Layman System

Chapter 1944: Extraordinary means

After saying this, Zhong Da directly hung up.

I patted the table angrily. I didn't understand how Zhong Lingyu did it. I haven't had this situation in so many auctions before.

Looking at the phone that hung up, Zhong Lingyu hadn't slowed down for a long time. He didn't expect that his father would have made such a big fire because of this incident. This was the first time she saw her when she grew up.

Now that all the questions were thrown to myself, I thought I would give my father a call. He would have a good solution, but he didn't expect to be stunned back after all.

But now there is no good way to solve it. What should I do? Finally, my father trusted himself to let himself engage in an auction, and finally encountered such a thing.

I really regret it. I didn't take the initiative to ask to do it when I knew that this auction was out of this stall.

When Wu Wuwu saw Zhong Lingyu hang up, the color on his face was not pretty. He guessed that Zhong Dad didn't give him a good face, and he didn't provide a good way.

Seeing him like this, he went forward and said comfortingly.

"Is there no good results? Leave this to me, I will surely let that kid shut up."

Zhong Lingyu really had no way, after all, the matter could not be solved by proper means now.

So the only solution that can be solved is to shut him up, but this shut-up is also for the poor. What if you don’t have a good sense of proportion?

Wu Wuwu still looked worried when he saw Zhong Lingyu. He didn't know what he was still worried about, so he could just leave it to him. So puzzled.

"What's the matter with you, I said that if you leave this to me, you don't have to worry about the other things, I will do this thing beautifully, don't worry, just wait for my good news ."

Zhong Lingyu was just wondering whether he would need money to buy him? But after thinking about it, I feel that this thing is not very realistic.

After all, Zhou Dong is a master who is not short of money. No matter how much money is placed in front of him, he will not be moved. What he wants is a statement.

Oh, this thing is really difficult. The only expectation now is to hand it over to Wu Wuwu, but I am afraid that he can't make sense, so he said.

"Don't make this matter too big. If it is too big, the strength like ours will not end well, and the impact on our family will be even greater."

Wu Wuwu had long had a bad impression of Zhou Dong, and if Zhong Lingyu hadn't stopped him just now, he would have already acted on him.

So this was confirmed by Zhong Lingyu, there was no problem, and he rubbed his hands and walked back to the meeting room while smiling.

Zhong Lingyu still didn't feel at ease in Wu Wuwu. After all, once this guy became impulsive, he wouldn't even think about the consequences.

So when necessary, he still needs to come out to stop him. Don't make the matter bigger, it's not easy to solve now, and I'm afraid it will be even harder to resolve the matter when it gets bigger.

When Zhou Dong saw that the two of them had returned, he asked.

"How about it, can you apologize?"

Zhong Lingyu answered with an awkward expression.

"No, the Zhong family still doesn't agree to apologize to you."

Zhou Dong said with a sneer after hearing this.

"It seems that the credibility of your family is not too bad, and you dare not go to the line when you say it. How can you establish the majesty in this antique shop! It seems that this matter still needs a long-term discussion, I need to investigate ."

I saw the embarrassment on Zhong Lingyu's face. This was not the result he wanted, and it was not something he could control.

He has no choice but to force him so.

Seeing that Zhong Lingyu started to pretend to be dumb again, Zhou Dong would give her a hint.

"It doesn’t matter whether you can apologize or not. I don’t know if your family’s fertility is still so good in the future. Will the auction site be able to sell such a high price? No one can change it. , These things are all your own thoughts and have nothing to do with me. Think about it."

Of course Zhong Lingyu could understand this sentence, knowing that Zhou Dong was saying that if he didn't apologize, he would not let it go, he must find face from this matter.

He turned his head helplessly to look at Wu Wuwu, not knowing what he could do, Wu Wuwu saw Zhong Lingyu's expression, and he immediately stepped forward and said.

"You are so arrogant here, are you afraid that you really can't get out of the meeting room?"

Zhou Dong had experienced strong winds and waves. Of course he knew what he said, but he couldn't stop him by relying on him.

Answer with a look of contempt.

"What's so scary about this? I'll just wait and see here."

Wu Wuwu didn't expect Zhou Dong to be so dragged, and suddenly became even more angry. This time he specified that he would not be able to escape and must teach him a lesson.

Wu Wuwu turned to look at the experts from Kyoto, and shouted.

"If you don't have anything to do, go quickly, and start your hands later, I am afraid you will be hurt by mistake."

The experts in Kyoto were suddenly panicked, and they didn't expect that they would actually do it.

They quickly got up and walked outside, looking reluctantly at Zhou Dong when they left. They didn't want to lose such a good talent.

But in order to save your life, go out quickly, don't stay there anymore.

Wu Wuwu saw that they and Zhou Dong were left in the house, so the next thing was much easier to solve, and he took out the phone and called someone up.

Then he smiled and said to Zhou Dong.

"I really can't go now."

Zhong Lingyu stepped forward with a worried look.

"If you want to go now, go quickly, don't stay here anymore, it will not end well for you."

After hearing this, Zhou Dong thought about what kind of people he had experienced. There are more people than them who are scaring him here, so he sneered.

"Since things have developed to the point where they are now, I don't plan to go anymore and see what kind of means you have to deal with."

Zhong Lingyu was a little helpless when he saw this scene. He didn't understand why this was. Isn't it just an apology? Didn’t you apologize to them just now? Why is he so upright?

Forget it, since you can't persuade him, then don't persuade him, and then go out and close the door.

In the next moment, the dozens of people Wu Wuwu called up also came up, Wu Wuwu suddenly became harder than before, and asked with a smirk.

"Well, now I'm scared, can you see our group of people seal your mouth?"

Zhou Dong smiled and turned to Han Bing and Luo Hun. He felt that this guy was too naive, so he wanted to take him down? Then he underestimated himself.

Han Bing and Luo Hun also smiled in agreement.

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