Layman System

Chapter 2001: Bring back Wang Xinxin

So he has a very good impression of the Tiangong organization.

I don't want to break the fate between them because of such a small thing.

He turned his head to look at Liu Yunyu and said.

"While I'm doing things, can you be a little quieter, don't hinder me here, if there's nothing wrong, just go up and play."

Liu Yunyu couldn't believe his ears. Isn't his father angry because he was wronged? Why are you still facing outsiders? I wonder if he is his biological father now.

After thinking about it, there was no good way. After all, the father had already let go. If he continued to stay there, it would only make his father more angry.

At that time, there will be no good fruits of my own, so I left here more witty.

During this time, Wang Xinxin had been following the three of them and observed carefully, and felt that the matter was very simple.

It is not as dangerous as they say, and now it seems that nothing will happen if you follow them.

Unexpectedly, someone would come to assassinate Liu Yunyu's father the next day. Zhou Dong also used his own crooked brains, and deliberately failed to protect her in order to let Wang Xinxin retreat from difficulties.

But Luo Hun didn't think much about it. After all, he couldn't watch the girl he liked getting hurt, so he blocked Wang Xinxin with his body at that time.

When Wang Xinxin saw Luo Hun protecting herself, she admired him even more in her heart. I feel that he is the prince charming in my mind.

It was also because of such a small thing that Luo Hun was slightly injured.

Wang Xinxin saw that Luo Hun was injured, and instantly became painful. She didn't expect that Luo Hun would be at a loss for a while because of her injury.

Seeing Zhou Dong's helpless look, Luo Hun immediately understood what he meant, and took the opportunity to persuade Wang Xinxin to go back first, otherwise, the lives of both of them would be on this mission.

Wang Xinxin no longer thinks so much in her mind now. All her thoughts are that as long as she gets better, she can do whatever she wants.

Nodded on the spot.

"Yes, there is no problem. As long as you get better, I can do anything. I will do whatever you say."

Zhou Dong heard it and quickly stepped forward and said to Wang Xinxin.

"That sentence just now, but you said, don't let me go wrong afterwards."

Wang Xinxin looked at Zhou Dong anxiously and said.

"Yes, I said, as long as it makes him better, whatever I do is worth it."

Zhou Dong saw that Wang Xinxin didn't lie to himself, so he started to help Luohun heal his minor injuries.

Zhou Dong saw that Luo Hun was okay, so he looked up and said to Wang Xinxin.

"Okay, he basically has no problems. The thing you promised me just now must be done, and you can't go wrong."

Wang Xinxin didn't have time to care about this now. She immediately stepped forward to check the wound that Luo Hun had just now, and found that there was really no problem, she stood up slowly, watched Zhou Dong nod and agreed.

This time the **** mission was completed successfully, only that time someone came to assassinate, and the rest of the road was quite safe.

Zhou Dong saw that the task had been completed, and the rest was to do ideological work for Wang Xinxin.

"Okay, these things are basically completed, let us go back quickly, don't forget, what you promised me is that you do what I say."

Wang Xinxin has always been a trustworthy person. As soon as he heard this, of course there was no problem, so he nodded and agreed on the spot, and left here with Zhou Dong.

But before leaving, Zhou Dong still didn't hold back, and asked Han Bing them.

"When will you officially leave the organization?"

Han Bing smiled, shook his head and said.

"I don't mean to leave, I am still planning to take care of the elderly in the organization!"

Zhou Dong turned his head to look at Luo Hun after listening to the cold ice, and found that this kid suddenly lost his energy. I am afraid it is because of Wang Xinxin, so he is now in a dilemma.

Stepped forward and patted him on the shoulder.

"Well, look at your expression, I know what you are thinking, and when you are ready to leave, I will find him quickly, but don't let him down."

Luo Hun looked at Wang Xinxin's place after hearing it, and saw that a look of affection appeared in an instant. Wang Xinxin was the same. I really don't know how these two people attracted each other.

It is estimated that there is something in it that they don't know.

Zhou Dong thought about it seriously, and felt that he shouldn't bother them anymore. After all, they are going to have a long-distance relationship soon. Leave them more space for themselves and don't take it up.

Zhou Dong took Han Bing and walked silently to the side and said.

"You have to think about it. If you are inside the organization, you have to be careful. There will always be dangers."

Han Bing nodded and said clearly.

"Okay Captain, I'm not a fool. I will notice something. Don't worry. Anyway, this is still my home. How can anyone not want home?"

Zhou Dong knew Han Bing's feelings for the Tiangong organization, so he didn't say anything bad too much, and finally said simply.

"If there is no problem, you can do what you want. If it doesn't work, you will come to me. My door is always open for you."

Hanbing knew that Zhou Dong was doing this for his own good, so he nodded and said with joy.

"Don't worry, Captain, I will definitely remember. If I can't get along one day, I will definitely find you. I will never disappoint you."

Zhou Dong nodded and glanced at the time. He felt that it should be almost time, and he should hurry and leave.

He walked directly to the side of Wang Xinxin and Luo Hun and said.

"Okay, I have given you enough time, let's go quickly, I guess everyone else is waiting in a hurry."

Although Wang Xinxin had some reluctances, she had to leave when the time came. After all, this was a good thing promised.

I can't help but say credit, and I left here with Zhou Dong silently.

Soon the two of them had already returned to the villa. Everyone had been waiting at the door early, and when they saw Zhou Dong coming back, they hurried forward and asked.

"Brother Dong, you have finally come back. We are waiting here every day, so we can't see the figure, so we can rest assured when we come back. Xinxin, where have you been, you can't find it anymore."

Wang Xinxin became embarrassed for a while, and she didn't know how to answer them, but the group still didn't see it, and they still kept asking.

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