Layman System

Chapter 1941: Belief in the organization

Zhou Dong is right to think so. If the game loses because of this, then he will be the first to refuse to agree.

All things must have a priority. If you don't even have this concept, no matter what you do in the future, you will have the same result, and you will not get good results.

Wang Xinxin was a bit disappointed after listening, but there was no way. After all, he really needs to prepare for the game and adjust his emotions.

"Well, let's talk about this after the game is completed. Anyway, you promised us to come. When the game is over, the rest of the time is at our disposal. I must make good use of it and learn self-defense skills. body!"

Zhou Dong felt that Wang Xinxin could still listen to it, and knew what he should do most now?

Smiled and nodded.

"Yeah, this is the most important thing now. You can see the importance of this game by looking at the efforts of the big guys."

Han Bing suddenly interjected at this moment.

"Captain, you are really an unscrupulous profiteer! You don't even let this time go. People just want to learn some self-defense skills, and they won't waste much time. They have to train them."

Zhou Dong was sprayed by the ice, and he couldn't speak directly. He felt very embarrassed. How could this guy take down the stage like this?

Finally said helplessly.

"It's okay to want to learn, but there are only a few hours, and you still need to take a break from your rest. You must wait until they train you to reach this point is guaranteed!"

Wang Xinxin was shocked by this sudden remark. She didn't expect Zhou Dong to agree. She remembered that Zhou Dong had always been a stern person in her own impression. He would never agree to things like this.

Zhou Dong found that Wang Xinxin was a little shocked by this and asked without understanding.

"What's the matter? It seems that your expression is a bit unwilling. If you don't want to, I will take back the words I just said."

Wang Xinxin was displeased on the spot, shook her head and said.

"What, why would I be unwilling? Of course I would agree to such a good thing, but I was shocked by these words of yours. Originally you were very strict with me, I didn't expect you to agree."

Zhou Dong put on an awkward expression, feeling that this guy is so awkward to speak, and he actually said that he was very strict and how kind he was to them.

When I was planning to make a powerful counterattack.

It was discovered that Wang Xinxin's attention was no longer here, she put it all on Hanbing, and said to Hanbing.

"Sister Hanbing, when are we going? Didn't you hear that the captain had agreed just now, let's go quickly, otherwise he will regret it later and can't go again."

Hearing this sentence, I felt she was so interesting, and said immediately.

"Okay, let's go now, don't worry, how can our captain go back, after all, where is his identity, and what he says is like splashed water, how can he go back?"

Zhou Dong heard that these two women had already spoken everything, making him want to speak but couldn't speak.

I can only watch them slip away from the front.

Hanbing was also very patient. As soon as he walked to the hotel gym, he paid Wang Xinxin's most basic movements.

When he got the most basic moves, the rest of the things would be easy.

Seeing that the two had left, Zhou Dong sighed silently, while Luo Hun asked in confusion when he saw this.

"Captain, what's wrong with you, why are you sighing? What happened?"

When Zhou Dong heard Luo Hun's question, he answered.

"Nothing, it's just that I suddenly thought that Wang Xinxin is playing with the two of you now, how uncomfortable he is when you two are gone."

When Luo Hun heard this, he didn't know what to say, so he could only sit beside him silently.

Zhou Dong had nothing to say when he saw Luo Hun, and continued talking.

"By the way, how long did you take this holiday, wow, is there a time limit for you?"

Luo Hun shook his head and said.

"This holiday seems to be a small long holiday, and he didn't specify a time for us."

Zhou Dong was a little surprised. There is still time for this holiday, how could there be no specifics? Asked in surprise.

"Impossible. How could there be no time during this holiday? You didn't ask Hong Long what's going on there. What has he been up to lately?"

Luo Hun thought for a while before speaking.

"I also asked how long our vacation was, but his answer to me was to have fun outside, and we will be notified when something happens, so we can go back."

When Zhou Dong heard this, he didn't know what to say. This Red Dragon was a rather casual person who actually gave his subordinates such a long vacation.

It is estimated that it should have been busy recently, and other new organizations that are constantly being rectified, I hope he can succeed. In fact, Zhou Dong is not worried that the Tiangong organization will disappear.

After all, such a large organization, and it has been established for so long, how can it be eliminated by a new small organization?

Just ask a fool to think about this kind of thing, and he wouldn't think so.

Luo Hun is still more worried here, because he heard in the organization that the organization would be wiped out by other new organizations, so he was a little worried that he would be unemployed.

Asked Zhou Dong casually.

"Captain, do you think we will become vagrants? We have been in the organization for so long. The organization will not be wiped out by other organizations, right?"

Zhou Dong was stunned by Luo Hun's sudden question, how could he have such an idea, so he said with confidence.

"No, how can such a large organization disappear out of thin air? Besides, your old *** also has a few brushes, and he will leave the organization behind. Don't worry, it will not disappear. Yes, I put this sentence here."

Luo Hun was relieved a lot after hearing these words, because the person he believed most was Zhou Dong, and felt that what Zhou Dong said must be 100% correct.

Zhong Lingyu suddenly called Zhou Dong at noon the next day, and Zhou Dong saw some differences unclear what exactly this guy was going to do?

Suspiciously answered.

I saw Zhong Lingyu speaking without angrily.

"Where are you? Why did it take so long to answer the phone? Is it because you have a guilty conscience, and then you dare not answer my phone?"

Zhou Dong felt that this guy was so annoying. He rushed like this when he came up, and he could only answer helplessly as to how to return him.

"If you have something to say quickly, don't chirp here."

Zhong Lingyu saw Zhou Dong's tone not small, so he said.

"Okay, then I'll just say it straight. The experts from Kyoto have already arrived. Come here quickly."

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