Layman System

Chapter 2030: Back to the last century

But for the smooth progress of my plan, I still answered.

"I promise the head office. If there is another next time, you will kill me as soon as you see me. How do you make me remember?"

Li Li only saw Zhou Dong listen to her words this time, so she nodded.

"Okay, this is what you said. If there is another time, then I will be really rude. You also know my skill. Don't call me pain when you come."

An arrogant expression appeared directly on Zhou Dong's face, and he answered unconvinced.

"If you think about it this way, I'm a little underestimated. How can I say it's an old man doing a little bit of harm, and it's okay to take it. If I dare to call you hurt, how about coming over for another meal?"

Suddenly, Li Li looked at Zhou Dong with surprise, and said with a smile.

"Then you are going to have two meals, and I will definitely call you plainly then."

Zhou Dong waved his hand and replied.

"Then you can rest assured, I will never let you succeed. After all, I'm still relatively smart, and I won't have to hit your eye-catching."

Li Li smiled and went back to the room. Since the packed luggage decided to leave, he should go back as soon as possible, because things in the school have been kept for a long time, and it will take a while to go back.

Just like this, Zhou Dong sent Li Li away. As soon as he sent Li Li away, Zhou Dong immediately started his preparations.

Finally all the preparations were prepared, and Zhou Dong started to set off, but it was also in the 1960s, and it was still in a particularly poor era.

Zhou Dong thought for a while, and felt like he would go hungry? In order to avoid starvation in the past, Zhou Dong can only bring some dry food that does not take up space.

These things were almost ready, Zhou Dong quickly entered the system to let the system see if he had enough prepared here.

The system glanced at Zhou Dong with these things. They were all information tools of this age. At that time, there were no such things, so they said.

"Your preparations are too rich, right? Are you going to take all these things with you? I don't think so, because you will affect the change of history. We have regulations here and cannot change history."

Zhou Dong became frustrated on the spot. If you don't have these things, what can you rely on? So I asked this system strangely.

"Sister System, I have already paid a lot. At that time, in the poor years, you see that I brought so much dry food. If you don't bring these things, don't you want me to die there?"

The system has no way to deal with these things. After all, regulations are regulations and cannot be changed by one person. A serious answer.

"This is our rule. If you can't do it, we can't transfer you to that era. Anyway, you should consider these things yourself. If you want to transfer that era, you can't bring these."

Hearing this, Zhou Dong remembered the matter between himself and Li Li in an instant, and said quickly.

"Okay, just follow what you said, I won't take these things with me, so it can help me to transfer to which era."

After the system listened to this, it felt almost the same. After all, if I violated the rules, I would receive a particularly severe punishment.

That night Zhou Dong sent it to him through the system to the 1960s.

Because the transmission process was really upside-down, it caused Zhou Dong to come out without a firm footing, and a dog gnawed away.

When Zhou Dong raised his head again, he found Li Li in a white skirt, and the scene was instantly embarrassing.

Li Li's strange words followed.

"I won't fall in love with you, you should leave quickly, and listen to me for the sake of your life. If you don't leave again, you will be seen by my brother and father, and you will definitely be beaten. Stopped."

After hearing this, Zhou Dong was stunned. What was the situation? He didn't do anything, why suddenly he said such a sentence.

Before he could answer, he saw a few men in suits and leather shoes running towards him with clubs in their hands.

When Zhou Dong saw this scene, he quickly looked into his hands and found that he was now unarmed! At that time, he gave up the idea of ​​confronting them, and ran away straight away.

The people in suits and leather shoes saw Zhou Dong had run away, so they stopped chasing after him. They stopped to look at Li Li and comforted him.

"Nothing happened? Didn't it scare you just now? That person is like that. If you meet him again, you will send us news and see how we can clean up him. Don't be afraid."

At this moment, Li Li nodded and said with a good manner.

"Okay, don't worry, I will tell you as soon as I meet them in the future, you don't need to be so nervous, don't you think there is nothing wrong with me now?"

Several people in suits and leather shoes nodded and checked again before taking Li Li back home.

At this time, Zhou Dong had already ran out for a long time. He didn't know his physical strength, so he looked back and found that the men in suits and shoes were not chasing him.

Then he stopped slowly and took a sigh of relief. He still didn't understand this matter. How could he be chased and beaten when he came out? What is the situation?

With these incomprehensions, he entered the system and asked.

"System, what's the situation? How come I was chased and beaten when I first came here, I have never seen this kind of plot."

The system answered helplessly after listening.

"Your current identity is Zhou Dong from your previous life, and you are their enemy, so instead of chasing you, you are chasing me."

Zhou Dong is speechless. What is this all about? Why didn’t I tell myself before? I only knew it at this time. Forget it, now I don’t think about these issues. I have to figure out what the identities of those celebrities are. Then he could ask.

"Okay, you should tell me before that I was chased so suddenly, what if someone accidentally killed me? I won't have a chance to return to the present century. "

The system continued to express helplessness towards Zhou Dong's words and said blankly.

"You didn't ask me this. If you ask me, I will tell you at that time. Okay, then I will tell you now. The few people just now are Li Li's father and brother, they They are all engaged in business and art, and there is some money in the family. You are now a poor peasant."

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