Layman System

Chapter 1916: The loss of muddy

Zhou Dong smiled and explained Wang Chanchan's identity.

"What I said, I'm afraid you don't believe that this guy is the daughter of your boss."

Han Bing was surprised at once. This was Hong Long's daughter. How could she be here? Asked quickly.

"Ah, it's our boss's daughter, so why is she here with you? Shouldn't our boss's daughter be by her side?"

Zhou Dong shook his head and said simply.

"If you talk about it, it's really going to be a long time. I'll talk to you when I have time."

Han Bing nodded when he heard it, but the situation just now was a little strange. What did this have to do with that man?

Zhou Dong looked at the strange look on Han Bing's face, so he had to say.

"You don't need to care about the matter just now, it's just a child who has a temper."

Han Bing nodded and said okay, then Zhou Dong suddenly thought of a question, where did Luo Hun go? According to common sense, shouldn't the two of them be together?

Said with a puzzled expression.

"No, shouldn't you and Luo Hun be together? Where did he go?"

Han Bing became embarrassed for a while, not knowing how to do this, Zhou Dong looked at Han Bing embarrassed, knowing what must have happened, and said anxiously.

"Okay, you and I have nothing to hide. I know what your situation is. I will tell you where he is going."

Han Bing was a little embarrassed, and lowered his head and said.

"The two of us didn’t know why the situation suddenly came out and we were separated. I couldn’t find him either, and all the money was in his body. If you didn’t show up at that stall today, I’m afraid No money for the boss."

After hearing this, Zhou Dong felt that Bing Bing was also quite miserable. He encountered such a thing as soon as he came out, and he continued to understand the situation.

"Then you didn't go and look for him. Where did he go? How can he get away when he comes out? According to your personalities, isn't it all together?"

Han Bing didn’t know what was going on. He suddenly came out that day and separated. He was originally together, but when he looked back, he found that the person had disappeared. Maybe it was because he hadn’t come out for a long time. They are all curious.

Finally, I came here. When I saw Zhou Dong at the barbecue stall, I couldn't believe it. I thought Zhou Dong would not be here.

Later, when the group of people were looking for trouble, he could only believe that that person was Zhou Dong, because Han Bing heard a familiar voice, and Han Bing blossomed in an instant, and finally he was able to solve his meal.

I was still struggling while eating these meals, and after a while the boss asked how to solve this matter.

Zhou Dong was really a savior, and he appeared here all of a sudden.

After Zhou Dong heard this sentence, he was a bit speechless. At that time, he still felt that Han Bing had done these things too much. It turned out that he did these things to attract their attention.

This guy still has a bit of IQ, and he knows how to solve the matter in front of him.

Han Bing saw Zhou Dong's expression. Just say it quickly.

"Can you not use this expression? I am a little worried when you use this expression. Would you look at those blind-eyed people I just helped you solve? Did you say that the things they did just now were done by people? Just wait in line, why are you still there? If you hit me, you have to beat you. I can't stand it anymore."

Zhou Dong was so helpless, this guy would really find a reason, he could only say with a simple smile.

"Okay, these things are small things, you quickly continue to say, what is the situation with you?"

Han Bing was still blank now, and didn't know what to do, anyway, he would definitely try to inquire about the whereabouts of Luo Hun and answer Zhou Dong.

"I don't know what the situation is now, anyway, I will definitely ask around if I have time."

After hearing this, Zhou Dong feels like it's fine. Don't lose yourself anymore. After all, people are unfamiliar here. If she loses herself, where can she find him?

So I can only say helplessly.

"Forget it, just stay here, don't go, if you get lost, I have to work hard to find you again, let me find him."

Han Bing was instantly excited after hearing it, and said quickly!

"Oh, Captain, I knew you would never leave me alone. I'll just wait for your sentence. I finally waited. I won't tell you anymore. Then this matter will be hard for you. , I hurried to find a room to sleep."

After saying this, Han Bing ran to the room where Wang Ziqiu had just vacated.

Zhou Dong felt like he had been deceived. How could he feel deceived?

Looking at his back in discomfort, Shiqi felt that it was a bit boring to stay, so he should go back quickly, so he just found a reason and walked away.

Okay, now there is no one, so hurry up and find a place where the dungeon is now, so I entered the system to locate it.

Soon, the system gave a rough positioning, saying that Luohun is now in Dong'an City.

Zhou Dong felt a little strange. He wanted to determine the position more accurately to see where Luo Hun was?

But as soon as I was about to check, a prompt came out from the system.

"You don't have access to these right now."

Zhou Dongmeng is now, what are these all about? Why don't you have access to it? I have used this system to check the whereabouts of other people before.

Why can't you inquire as soon as you arrive at Luohun? This is too sudden.

Zhou Dong was a little strange, so he quickly entered the system and checked it carefully. Unexpectedly, the system actually gave out a task to find the mud.

No wonder I couldn't find out Luo Hun's whereabouts. It turned out to be a character in the mission. Then it makes sense now.

After a glance, it was late at night, and I still didn't feel anything here. Since I couldn't sleep, I just drove the car to find it, I might not encounter it.

When I was about to go out, the phone rang suddenly, Zhou Dong picked it up and took a look, and found that it was a strange phone.

I can't understand it at all. What is the situation when a strange phone calls me at such a late hour?

I looked at it puzzledly for a while, and I felt that I still ignored it. After all, it was an unfamiliar call and it was so late. There must be nothing good.

In order to avoid some trouble, don't answer the call.

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