Layman System

Chapter 1948: Admire

Patriarch Zhong and Patriarch Wu still have a pretty good relationship on weekdays. It can be said that they are brothers and sisters. Now that this matter has reached this stage, the two of them don't want to see.

When the Patriarch Zhong saw that Patriarch Wu had begged him like this, he softened his heart and agreed. This was the first time he saw the Patriarch of the Wu family put down the air, and he had never begged anyone.

This shows the seriousness of this incident.

Although it was the Zhong family who agreed this time, it doesn't mean that everyone else in the Zhong family has also agreed. This point must be explained to the Wu family.

"Brother Wu, although I agreed to you, it doesn't mean that everyone in the Zhong family agreed. So I will call to see if the other side can agree. If I agree, I will apologize to him."

Patriarch Wu can't control that much, anyway, as long as he can promise to apologize to his son, there is hope of salvation, so he nodded and agreed.

When the owner of the Zhong family saw it, he took out his cell phone and called Zhou Dong.

Zhou Dong was shocked by the sudden ringing of the phone. He didn't expect the Wu family to be quite powerful. He was able to move the Zhong family. He held the phone and swayed in front of Wu Wuwu.

"Your family's face is pretty big. It's not long after you finished hanging up the phone. The Zhong family has already called. It seems that you agree to apologize."

Don't mention how happy Wu Wuwu is now, anyway, as long as he can apologize, it's a good thing to have his life to live.

Directly converted a form, said cheerfully.

"That is inevitable. My uncle Zhong is still facing me. After all, this time it was my dad. He didn't give me face, so why should he give my dad face."

Zhou Dong felt that this kid was too early to be happy. He might not say anything on the other end of the phone. What if it was the last thing? This is hopeless.

But these things did not tell Wu Wuwu, let him be so happy first, answer the phone and listen to what it is.

Zhou Dong continued on the phone.

"Why have you already thought about apologizing to me."

The Patriarch Zhong family felt a little helpless when he heard this tone, but he didn't expect this guy to speak so hard, and his expression instantly changed three hundred and sixty degrees.

The Patriarch of the Wu family had been staring at the side and found that Brother Zhong's expression was not right, and he quickly patted him to show that his anger can be reduced. After all, his son is still in the hands of others, and he regrets what happened.

When Patriarch Zhong saw Patriarch Wu’s actions, he understood, and tried to keep his fire pressure to the lowest level, and said to the phone.

"Can I apologize to you on behalf of the Zhong family?"

At this moment, Luo Hun also spoke suddenly.

"The team has been late for a long time. If the stalemate continues, it might be against us."

Hearing these words, Zhou Dong seriously thought about what the Patriarch of the Zhong family had said. He felt that he could stand up and apologize, which was already a big concession to this matter.

So he answered while nodding.

"Okay, since you want to represent your Zhong family, it's okay, but I have one condition. You hold a press conference. Then you will explain the whole process clearly in front of the reporter. Other people in the province will misunderstand then. ."

The Patriarch of the Zhong family hesitated when he heard this, because if a press conference were to be held, there would be a lot of outside comments that would directly approach the reputation of the Zhong family, and it would not be easy to clean up by then.

But as soon as he saw the pleading expression on his side, the Wu Family Patriarch, after all, agreed to the matter.

Zhou Dong was quite satisfied with this reply, and finally found face in this matter.

The system also reminded Zhou Dong that he had completed the task and obtained a lot of popular points.

Zhou Dong’s reputation last year at the reception directly established his position in the antiques world. Now no one who plays antiques does not know Zhou Dong’s name.

I feel that his courage is commendable, he can directly face the strength of the Zhong family to challenge, and face such a prestigious position of the Zhong family without any concessions.

The Zhong family, who directly questioned their inner thoughts, forced the Zhong family to open this press conference.

Afterwards, Zhou Dong quickly returned to Dong'an with a few people around him. After all, because of this farce, the auction had ended early, so it would be meaningless to stay there.

Since there is nothing wrong, just come back quickly.

Those old friends of Ouyang Xiangcheng already admire Zhou Dong, after all, they thought Zhou Dong would be dealt with by the Zong family.

Unexpectedly, Zhou Dong would solve the Zhong family directly. This was completely beyond their expectation. Facing such an authoritative big family, Zhou Dong showed no signs of acknowledging.

It shows his confidence in his ability to identify antiques.

Ouyang Xiangcheng's old friend was forced to take Zhou Dong to see Ouyang Xiangcheng when he got out of the car. He had to tell him about this deed. It's really a pity that he didn't go.

When Ouyang Xiangcheng saw a lot of people, he came to his villa with hoopla, a little strange, why did the auction end so soon?

Looking at everyone with a puzzled look.

"No, I remember you used to stay there for ten and a half days when you went to the auction. Why did it end so soon this time?"

Ouyang Xiangcheng's old friend happily explained.

"It's not thanks to your little brother. Without him, I'm afraid we would not be able to come back at this time when we were still in Nan'an."

Zhou Dong was a little embarrassed by these old friends, and silently lowered his head.

Ouyang Xiangcheng was a little strange, and continued to ask curiously.

"Ah, what's the matter? Tell me what happened. I haven't heard anything at home."

Those old friends could just see Old Man Ouyang look excited, and he told the whole process of the matter.

When Ouyang Xiangcheng learned of Zhou Dong's visit this time, he immediately made him famous. He was also admired by the five-body cast, feeling that Zhou Dong had nothing he would not do.

Walked beside him silently and asked,

"I'm really curious about what you can't do? I feel that you are proficient in everything. You are a god."

Zhou Dong was a little exaggerated about this compliment, so he waved his hand and said.

"There are no gods or gods, I'm just more talented in this aspect, and no matter how talented things are, if I don't even have a little achievement, it won't work."

Because of this incident, several old friends of Ouyang Xiangcheng's impression of Zhou Dong suddenly improved.

I feel that this little guy is really amazing. It really is what Old Man Ouyang said, there is nothing he can't do.

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