Layman System

Chapter 2033: Desperate gambler

When Zhang Hunzi saw that Zhou Xixi was about to leave, his expression immediately became courageous and said directly to him.

"Brother Zhou, don't you think there are loan sharks over there? We will have money after receiving the loan shark, and your father's illness can be cured."

After hearing this, Zhou Xixi's eyes lit up and felt that this was indeed an opportunity. He was excited at that time and hurriedly walked to the usury.

He loaned usury without saying a word. Zhou Dong felt that this person was so stupid. Everyone was playing with him, and he thought it was kind to him. He was speechless.

And what made Zhou Dong most strange was that this guy didn't even ask what the loan shark was when he borrowed money.

He did it like this, can he pay it back? I am really worried about what happened after him!

Zhou Xixi planned to go out with the money in his hand. After all, his father was still lying on the hospital bed and needed some medicine to maintain it.

This man Zhang is really heinous. Seeing that the money is enough to buy the medicine, he can still bet two, so he continued to encourage Zhou Xixi.

"Brother Zhou, we can't just leave like this, don't you see if you still have some money in your hand? You don't necessarily have to get all the previous money back with these few hands. What do you think? My uncle? Illness is nothing more."

Zhou Xixi felt that it made sense to hear this. After all, the luck just now was really not so good. Now it is estimated that luck should come back.

So he followed Zhang Hunzi's suggestion and returned to the table to start the gambler's journey.

Watching this scene, Zhou Dong really wanted to rush to pull him off the gaming table, but he couldn't do it because the system had stipulated him before.

This time there was no accident. In the end, Zhou Xixi lost all his money in half an hour, sitting there with a look of helplessness at a loss.

Of course Zhang Hunzi would not let go of this opportunity, and immediately said after seeing this.

"Brother Zhou, I think you have been lucky these few times. It's just a little bit of negligence. Let's borrow a little more. This time we can guarantee to win it back."

Zhou Dong heard these words too, he was so annoyed that he really wanted to tear off this scumbag in the past, how could he do this? It's quite impressive that a person can do this.

Zhou Dong is really anxious now, but there is no way at all, because he is now an invisible person and no one can see him.

If he rushed forward to stop him in this way, others would definitely find something was wrong, and if something else happened later, it would become unclear.

So there is nothing I can do about this matter. At this moment, the system suddenly reminded Zhou Dong.

"Zhou Xixi's father is already in trouble."

As soon as Zhou Dong heard this, he felt a little serious. He glanced at Zhou Xixi helplessly, still sitting at the gaming table, and simply stopped worrying about his stall.

Go directly to Zhou Xixi’s home to see his father Zhou Jin Guo.

When Zhou Dong came to Zhou Xixi's home, he saw that Zhou Jinguo was about to cough up his lungs while lying in bed. He felt that the disease was quite serious.

Zhou Jin Guo also discovered Zhou Dong at this time and asked at that time.

"How about it, did you borrow money, did you buy medicine or not, if you don't come back, I'm afraid I will have died on this bed."

Zhou Dong suddenly became confused, how did he know what medicine is not? Standing stupidly, not knowing what to answer, Zhou Jinguo became anxious when he saw the scene in front of him. He was dying, so why was he standing there stupidly?

Said angrily.

"What the **** are you doing? I'm your dad. Your dad is going to die. He's still standing there stupidly. Tell me if you can buy the medicine. If you buy it, get it back to me as soon as I feel. I have to cough out my lungs."

When Zhou Dong saw this, he had to step forward and use the system's perspective function to check Zhou Jinguo. From this look, Zhou Jinguo's lung problems could be seen instantly.

And it is still very serious. If you don't get treatment in time, I am afraid you will die in a short time. Zhou Dong can't see this kind of scene.

I hurriedly went to the system store to redeem a medicine for this treatment. When Zhou Dong took it out and placed it in front of Zhou Jin Guo, Zhou Jin Guo was still a little weird. How come I have never seen such a medicine? Asked suspiciously.

"Where did you buy the medicine? Why have I never seen these things?"

Zhou Dong didn't know how to answer for a while, so he looked at Zhou Jinguo dumbfounded.

Zhou Jinguo also found something wrong with Zhou Dong and asked strangely.

"What's wrong with you? Why did you suddenly go out like a different person? Tell me quickly, where did you buy the medicine, don't mess up and give it to me. The disease is already serious enough. What should I do if I eat it again?"

Zhou Dong regained his senses after listening.

"This medicine was left here by a western doctor, so I can buy it, and the western doctor said that the effect is very good. Father, please take it quickly. You see you have a bad cough."

Zhou Jinguo was indeed uncomfortable and some couldn't stand it anymore. Hearing this, he immediately took the medicine and ate it.

Zhou Dong also wanted to understand at this time, after all, it is the 1960s, where will modern drugs appear?

So Zhou Jin Guo suspected that he was relatively normal. After all, he knew what his son was like. There is no way.

Soon, the drug worked in Zhou Jinguo's body.

Zhou Dong stood on the side wanting to know the result with a curious look. I didn't expect Zhou Jinguo to sit up by himself at this time, looking at Zhou Dong and saying.

"Son, the medicine you bought is really good. It didn't take long for me to take it, and I felt like I had changed my lungs. I didn't feel uncomfortable instantly and stopped coughing."

Facing the old father of the last century, Zhou Dong didn't know how to answer, and said with an awkward smile.

"At first, I didn't believe it. I thought that western doctor lied to me. Now it seems that I didn't lie to me. As long as you are not uncomfortable, it is better than anything."

Just as this sentence was just finished, the system suddenly reminded Zhou Dong that it was Zhou Dong who had completed the temporary task to earn points.

When Zhou Dong saw this reminder, he was a little dazed. He didn't do anything. How could he suddenly complete the task, so he quickly entered the system and checked it.

It turns out that it is a task that will not be reminded in the system task bar. No wonder I see 99+ messages every time I enter the system. This is the case.

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