Layman System

Chapter 2022: Retiring

The two of them didn't know how to answer for a while, and felt a trace of embarrassment, and they looked at each other and gathered together.

Zhou Dong fell to one side and looked at the embarrassment of the two of them at this time. It felt quite interesting. It made Eric so crazy with himself in the car just now. Now someone will come and clean him up.

In fact, Feng Aoxiang was particularly embarrassed at this time. Faced with these boring questions from reporters, he could only answer them after serious consideration.

After all, if you say a little wrong, a lot of material will be exposed, and it is absolutely impossible to end the scene, so you must think about it before saying it.

But after thinking about it, I feel that there should be no problem, and I haven't done anything here, so let's be honest.

"I'm really sorry, I don't have any right to answer your question now, because I have retired and I am just an ordinary spectator."

The reporter was a little confused, and didn't know what was going on. There was no news of his retirement from the above, so he asked without understanding.

"What's the situation? We haven't heard about your retirement. When did you retire?"

It just so happened that after asking this question, the new captain of Team Gao Yue came over, looked at Feng Aoxiang and smiled.

"I know you will come again, how about it, are you going to play today, or come to see us play the game?"

As soon as the reporter heard this, he turned to look at the new captain and asked.

"Are you the new captain of the Gaoyue team?"

Because of the outstanding performance of Team Gaoyue, they were accustomed to the questions asked by reporters, and turned and nodded. The reporter immediately asked when he caught the opportunity.

"Just now I heard him say that he has retired, is it like this? We haven't got any official news here. I hope you can confirm it to us."

When the new captain heard that this was the case, he smiled on the spot and shook his head to explain.

"No, the situation is not like this. We have not handed in his application for retirement, so he can still play with us now."

At the same time Zhou Dong also heard the news, and was stunned for a while, feeling that this matter had become a little complicated, and the next step was to look at Feng Aoxiang's thoughts.

If he is moved by their new captain, the Gale Team has no hope of winning the championship this time.

At the same time, these reporters felt that the news was too hot. If a piece of news could be compiled, it would probably attract a lot of attention.

So all the brains gathered around and watched Feng Aoxiang speak to him.

"Why do you want to retire? It feels like your team is the dark horse to win this championship, and you have also revealed your strength before. You have 100% hope of winning this championship. Don't you think it is a pity?"

Feng Aoxiang didn't know how to explain this for a while, only some helplessly turned his head and looked at Zhou Dong.

This group of reporters also caught this, and after seeing this scene, they followed Feng Aoxiang's eyes and looked over, only to find a man in a suit and leather shoes sitting there.

But this person is just a team manager in their eyes, without any curiosity.

At this moment, the organizers of the competition really couldn't stand it anymore.

After all, the Gale Team and the Gaoyue Team are the two teams in this finals. The members of the team are mixed up like this, and they really don't take their organizers into consideration.

Several security personnel were dispatched on the spot and came up to speak to them.

"The members of the two teams, please take care of your legs and don't just go back and forth randomly, this will affect many things."

Seeing that this matter was getting more and more complicated, Zhou Dong hurriedly stepped forward and explained it to the security personnel. When the security personnel saw that there was finally a reasonable person to speak.

He gradually put the matter down, and finally left with a mouthful.

Seeing that the security personnel had left, Zhou Dong was about to have a good talk with the new captain of the Gaoyue team, and turned his head to look at the new captain.

"You are the new captain of your team. I hope this will end here. Don't embarrass him. You have to force him to play. If people want to play, you don't need to do it at all, so you still Just do it for yourself and go back to the game."

When the new captain heard Zhou Dong's breath, he answered with a proud face.

"Don't tell me these useless things here. It's not your turn for an outsider to interfere in the affairs of our team. I hope you can leave as soon as possible and stop being nosy."

Zhou Dong sneered, then continued.

"It’s not that I’m not just taking care of things, because there is an agreement between us, so no matter what you say, he will still not play. Get out of here and don’t let the official notice you again, otherwise you will Suspended."

After hearing these words, the new captain was anxious on the spot, with some angrily responses on his expression.

"You guy is so bad. The reason why he retired is because if you didn't have you, he would definitely not quit the game, but these have nothing to do with him. He must participate in the game this time. Otherwise he betrayed our team."

When Feng Aoxiang saw them, the two had been arguing and immediately explained.

"Okay, you guys don't want to talk about it. This time I retired from the competition entirely by my own thoughts, and has nothing to do with others."

The new captain has been outraged, and I feel that the whole thing is because Zhou Dong would not have had so many problems without him.

And they have now taken home the championship trophy and yelled.

"What kind of thing are you? You are here for five and six drinks with me. I will understand it with you today. There is no place for you to talk to. If you are more acquainted, just get out of here.

The other members of the Gaoyue team saw that the captain did not know what was wrong, and they scolded others, and quickly stepped forward to check the situation, and found that it was with Zhou Dong.

Now Zhou Dong is the public enemy of their team, so they have all joined in this scolding battle.

Eric suddenly saw Zhou Dong being scolded, but he was not allowed. After all, their Dong brother could not be scolded by others, so he took everyone to Zhou Dong's side.

As soon as he passed by, he stood in front of Zhou Dong, blocked the group of Gao Yue team, and began to scold them.

In an instant the whole scene became particularly chaotic.

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