Layman System

Chapter 2006: Mysterious person

The big guys are not particularly surprised by Zhou Dong's performance in the semifinals, because they know Zhou Dong's strength and can easily win the game.

When Zhou Dong walked off the arena, he inadvertently saw that all the spectators were surprised at his appearance. Maybe they never thought that the Gale Team would have such a strong player.

And such a sudden appearance would definitely surprise them.

Eric went to the side of Zhou Dong and said.

"Brother Dong, I told you a long time ago that you don't need you to come to this game. We can win the victory very easily. You can see if you have to come, you are not going to fight the opponent."

Zhou Dong looked at Eric with disgust and said.

"Are you really stupid or fake? I have never played such an important game before. How do you know the process? This semi-final is just because I want to know how the process is, and of course I will know that you will get it. Victory."

Eric now realized that Zou Dong had such a thought and said with a smile on his face.

"So you think so, I thought what was going on, what is there to understand? With your strength, you can just play casually in this kind of competition."

Zhou Dong really wanted to beat him. Why didn't he understand. Although he was very strong, if he made a mistake during the game, it would be fatal.

Helplessly continue.

"You kid, I really don't know how to say you face such a powerful enemy, don't you know to be careful? Okay, don't say so much, I also have my ideas."

Eric closed his mouth more interestingly after listening.

As soon as Zhou Dong finished this game, Team Gao Yue had already noticed him. In their memory, Team Gale didn't seem to have this person.

How could you suddenly play a game on the field? This is not in compliance with the rules. Thinking of this, I immediately went to the chief referee to report Zhou Dong.

But as soon as he got to the referee, he learned that Zhou Dong had been on their team and was on the bench. Since that was the case, there was no way.

I had no choice but to return to the lounge to discuss how to face such a talented person.

At this time, Feng Aoxiang was also constantly watching the video of this game. All his eyes were on Zhou Dong, and he wanted to know what strength this guy was.

After watching for a long time, I didn’t find any valuable information, because Zhou Dong was like a supporting role in this game, constantly assisting his teammates.

This is a bit of a headache for him. How to deal with such a hidden person, and his strength has not been revealed, and he can't think of a good way to deal with him.

When he thought of this, the corners of his mouth rose silently, speaking to the team manager.

"I know what the situation is, they have already understood my strength, so they are particularly afraid of temporary replacement."

Seeing Feng Aoxiang's situation, the team manager quickly said to him.

"Don't be too rash. Since they can adjust the players at this critical moment, it means that they have already thought about it, and they are thinking very clearly."

Feng Aoxiang also believed in his own strength in particular, and answered in the negative on the spot.

"What's so scary about this. He is just a trash man. He didn't dare to show his strength in the semifinals. I am afraid that we are afraid of us. Don't worry, I will definitely show them the color when the time comes. "

Faced with his current situation, the team manager was very unoptimistic, and continued helplessly.

"I am the team manager. Faced with this kind of thing, I have the right to tell you not to think like this. Some wrong decisions will cause problems throughout the game. I don't want us to have any problems at this time."

Feng Aoxiang saw that the expression of the team manager was already serious, and he began to pay attention to the seriousness of this matter, and said silently.

"Well, if this is the case, let's quickly investigate his strength. After all, he didn't show it in the semifinals. I also took a look at the video just now and found that this guy has been assisting his teammates."

The team manager also agreed, because he had been watching the entire semi-finals before, and his eyes were all on Zhou Dong.

I thought he was going to go all out, but he didn’t expect that he was playing on the court and didn’t take it seriously. This is what he worried about. What if he is a dark horse? There is no way.

Therefore, in the face of what Feng Aoxiang said just now, he would respond with such harsh words.

The team manager started investigating Zhou Dong with all his contacts, but after investigating, he did not get any valuable information.

It feels like Zhou Dong is a mysterious person. There is no news of him in this world.

This makes the Gaoyue team have some headaches, what should we do?

Moreover, it seemed that the Gale Team had never appeared before Zhou Dong, and Feng Aoxiang had some doubts about this.

What should I do? Now the contacts of the team manager can no longer find any valuable information, and all the sustenance is placed on Feng Aoxiang.

Because they knew that Feng Aoxiang was a member of a mysterious organization before, so his contacts are also very good. For this kind of checking of a person, it is definitely not a problem.

The team manager said to the wind soaring.

"We can't find any results here. See if you can find some acquaintances to investigate this person's background."

Feng Aoxiang thought for a while, and felt that there was no problem with this matter, so he happily agreed.

"Okay, no problem, then I will call my friends and tell them about my situation here. Ask them to help me check the background of this person, I don't believe that this person has any news No."

After Feng Aoxiang said these words, he went to call his former teammate.

However, the news returned by his teammates turned out to be that all Zhou Dong's information was confidential. Feng Aoxiang couldn't believe it and questioned his teammates on the spot.

"Impossible, it is absolutely impossible. How can there be someone with such confidential information in this world? And for us, isn’t his information just knowing how we want to know it? How could it be? A secret?"

His teammates were also very helpless about the news, shaking their heads.

"What you said is not wrong, but this is what I understand. This guy has no information published, and I have nothing to do."

After speaking, he hung up the phone.

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