Layman System

Chapter 1983: Find Fengyun Base

Zhou Dong said confidently.

"Okay, Brother Dong, since this matter has been settled, when shall we leave? When are you going to find out the location of the other party."

Zhou Dong smiled and pointed to the phone, and said casually.

"Okay, since everyone can't wait, wait until I make a call and when I can communicate with my friend, we are ready to go. What do you think?"

When everyone heard this, of course they would agree, and immediately nodded and pointed in the direction of the door to answer.

"Okay, there is no problem, then you go quickly, and you must bring us the best news in a while."

While smiling, Zhou Dong went out and entered the system as soon as he walked out. He accurately determined the position of the Fengyun team. He did not find that the Fengyun team was so close.

It only takes two hours to drive, which is too fast, so Zhou Dong walked back with excitement. As soon as he entered the door, he saw all the players looking at him in unison.

Zhou Dong found these eyes and said with a smile on his face

"Tell you good news. Team Fengyun is very close to us. It only takes two hours to drive, so we can get there today."

When everyone heard this, they were immediately astonished. They didn't expect this Fengyun team to be in the same city with them.

That's just right, so everyone answered excitedly.

"If this is the case, let's hurry up. I can't wait now. The picture in my mind is always thinking about the next scene of their team."

Zhou Dong did the same, and drove all the team members to the Fengyun team base.

Zhong Shiqi and Eric are sitting in the car. They always look worried. Do you feel a little impulsive about what you are doing this time?

What if this matter is not under effective control and is directly caused by a special disturbance? There will be no way to collect it.

That will directly affect all subsequent games, this kind of thing may be the last thing you want to see happen.

Moreover, the efforts they have made in recent times are really extraordinary. If all their efforts are wasted because of such a thing, what will everyone's mood be like?

I really dare not imagine the result of this kind of thing.

At this moment, Zhou Dong suddenly received a call from Bai Xiaosheng.

"Brother Dong, we have received the latest news recently. Are you interested in hearing it?"

Zhou Dong felt that what Bai Xiaosheng was talking about was nonsense. If there is news, he must be heard, and he answered without any hesitation.

"Of course you have to listen to news, aren't you all nonsense? Tell me what news you've got."

After listening to Bai Xiaosheng, he also expressed the meaning of his sentence.

"Brother Dong, you may still not understand the rules of our industry. The news we provide is charged separately. When do you think you can give us the commission for this news?"

Zhou Dong finally understood the meaning of the sentence he just said. It turned out to be so, so he answered straightforwardly.

"You can rest assured on this point. I will definitely not treat you badly. After I confirm this news, I will definitely give you the commission, and there will be no less."

Bai Xiaosheng was relieved after hearing this. After all, Zhou Dong was a man with a good face, and it was impossible for me to play my own name because of such a small sum of money.

Those who agreed, told the news.

"Recently, Team Fengyun is engaged in action again. He has united several teams and guilds, and is ready to give you another hard blow. I don't know if this news will help you, anyway, it is currently the case."

When Zhou Dong listened, the color on his face instantly became a lot darker, and he felt that this was too bullying. If we continue to do it, then let's mix with him.

Then nodded.

"Okay, I have understood this matter, and then I will call you the commission in a while, and then we will confirm the authenticity of this matter."

After hearing this, Bai Xiaosheng hung up the phone silently, quietly waiting for Zhou Dong's commission.

As soon as everyone present heard the latest news, they immediately looked over curiously, wondering what the result would be.

Zhou Dong saw that everyone had already seen it, so why not talk to them.

"Well, now that things have developed to this point, then I will tell you the latest news that I have received. The Wind and Cloud Team is still colluding with other guilds and is ready to give us another blow. Say we can bear it?"

When everyone heard the news, they became furious on the spot. They really deceived people too much. If they don't teach them harsh lessons, they might be able to shake the sky.

Everyone expressed their opinions.

"No, Brother Dong, we can't bear it anymore. They bullied others and got home. Do you think we are all soft persimmons, so there is no way to take them, then we will teach him a lesson, we must let them Know our strength."

This is what Zhou Dong wants to hear most, because the team is the most powerful.

Zhou Dong saw that everyone had agreed to this idea, so hurry up, and soon he had arrived at the base of Team Fengyun.

At this time, the members of Team Fengyun were training, and the only people who were free were two security guards.

Zhou Dong stood there silently, watching them just these few people, it is not easy to break in and teach them, and it is still the kind that cannot reveal their identity.

Zhou Dong thought about it seriously, and silently turned his head to look at them. Seeing Zhou Dong's expression, all the team members also understood what he was thinking, and said one after another.

"Brother Dong, we all know what you are thinking, just say it, and we just need to execute it."

Zhou Dong nodded and answered.

"Okay, since everyone asked me to say it, then I said that I broke into their headquarters and left it to me, and I can also deal with the two security guards very quickly, and the big guy will follow me inside. Rush."

Everyone thought it would be a good plan, but didn't expect it to be so casual, it would be too simple.

I couldn't believe what I heard, Zhou Dong saw the expressions on their faces, and knew that they should not feel at ease about this, so he comforted.

"Okay, you don't need to be so nervous, just follow me for a while, this matter is not as complicated as you think, I used to do this kind of thing often."

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