Layman System

Chapter 2024: Headlines

When Zhou Dong saw Feng Aoxiang, he didn't know why. He stood there and did nothing. In order to prevent him from being hurt again, he quickly stretched out his hand and left with the Gale Team.

Zhou Dong also fully understood now that even if Feng Aoxiang returned to the Gaoyue team, all the subjects would be blinded, and if the captain of the Gaoyue team did that thing just now, it is estimated that he would go in and squat for a few days.

The next is the most difficult time for the Gaoyue team, because without a captain, they are like a group of dragons without a leader, and they will become particularly chaotic.

Feng Aoxiang's mood at this time had reached its lowest point, and the gangster followed Zhou Dong and others back to the villa stiffly.

But I didn't say a word when I went back, just sitting there quietly playing with the phone.

Eric saw such a depressed Feng Soaring, and he didn’t know how to comfort him. He was really afraid of walking over. If he said something wrong, he would sprinkle a handful of salt on his wound at that time. Up.

At the same time, Zhou Dong looked at him helplessly and understood his inner thoughts. If he waited for him to come back, it would take a long time.

Eric stood there again for a while, really couldn't stand it anymore, and wanted to walk over to talk, but Zhou **ran took Eric's hand and said to him.

"I advise you not to go there anymore. His mood is too low now. In case you make a mistake in one sentence in the past, it will make things worse!"

It really makes sense for Eric to hear this. It's exactly the same as what he had just thought, so I don't want to go there. After all, I sometimes speak improperly.

But seeing her so uncomfortable, there are some unbearable, after all, their relationship is so good, if you don't care about him, is it too unsympathetic?

After thinking for a long time, I came up with a better way, and walked directly to my room.

Zhou Dong saw that Eric didn't know what was going on, and suddenly walked to the room with some confusion. He didn't expect that after a while, Eric took out the wine and walked out.

After taking this out, he walked directly to Feng Aoxiang and said awe-inspiringly in front of him.

"Okay, don't be uncomfortable here alone. Drink with me. No, I'll drink with you."

Feng Aoxiang really wanted to drink at this time, so he left here to drink with Eric.

Zhou Dong is a little curious about Eric's approach. When did he store so much wine in his room?

At this time, Ouyang Mingli suddenly walked in front of Zhou Dong. Zhou Dong had some doubts and looked up at him strangely.

Ouyang Mingli didn't say anything, but directly handed Zhou Dong the tablet in his hand, and let him see it by himself.

Zhou Dong took Ping'er and found out that his Gale Team and Gaoyue Team had already made headlines, and there were photos of himself who went up with them.

Zhou Dong felt helpless in an instant. He didn't want to be famous, so he had set himself on this. Who are these people?

It seemed that his next phone call would be blown up. As expected, Zhou Dong's phone rang as soon as the thought was over.

This call was made by Li Li, because he saw the content on the headline and found that Zhou Dong's arm was injured and he was too worried, so he called and asked.

Zhou **ran was a little surprised when he saw that the call was from Li Li. This was really a surprise to him! Slowly answered.

Who knew the answering call, Li Li's worried voice came from the other end.

"What happened to you? Why did you still hurt your arm? Is there a problem?"

Zhou Dong made a bold guess just now, feeling that Li Li was worried because he saw the injured arm on the photo, so he called and asked about it.

Zhou Dong had to patiently explain to her.

"You don't have to worry too much about this arm being injured before. It's not because of this incident. I have gone to the hospital for treatment, so there is basically no problem now. It is estimated that the wound will heal in a few days."

Li Li really knew Zhou Dong too well. Even if this man killed him, he would not tell the truth, so he said half-believingly.

"Okay, I already know everything. What are you pretending to be here? Just tell me the truth. How did this arm get so thick? You must have suffered a particularly serious injury. "

Zhou Dong also really admired Li Li's eyes, and he could even see how severe the injuries he had suffered. Since this was the case, he couldn't just make excuses and could only tell the truth.

So Zhou Dong took a lot of effort to convince Li Li what she said.

Although things are almost done now, Li Li's heart is still too worried, afraid that he will be hurt by other things if he is not here.

Speaking directly.

"After doing this, I probably understand it. No matter what, I must get to you tonight. You can prepare it for me."

Of course, Zhou Dong was unwilling to hear this, because the journey was relatively long and such a pain would make him particularly tired, so he quickly refused.

"Forget it, the two of us are so far apart, you're so hard-working to go back and forth, don't worry, I have nothing to do, I will take care of myself, wait for your holiday, how about you come here again? ?"

Li Li couldn't manage so much now, because he was too worried about Zhou Dong in his heart, so he was very resolute. Zhou Dong had no choice but to agree.

Ouyang Mingli stood aside and listened to Zhou Dong's call. For a moment, she couldn't believe it. In addition, he was even more bewildered when he learned that Li Li was coming, and he didn't know what to do.

After a series of psychological struggles, he decided to pick him up at the airport with Zhou Dong.

Soon the plane Li Li picked up had already landed, and Zhou Dong was also waiting at the door early. As soon as Li Li came out, he found it.

But when he looked over, he found that Li Li looked tired, Zhou Dong said with some worry.

"I already told you not to come. Look at how tired you are now. You said you are so far away from me. What are you doing here? It's a lot of tossing people back and forth."

Li Li replied with her lips curled.

"This distance is nothing to me. It's almost enough for me to sleep. Let me see how your arm can suffer such a serious injury. You stubbornly talked to me on the phone, I can Don't you come to have a look?"

Zhou Dong was unhappy when he heard it on the spot, so he emphasized that.

"It's okay, if you don't believe me, I'll give you a punch."

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