Layman System

Chapter 1985: The most adequate preparation

Zhong Shiqi instantly felt that the man in front of him was fascinated, and he could actually calculate these things. Zhou Dong saw his scenes and continued talking.

"Don't worry, it's not that there is no one here. In five minutes, many people will appear here."

Everyone looked dumbfounded after listening, and didn't understand what his plan was. After all, no one was there now.

Didn't they come to teach the Fengyun team? This person doesn't know where he is going, how can he teach it?

Wang Chanchan said something anxiously.

"Brother Dong, aren't we here to teach their team members? Neither of us teaches anyone. Are we here to teach the air?"

Zhou Dong understood that each of them was anxious, and said silently.

"Don't worry, don't worry about it."

Everyone still didn't understand, what kind of medicine was sold in Zhou Dong's gourd, how did it feel mysterious?

Zhou Dong didn't want to explain so much to them, so he said directly.

"Okay, you don't need to know too much, just follow me."

After hearing these words, everyone nodded. After all, they didn't know what their thinking was. The only thing they could do was to follow Zhou Dong and not cause him trouble.

Zhou Dong saw that they had followed, and then he took them to the electrical control room.

The people who entered the electrical control room were even more confused. They didn't understand what they were going to do. They didn't know anything about this.

But in the whole person, except for two people, these two people are Hanbing and Luohun. When the Tiangong was organized, these two people often went in and out of this place with Zhou Dong.

So I immediately understood Zhou Dong's plan and knew what he was going to do next!

Zhou Dong glanced at the entire loop of the control room, feeling that he had never seen it before, and he didn't expect that there would be such things in their base.

In order not to waste time, I had to retreat to the second line and said to Hanbing.

"I can't figure out their control loop, but you should come. After all, you are much more professional than me in this aspect."

After hearing this, Han Bing nodded and walked forward with Luo Hun and began to mutter. Eric on the side became curious again when he saw this scene. He didn't know what Zhou Dong was planning to do, so he walked over and asked.

"Brother Dong, what are you planning to do?"

When Zhou Dong heard Eric's question, he smiled inexplicably and answered triumphantly.

"I call it a way of ruling the person."

After Zhou Dong said these words, Han Bing and Luo Hun basically finished the circuit, looking back at Zhou Dong, waiting for the next order.

Zhou Dong understood at a glance what Han Bing was doing. He nodded in agreement at the time. Han Bing received the information without ambiguity, and directly pressed the button.

The entire Fengyun team's base was out of power on the spot.

In an instant, the whole place became pitch black, only the signs of a few safety exits were on.

Everyone also understood Zhou Dong's plan one after another, knowing that he was going to use the power outage to change the whole situation, and then he was caught off guard by Team Fengyun.

Eric also understood what Zhou Dong meant. It turned out to be using the blackout to disrupt the progress of their training.

But he also felt that this method was not a long-term solution. After all, the entire base was out of power, and they would immediately send people to repair it. When the repair was completed, they would still follow normal training.

So I feel that Zhou Dong's approach is not particularly ruthless.

Moreover, this incident is nothing compared to the own team, and the impact is not huge.

Eric Nono said his thoughts.

"Brother Dong, I feel that your approach is still not ruthless enough. After all, they found that there will be people who will repair them after the power outage. When the repair is done, they will continue to train. The impact on them is not particularly large."

Zhou Dong sneered, feeling that Eric took himself too lightly. If the whole thing was so simple, he wouldn't have taken so much trouble to bring so many people here.

Eric didn't understand Zhou Dong's smile and looked at him suspiciously. Seeing that the kid hadn't understood yet, Zhou Dong explained patiently.

"If you think about it, if things just ended in such a simple way, can the bad breath in our hearts be resolved? I won't let these people go so easily, I will have my next plan, let's talk about it. I'm so hard to bring you in, don't you know?"

Han Bing also spoke on the side.

"You child is so naive."

Eric didn't know what to say for a while, and stood there silently, thinking hard about what would happen next.

Zhou Dong saw that this group of people was too kind in their hearts, and he thought it was a distressing one, so he must lead by example today and tell this group of kind people that there are not so many good things in the world.

Then he took out the baseball bat he had prepared from behind, and said with great momentum.

"Okay, things have developed to this level, and I won't be merciful anymore, and go to their training room with me to see what these people are capable of."

Everyone also took out baseball bats one after another. The reason they had weapons in their hands was because Zhou Dong had told them when they were in the car, and they had a baseball bat in there.

In fact, this baseball bat was not bought for war, because they usually play games and need a little exercise, so they bought these baseball bags, but they did not expect to play his role at this time.

Seeing this scene, Zhong Shiqi felt nervous in his heart. After all, he had never done this kind of thing before. How could it end in case of a big trouble?

With a worried look, he walked to Zhou Dong and asked.

"Brother Dong, I feel that this matter should stop here. Don't make too much trouble. We can't store it at that time, but what should be done."

Zhou Dong didn't expect Zhong Shiqi to be still nervous, so he patted his shoulder and said comfortingly.

"Don't worry, I have already anticipated this matter, and there will be no problems, and you also know how I am. It is impossible to tolerate this kind of thing, so today I let it go."

Zhong Shiqi was a little scared when he heard that word. After all, he couldn't do things like beating, hesitated to answer.

"Brother Dong, think about it carefully. If we rush in and hit people indiscriminately, we will break the law. When someone catches us, we will not delay the schedule of the game."

Zhou Dong laughed, feeling Zhong Shiqi was too interesting, from which ear did he hear that he asked him to hit someone?

Helplessly explained.

"I didn't tell you to let you hit someone. You go in and hit me directly on his computer. If they don't have a computer, can you still train? Today is to disgust them and let them try to be uncomfortable by others. a feeling of."

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