Layman System

Chapter 1946: Unsuccessful begging for mercy

Zhou Dong still didn't care after hearing it, and then asked again.

"Which leg and hand are you going to break?"

After listening to this, Wu Wuwu was dumbfounded, and looked at his subconsciously just now, already rolling on the ground and crying again and again.

He also understood that Zhou Dong was a different person, and he would do such a thing, so he immediately panicked, feeling that the same would happen in the next second.

On the contrary, Zhou Dong's attitude is quite ordinary, just like discussing what to eat, without much mood swings.

Wang Xinxin saw that Wu Wuwu was too pitiful, so she walked over and pulled Zhou Dong to a corner and said.

"Don't go too far in this matter. Look at what he did just now, you're almost scared of it."

Zhou Dong shook his head helplessly, explaining to Wang Xinxin in front of him.

"You think about it, if we haven't beaten them just now, then we're probably dead now."

When Wang Xinxin listened, he just remembered the thrilling scene just now, and felt that Zhou Dong said something reasonable, so he did not continue to persuade.

Zhou Dong saw that Wang Xinxin had figured it out, and he threatened Wu Wuwu when he went back.

Wu Wuwu was really scared, and said anxiously.

"Brother, do you think this will work, I will cooperate with you, I can give you as much as you want, as long as this matter is forgotten."

Zhou Dong definitely didn't like his money, and said indifferently.

"Do you think I am like a person who lacks money? What good is the money you gave me? Will he give me a lot of money?"

Wu Wuwu knew that this must be impossible, so he slowly dispelled the idea and begged for mercy.

"Big brother, I really know that I was wrong. You see that I am so young, and you know all of a sudden that I don't understand the things inside, so you can let me go. This time I promise you won't interfere with these things in the future."

As for this clock, Lingyu was worried about the things in the conference room, because it hasn't been out for so long, what is it doing in it?

She still knows a little bit about Wu Wuwu. She knows that this guy is vicious, but if this matter is killed, it will not end well.

He couldn't sit still anymore. He quickly set off to check the situation at the top of the stairs. He found that the upstairs was still very quiet, and he yelled badly in his heart. He wouldn't really kill him.

I quickly rushed up with a few security guards to check what was going on.

When I was halfway through, I suddenly remembered that when I came down just now, I saw that Wu Wuwu's subordinates were a large group of people, and these security guards might not be able to hold his subordinates.

Quickly turned around and said to the person next to him.

"If you are like this, go first and then call some security guards up. I'm afraid that the group of people who can't hold him up will be up for a while."

When the security guard heard it, he turned around and called, and soon a large group of security guards came up.

As soon as he opened the door, Zhong Lingyu was blinded on the spot. What happened? How did he see Wu Wuwu kneeling on the ground begging Zhou Dong for mercy.

When Wu Wuwu heard the sound of opening the door, he quickly turned his head to see who was coming, and at a glance he saw Zhong Lingyu, who was like a savior now, and quickly said to him.

"Lingyu, come and save me, I really can't stand it anymore, I really can't resist such torture!"

Zhou Dong looked at Zhong Lingyu's heart still without waves, because the ultimate goal was to make the Zhong family apologize. If there is no apology, then this matter will definitely not end.

Zhong Lingyu looked at it for a while, and then went to Zhou Dong and said.

"What are you doing, let him go to me quickly."

Zhou Dong said aggrieved after hearing it.

"No, you shouldn't say that about this. I am the one who was surrounded by them."

How could Zhong Lingyu not know whether Zhou Dong was a good seller after getting a bargain, but when he saw those people lying on the ground, he understood that the security guard he brought up was not Zhou Dong's opponent at all.

In desperation, I can only persuade each other.

"You don't want to continue this matter. If you provoke my father, you won't have any good fruits. Now we can solve it and we will solve it quickly. Don't continue the trouble, can you? If someone hurts someone, we will not pursue you."

On the contrary, Zhou Dong was strange. It was obvious that they rushed up to besiege themselves, how did they hurt themselves, and immediately questioned.

"What you said is still wrong. I told you just now that they rushed to beat me first. Even if you call the police, they will do it first. This is called legitimate defense, understand?"

Zhong Lingyu didn't know what to say for a while, so he could only look at Zhou Dong in embarrassment. Zhou Dong saw that he had already taken care of it, so let's continue talking.

"Also I have told you clearly just now that if your family does not apologize to me, this matter will definitely not be settled. Our bet was like this at the beginning, why not fulfill it?"

Zhong Lingyu continued to be helpless. He also told his father about this matter, and his father had to solve it by himself, and he did not apologize at all.

Moreover, my father had made it clear that he would not come to apologize, let alone make jokes about the reputation of the Zhong family, so if you want to apologize, I am afraid it is impossible.

Keep talking.

"I just called my father and he has clearly told me that he will not block the honor of my entire family because of this."

Zhou Dong laughed, feeling that this was the most ridiculous sentence I heard in recent times, and then said helplessly.

"Since your family can't do it, why did you agree to me in the first place? Are you so confident in your people? You too underestimate me. Since you can't apologize, so good, this guy’s hands and feet, I can't guarantee which one will still be there."

Wu Wuwu was even more frightened when he heard this, because this sentence has been said here more than once or twice.

So he felt that Zhou Dong must be able to do it, and he quickly asked Zhong Lingyu to say.

"Please, Lingyu, I don’t want my feet and hands to be missing, you go home quickly, please, people in your family, let them apologize, I really beg you, I don’t It's a way."

When Zhong Lingyu saw Zhou Dong really had this plan, he hesitated for a while.

But Wu Wuwu has really helped the Zhong family a lot in the past few years. Whenever there is an auction, he will definitely be there. People who are busy here are like not knowing that they are tired.

If he watched Wu Wuwu confess his half-life here, then he would not bear it, and he would be a particularly good friend, how could he bear it? Now Zhong Lingyu's brain is too flustered.

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