Layman System

Chapter 2009: Blatant temptation

Feng Aoxiang smiled and shook his head.

"I am like this, and I don't like to talk round and round, so what I will say next will be more direct. I don't know if you can accept it."

Zhou Dong began to have some curiosity about Feng Aoxiang, and he felt that this guy was quite funny. If that is the case, let him have a good time with him, nodding his head.

"Then our two personalities are quite similar. I don't like to be circumspect, just say it, what is it."

Feng Aoxiang nodded after hearing that this was exactly what he was expecting.

"I have been paying attention to you silently, and I feel that your game is still quite good. I want to have a 1v1 match with you. Do you dare?"

Zhou Dong immediately understood after hearing this, this guy came to feel his own bottom, and he said it was quite righteous and awe-inspiring, it was really funny, and he shook his head and replied.

"Unfortunately, I have been so tired recently, because it is about to play, so most of my energy is devoted to his training games, so there is no time to solo with you."

Feng Aoxiang originally thought Zhou Dong would immediately agree, but he didn't expect to say such a sentence to himself. How could this be good?

Said with a surprised look.

"What's the matter, just have a game with me, you must not think that I am malicious, this time I just want to have a friendship solo, after all, everyone is in the same zone and make a friend."

Zhou Dong felt that this guy's city mansion was quite deep, and he wanted to test himself by such means. It was really fun, so he shook his head and continued to refuse.

"I think it's better, because I just finished the training match, so my body is too tired, I don't have much energy to solo with you."

Feng Aoxiang was quite patient, and as soon as he heard this, he said quickly.

"It's okay, since this is the case, then I will wait for you to rest, and then we two will have another solo game. I have time to accompany you."

After speaking, he sat down in the rest area of ​​the Gale Team. Zhou Dong was a little confused when he saw him like this. He didn't expect that he would suddenly say such a word to himself.

Looking at him helplessly, she said to Ouyang Mingli next to her.

"You said I just now, should you promise him a solo match with him?"

When Ouyang Mingli heard this, of course she disagreed, and immediately shook her head to explain.

"Don't promise him to play such a game with him. This guy is our rival. This time solo is probably going to find out about your strength. If you agree to him, you will probably be fooled."

Zhou Dong laughed. Ouyang Mingli saw this thing so clearly, didn't he know Feng Aoxiang? Said helplessly.

"Look, you see this thing very clearly, doesn't he know? I have never seen such a brazen person, forget it, don't care about him, let him stay here, let's go back to training room."

Does Ouyang Mingli feel that there is something wrong with what he said? The tone is also very strange, but I didn't think of anything wrong.

I had to follow Zhou Dong to the training room. In the middle of the time I suddenly realized that this was Zhou Dong belittling himself, so he quickly stretched out his hand and took his arm.

Zhou Dong was suddenly pulled like this, a little confused, somehow, he looked back at Ouyang Mingli with a puzzled look.

When Ouyang Mingli saw that Zhou Dong had already turned her head to look at herself, she said quickly.

"I said, what was your sentence just now so strange? I didn't expect to belittle me so much, okay? How can I say that I am also the responsible president of Ouyang Group. I can't see this thing anymore, it would be too stupid. Right."

Hearing this, Zhou Dong laughed. He thought she hadn't doubted this. Who knew she suddenly reacted when she walked halfway. This reaction ability was too slow, she said helplessly.

"When I finished talking at the beginning, I thought you would refute me. I didn't expect you to walk so long to say that your reaction ability is too bad."

Ouyang Mingli pouted her lips and said.

"My reaction ability is slow. It's not because I believe in you so much, so I feel that what you say is not malicious. Who knows that you are so bad, and you secretly devalue me."

Zhou Dong turned his head and headed straight to the training room with a smug look. Ouyang Mingli smiled inexplicably while looking at the back, feeling that this man was so funny, and she became more and more excited.

But of course Zhou Dong would not know these things, and then he walked over.

As soon as Zhou Dong went back, he saw everyone training seriously and didn't disturb them. He sat quietly in his place, turned on the computer, and logged in to his account.

When Zhou Dong’s account suddenly logged in, all of my teammates showed up. Eric only knew that Zhou Dong was back, and quickly looked up to Zhou Dong’s position.

Seeing Zhou Dong sitting there, he said immediately.

"Brother Dong, why don't you even notice anything when you come back? What's the matter? Who is looking for you, what's the matter?"

Zhou Dong looked up at Eric and said.

"It's not an important person either. Feng Aoxiang is here and he said he is going to have a solo match with me. This guy is quite a routine. Isn't this an obvious test of my strength? I just look at it. I will never agree to him when he comes out."

Everyone was surprised when they heard it, how could this guy find here? And even saying this blatantly, it really makes people wonder.

Asked Zhou Dong one after another.

"Then Dong Brother, you rejected him, did he leave? I really want to know what this guy looks like?"

Zhou Dong saw that the big guys were very curious, so he said quietly.

"I haven't left yet. I said that I was really tired from training, so I didn't promise him and come to solo with him. Who knew this guy was waiting for me, and when I rested, he will play this game with me. , Now waiting for me in the rest area."

Everyone felt that Feng Aoxiang was too brazen when he heard this, and everyone had already rejected him so clearly.

What he can do here is really impressive!

Eric also heard this guy's deeds, and he felt that this guy was indeed shameless, so good, he went to clean up, he stood up and said to Zhou Dong.

"This guy is quite brazen. He dares to wait for you here. Brother Dong will leave it to me. I'll go out and clean him up now and let him know how good we are."

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