Layman System

Chapter 2020: Talent training

If this is the case, he should be threatened a bit, and then he will tell the truth to himself, so he looked up at Eric and said.

"You guy's mouth is still so hard, I already know it, don't you tell me, are you? If you hide it from me, then I will really be angry, and I will have your delicious fruit. "

Of course Eric knew what Zhou Dong's temper was. When he heard that there was some panic here, he looked at Zhou Dong with a missed look, and started talking in embarrassment.

"Yes, before he took the initiative to find me and said that he was going to have a confrontation between men with me. Of course, I agreed to the confrontation between men when I heard it. Maybe my brain was too hot to believe. Someone else."

Zhou Dong laughed when he heard the men show off, patted his shoulder and said,

"You are too pediatric, right? The confrontation between men is just a laugh."

Eric also expressed some helplessness to Zhou Dong's expression. He didn't just go straight up then. After all, a man's face is very important. If he doesn't prove it, the person on the other side thinks he is afraid.

But I never expected Feng Aoxiang to be so powerful! The game was taken away in two hits.

Eric suddenly became a little lonely, and said with his head down.

"Brother Dong, I know what you think. If you want him to replace me, then you can tell me straight. There is no need to circumscribe here. After all, this is an era of winners. I am always Acceptable, I plan to leave here tonight to make room for him."

Zhou Dong was a little surprised when he heard it. He didn't know what Eric was talking about. How weird he was. When did he say to let Feng Aoxiang replace him?

This guy's association ability is quite good, but now is not the time to explain these, so he patted Eric on the shoulder and said.

"Okay, let's not think about these things for the time being. I'll take you to supper. During supper, I will tell you some stories."

Eric was a little curious. He didn't know what the story Zhou Dong was telling. He looked at him suspiciously.

Zhou Dong said when he saw a mysterious look.

"Well, let's not think about this now. Wait a while, when we get to the midnight snack place, I will tell you the truth."

Eric nodded when he heard this, and followed Zhou Dong directly to the place for supper.

Zhou Dong simply ordered a few things he often ate, and then he spoke to Eric.

"Do you know what I did before?"

Eric was a little confused, not knowing what he meant by these words, shook his head dumbly, and answered silently.

"Where do I know what you did before? Did you start a company? I think your temperament is definitely not an ordinary person."

Eric smiled and shook his head to explain.

"Actually, you are right to think so. After all, my wife is here, so it's normal, but I did things in the Tiangong organization before."

After hearing this, Eric was a little confused, wondering what this organization was asking strangely.

"Brother Dong, what is the organization you are talking about? Why have I never heard of it before? What does he mainly do?"

Zhou Dong nodded and answered with a smile.

"In fact, this organization usually serves the wealthy people, helping them deliver things to protect and so on. The most frightening thing is that there is a department in this organization called a special department, and the people in it have their own unique skills. They are all very powerful."

Eric understood now, and slowly nodded, and continued to watch Zhou Dong curiously and wanted to listen. Zhou Dong continued talking when he saw it.

"Then the people in these organizations are also talented in playing games, just like I have a lot of talent."

Eric seemed to have guessed what Zhou Dong was going to express at this time, and was the first to speak.

"Brother Dong, do you mean by saying that Feng Aoxiang and you are an organization?"

Zhou Dong felt that Eric's head was still turning relatively fast, he only needed to say half of the words, he could guess the next step, and nodded, indicating that this was indeed the case.

Eric saw it and sighed.

"No wonder this guy's operation is so smooth, every skill can be accurately calculated, it is really amazing, I originally thought that I could defeat the so-called talent as long as I worked hard enough, it seems that I was whimsical."

Zhou Dong didn't want to disrupt Eric's mood during this time period, so he said comfortingly.

"You must not have such thoughts! I can see your efforts. I know that you will find ways to exercise tactics every day. These things are your attitude towards the game. I am especially relieved. Don't worry, you have With such a sincere attitude, the game will reward you a lot. Trust me, this will be achieved."

Eric knew that Zhou Dong was just comforting himself, and he shook his head and talked with disappointment.

"Okay, Brother Dong, you don't need to comfort me anymore. I know these things are something I can't accomplish. Ye understands that these things are something I can't do. Compared with people with extraordinary talents like you, we seem Too trivial."

Zhou Dong stared and said.

"You can't think things are so difficult. Your efforts are rewarded. Trust me. I usually play games and study tactics. Otherwise, it's absolutely impossible to rely on my own talent."

Eric felt a little bit more comfortable when he heard this, and the two of them went back to the villa after eating supper like this.

This time I saw Feng Aoxiang alone who was training his skills hard, and his expression was particularly true.

You can see his attitude towards the game, Zhou Dong slowly stopped and said to Eric.

"Let's see if it's what I said. Although they have talents and tricks, they are still training hard. This is a person's attitude towards the game, understand?"

Eric looked in the direction Zhou Dong was pointing, and as expected, Feng Aoxiang was training hard, and his expression was particularly serious.

In fact, Zhou Dong learned that Feng Aoxiang was very serious about games when he was chatting occasionally. He would sit in front of the computer for 12 hours every day.

And all these 12 hours have been in this state of concentration. Whether it is winning or losing the game, his attitude is always that serious.

This attitude is very worthy of every member of Zhou Dong's learning. Although there is no talented way, the hard work will eventually pay off.

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