong suddenly spoke up.

"Okay, don't ask me about other things, or you can go back to the room quickly, or you can go out with me, don't chirp here, can't you be like a man?"

Of course Zhong Shiqi would find something wrong with Zhou Dong, so he nodded and said.

"Go, how can I not? My good elder brother is in a bad mood today, I must accompany him well to help him solve problems."

Zhou Dong was full of disgust. When would he need him to solve problems? It was really an exaggeration and started to refute.

"You can get it down. You can solve problems. You can see how you encounter problems, and you can't imagine how you solve problems for others."

Zhong Shiqi is a bit dissatisfied, doesn't he know a word? Father, like son.

Therefore, as a bystander, he will definitely solve his problems, and he will definitely not stump himself at this point, and he will answer confidently.

"Then you really underestimated me. How do I say it is a more emotional person, and I can still do it in a decent way for solving problems."

Zhou Dong laughed. Since that's the case, don't chirp here, pat him on the shoulder and prepare to take him away.

Before he took a few steps to arrive, Zhong Shiqi suddenly remembered Song Ji. It would be a bad idea to go to eat supper by himself. Isn't it a bad thing to leave him somewhere else? Hurry up.

"Wait a minute, Dong Brother, is Song Ji a bit bad here? Or take him."

After hearing this, Zhou Dong of course agreed and said quickly.

"Okay, there is no problem, then you can call him here as soon as possible. Just now, I paid attention to you, so I ignored them, and I will give them some compensation later."

Song Ji was also embarrassed just now, not knowing where to go.

Thought Zhou Dong would call himself, but didn't expect to ignore it completely. When he was about to go back to the room, Zhong Shiqi suddenly stopped him.

"Don't go back, and go eat with us, otherwise you will be so lonely in the villa by yourself."

Song Ji is of course very happy. At his age, it's like going out to play more if nothing has happened.

Always staying in one place, the whole mood is a little depressed.

He smiled very happily, ran directly to the master, and said with embarrassment in front of Zhou Dong.

"Oh, Dong Brother, don't you know how embarrassed I was just now, thinking you would call me together, who knows that you didn't even pay attention to me, did I just have no sense of existence?"

Zhou Dong is embarrassed, how could he be like this? Explain quickly.

"Don't get me wrong. I treat them equally, but just now I saw your master's sneaky attention on your master, so I ignored you. I'm really sorry. Good night. To compensate you, you can order whatever you want."

Song Ji smiled and waved his hand.

"Don’t matter, I know it’s like this. You are so good to us, why would you ignore me? Whatever you want to eat in a while, I’ll just follow you to eat. I’m not very picky."

Zhou Dong nodded and took them straight to the night market. At this time, the night market was still quite busy. It was really not easy to find a place to stay.

Zhou Dong and the three of them ordered a large table full of dishes and added several bottles of beer.

Song Ji was a little scared when he saw everything in front of him. Wouldn't he have to drink a little by himself tonight? So many points? Will there be no training tomorrow?

Who knows this question, just after thinking about it, Zhou Dong said suddenly.

"Why do you still have to drink a little bit? The look I see from you is so straight on your feet, I told you, you can't do it, you are not the age to drink, so you Just order a drink in a while, and we will drink it for the two of us."

Song Ji originally wanted to taste what it was like, but he didn't expect to be stunned by this sentence, so he could only drink a drink there.

Zhong Shiqi noticed that Song Ji was reluctant to comfort him.

"You don't have to be unwilling. We are all for your sake. This thing is too delaying. You will understand our good intentions in the future."

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