Layman System

Chapter 2037: Mishandling

Zhou Xixi didn't know how to answer for a while, and looked at his old father with embarrassment.

As soon as Zhou Jinguo saw Zhou Xixi's expression, he was even more sure of the origin of the money, and added.

"Son. If you do something you shouldn't do, it is still too late to go back and surrender."

Zhou Xixi heard this. It was a bit terrible and immediately retorted.

"What I can do is shameless. I earned all the money. Don't worry, I won't be like that. I will buy you 200 yuan for a snack. I will still use the rest."

After talking about it, Zhou Xi conveniently threw down two hundred yuan, but he went out to find Li Li.

These scenes were all watched by Zhou Dong, and some were speechless. It felt like this guy didn't know what to do every day, and he always thought about it.

I had no choice but to follow, for fear that he would cause unnecessary trouble.

Zhou Xixi was madly chased by Li Li's elder brothers as soon as he passed by, and they were all swearing.

"What do you pauper think? Just relying on your identity to chase my sister, you can rest assured that this is absolutely impossible, even if my sister does not marry in this life, she will not marry you."

Zhou Dong hid in the corner and watched the scene in front of him silently. Now he was sweating for Zhou Xixi. Everyone already understood what he said so clearly, wouldn't he understand?

If you don't have this kind of ability, why bother to come to this beach?

The next week Xixi made this move that no one had expected. He directly took out his remaining thousands of dollars and threw it in front of Li Li's brothers.

And the mouth also echoed.

"Have you seen it? This is the money I make. I will definitely be able to do it in the future. I can rest assured that I will marry your sister."

After all, Li Li also had some money in his house, and he didn't care about the thousands of dollars there, shaking his head and looking disgusted.

Li Li also walked out at this time, seeing Zhou Xixi he was very helpless, and said with a look of disgust.

"I have told you how many times, don't come again, if you continue here, I'm afraid my father will kill you, you should leave quickly."

Faced with such words, Zhou Xixi has not known how many times he has listened to it, so naturally he didn't take it seriously, shaking his head.

"I won't leave. I am chasing for my love. How could I give up on you? Looking at Li Li, I have made a lot of money now. I will definitely realize my dream of marrying you."

As soon as this sentence was finished, Li Li's father ran out with a kitchen knife just as Li Li said, watching Zhou Xixi speak angrily.

"Do you still want your face? I have told you so many times. Don't come to Li Li again. Li Li will never marry you in this life. If you don't want to die, just get out of me. It's hampering our lives here."

Zhou Xixi certainly wouldn't listen to Li Li's father, shaking his head.

"Uncle Li, you can marry me your girl. You see I have the ability to make money now. I am not the one I used to be. If you say you don't marry him to me, who else are you going to marry? I With such an outstanding person in front of you, why not think about it?"

Li Li's father was almost mad at him. He picked up a kitchen knife and pointed at him with trembling hands.

"I just told her not to marry, and I won't let her marry you. What kind of toad are you. You still want to eat swan meat. You will die in this life."

When Zhou Xixi saw that he still didn't care, he waved his hand and continued.

"Don't worry, no one will marry your daughter. I will marry him, and I can promise to treat him well. Why are you such an old fellow so hard-hearted? Such a good son-in-law is placed in front of you, You do not want."

Li Li's father was really going to die of anger, so he directly raised his kitchen knife and prepared to rush to Zhou Xixi to cut him.

Now Zhou Xixi thinks that he has a peerless martial arts body, so he doesn't care at all, standing there calmly, waiting until Li Li's father approaches.

He directly raised his hand and returned it.

Unexpectedly, it was because one of his not paying attention directly cut Li Li's father's aorta. At that time, the blood came out like a fountain.

Everyone present had seen such a scene, and became panicked.

Zhou Dong, who was hiding in the corner, was also stunned. He didn't expect that the hatred that the system said would come so quickly that he didn't even react.

At this time, Li Li's father was already unable to return to heaven, and fell heavily to the ground without any reaction.

Li Li's brothers were stupid when they saw this scene. They didn't expect Zhou Xixi to fight back. In their impression, Zhou Xixi was the timid person, how could he dare?

But now is not the time to consider these issues. Their father is no longer good, and everyone is blushing on the spot, raising their clubs and preparing to kill Zhou Xixi.

Zhou Xixi didn't expect that because he was so careless, he killed Li Li's father directly, and saw Li Li's brothers quickly explain this way.

"I'm really sorry, I didn't mean it, you don't want to beat me to see what is going on, now is not the time to think about it."

Zhou Dong's answer to Zhou Xixi was completely speechless. You have already made other people's father like this. Are they still in a good mood to talk to you here?

Are you kidding me?

Sure enough, Li Li's brothers shook their heads and said directly.

"You still have the face to say this to us now. Look at what my father is doing by you. If I kill your father, will you feel comfortable? You deserve to die like this. You see me today I won't kill you."

After saying this, his brothers set off to continue chasing Zhou Xixi.

When Zhou Dong saw this, he had to stand up because he couldn't just watch this matter continue to deteriorate.

So he hurriedly entered the system store, exchanged for a hemostatic patch, and rushed to Li Li's father in a stride, and directly stuck the hemostatic patch on his aorta.

I hope this thing can help him and prevent him from bleeding too much. The moment the hemostatic sticker was put on, Li Li's father's blood really stopped.

Zhou Dong felt a little bit emotional about the things in the system store. Every thing is really genuine and has enough uses.

At this time, the doctor from the hospital had already arrived, and Li Li's father quickly picked up the ambulance and was taken to the hospital.

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