Layman System

Chapter 1926: Bodyguard incident

Zhong Shiqi did not doubt after listening to it, and said with a face assured!

"Okay, Dong Brother, don't worry, we will solve this problem and we will not let you down at that time."

At the same time Zhou Dong also cooperated with her.

"Okay, no problem, as long as you work hard, what I do will be worth it."

Zhong Shiqi smiled and went to work.

The next day Zhou Dong took Hanbing to Ouyang's house. As soon as the two of them arrived at the banquet of Ouyang Xiangcheng, Ouyang Xiang was embarrassed.

Didn't he say that he was going to take the whole team? How come only two people came, and the woman next to him had never seen him before, so what happened?

Suddenly Ouyang Xiangcheng questioned him, and Zhou Dong rushed to Ouyang Xiangcheng as soon as he arrived. After all, they are the birthday stars today, so why do they need to give blessings?

And I bought him a gift a long time ago, and when I walked to Ouyang Xiangcheng, I found that something was wrong with him, probably because the team members did not come today.

Explain quickly.

"Happy birthday, old man, I'm really sorry. My team members didn't come because there are too many of them lately and they are about to compete soon. I hope to get a good result, and I don't want them to come here to save distraction. "

Ouyang Xiangcheng didn't expect that Zhou Dong also came forward to explain it. It seemed that he paid more attention to this matter, and quickly answered.

"It turned out to be like this. Just now I was thinking about why I didn't bring them here. It doesn't matter. Things in your place are more important. I hope you can achieve a good result. By then we will be considered famous here."

Ouyang Xiangcheng's embarrassment was relieved and his mood returned to normal.

Zhou Dong saw this scene and quickly introduced Hanbing to Ouyang Xiangcheng.

"Isn't the old man still acquainted with the woman next to me? This is my friend. Before, we were all engaged in bodyguards, and our skills were better."

Han Bing walked over and said with a smile after hearing it.

"Hello, old man Ouyang, my name is Hanbing."

Ouyang Xiangcheng was quite curious when he heard about being a bodyguard, because he also got a better bodyguard recently.

Nodding his head and talking.

"You are really welcome to talk about bodyguards. It suddenly occurred to me that recently I got a bodyguard, and the skill is pretty good."

After hearing this, Zhou Dong looked at Ouyang Xiangcheng curiously.

As soon as Ouyang Xiangcheng saw Zhou Dong, he was curious and quickly continued.

"I still want to introduce you to know you, are you interested?"

Of course Zhou Dong was interested, and he immediately nodded, looking forward to it.

Ouyang Xiangcheng pointed to the opposite direction and said.

"If you see there, he is right there. I am a little too busy here, so I won't take you there. Go and see for yourself."

Zhou Dong followed the direction and nodded his head at an approximate location, dragged Hanbing and walked over.

Han Bing also asked curiously.

"This person is not going to be muddled. This guy can still find a bodyguard."

Zhou Dong was also a little puzzled in this regard. I don't know why, these guys around him always like to be the bodyguard for Old Man Ouyang.

Didn’t Xiaodong and Zhang Shuang found it here?

Soon the two people saw the back of the bodyguard. At this moment, Zhou Dong's system suddenly popped out to complete the task interface.

Zhou Dong was taken aback by such a sudden surprise, and he didn't know what the situation was like.

After a while, I realized that this person was the Luohuo they were looking for, no wonder they couldn't find this guy.

It turned out to be hidden here, it is really hard to find.

Luo Hun also had a hunch, feeling that someone behind him was staring hard, turning his head and looking at it curiously.

Seeing Zhou Dong and Han Bing at a glance, he was stunned. He couldn't believe they were here, which was a bit surprising.

Zhou Dong saw that Luo Hun turned to Han Bing helplessly.

"It turns out that this guy is here, and we are still looking for him hard. It doesn't take any effort to come, and we found him all at once."

At this time, Luo Hun was about to slow down, and the stride meteor ran over, holding the two tightly, and muttering in his mouth.

"Oh, I finally found the organization. If I can't find you anymore, I'm afraid I will die soon."

Ouyang Xiangcheng was also busy, and turned his head curiously to see what Zhou Dong said about the bodyguard.

As soon as I turned my head, I was surprised and found out how they hugged each other. Could it be that they knew each other before?

I also began to doubt, how the bodyguards I found knew Zhou Dong. Does Zhou Dong have such a strong strength? Could it be that he started a bodyguard company before?

At the same time, I also feel that Zhou Dong has a lot of industries involved.

Ouyang Xiangcheng couldn't bear his curiosity, stepped forward and pulled Zhou Dong over, looked at him and said.

"What the **** do you do, why are you so good? And I find good bodyguards, they are all related to you."

There is also a reason why the old man Ouyang asked so. Every time he finds a new bodyguard, he will carefully observe it for a few days to see if it is dangerous to himself.

But the information he obtained this time is that this guy has the same style as Xiaodong Zhang Shuang before, and it feels like an organization.

Zhou Dong looked at Ouyang Xiangcheng so nervous, and said with a smile.

"What's the matter? We were only in the same bodyguard company before. As you know, I've done this business before, so it's not surprising to know each other."

Ouyang Xiangcheng is not a fool either, of course he would not believe such perfunctory words.

After all, no bodyguard company has such a strong strength, and everyone's style is so neat?

In order to let those understand more, they continued to ask.

"All right, then which bodyguard company did you both work for before, and then protect which aspect of things? I'm too curious here. You can talk to me."

As soon as Zhou Dong heard this, he felt something was wrong. If he continued to do it, he would probably miss the affairs of the Tiangong organization.

It won’t be so easy to come back to the market by then, so we must stop here.

Hurry up and stare at the cold ice and Luo Hun's emissary, the two will of course understand when they see this look.

Immediately looking for a topic at random, he dragged Zhou Dong to eat.

Today, I don't know what's going on. Everyone is here. Xiaodong and Zhang Shuang saw Zhou Dong's group walking over to say hello.

"Brother Dong, I was still looking for you just now, you will come here if I guess."

After saying this, he looked at Zhou Dong and found that Han Bing and Luo Hun were all here, and he hurried forward to greet him.

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