Layman System

Chapter 2041: Lessons Zhang Hunzi

Zhou Jinguo continued helplessly replied.

"You little bastard, you still have a conscience. Okay, your dad's age is too old, and they won't act against someone who is older. You go quickly and leave me alone, if you don't leave again. , I will die for you to see."

After hearing this, Zhou Xixi became at a loss, and finally reluctantly agreed and left here with his luggage.

Li Li's brothers were also educated. If Zhou Xixi had not been pestering their sister too much these years, they would not use violence.

This time, because of their father's affairs, I was really overwhelmed. I must teach Zhou Xixi a good lesson, otherwise he still thinks he is quite powerful!

But bullying an old man, they still can't do such a thing.

Seeing that Zhou Xixi had already ran far away and couldn't catch up, I had to give up this matter.

When Zhou Dong saw that Zhou Jin Guo had nothing to do, he followed Zhou Xixi. Zhou Xixi was still hesitant to go home and take a look. After all, Li Li's brothers had something in their hands.

What if they really beat their father, who is also an old man.

But the old man who drove the donkey cart had already started urging, so there was no choice but to continue on his way.

By chance, I came to the bun shop next to him at this time. Zhou Xixi quickly got off the car and asked the boss to bring a message to Zhou Jinguo.

"Boss, I can trouble you one thing. You can bring me flowers for my dad."

Because Zhou Xixi usually got along well with this group of neighbors, he nodded and agreed.

Zhou Xixi immediately started talking when he saw it.

"Just tell me, don't worry about me, I will definitely take care of myself when I go out, and when I make a lot of money, I will lend him to enjoy the blessing."

After saying this, Zhou Xixi got on the donkey cart and left.

Zhou Dong looked at Zhou Xixi's back, and some worried about his safety along the way, so he went directly to the system and asked.

"Will it be life-threatening if the West leaves this time?"

The system answered.

"There will be no danger to life. After all, this guy is like Xiaoqiang who can't be killed. It doesn't matter, but there will still be minor tribulations along the way. After all, this is the norm in life."

After listening to Zhou Dong, he can understand it. After all, this kind of thing is normal in life. People like himself will have some troubles.

Not to mention a person like him, so he left the system with confidence and continued to look at Zhou Xixi's back until he couldn't see it before he returned to Zhou's house with confidence.

Zhou Dong had found that Li Li's elder brothers were almost gone, so they walked in through the front door in a stride.

The moment Zhou Jinguo saw Zhou Dong, he was mad in his heart. Didn't he tell him to leave? Why was he disobedient? Why did he come back?

Anxiously walked over and talked to him.

"Didn't I tell you to leave quickly? Why are you back again? What are you doing back? After a while, Li Li's brothers are here, and you can't run away anymore."

Zhou Dong understood Zhou Jinguo's mood and answered with a relaxed look.

"Don't worry, I know it in my heart. After all, this time it was something that I caused, and I must solve it by myself. After others have solved it for me, I feel uncomfortable inside."

Seeing that Zhou Jin Guo couldn't persuade Zhou Dong, he could only help him stay. After so long toss, his stomach was a little hungry.

Zhou Jinguo went to cook some potatoes for Zhou Dong to cushion his stomach.

When he finished eating, Zhou Jin Guo suddenly spoke.

"Sell the golden lock first. After all, we are sorry for them, so we need to provide them with sufficient medical expenses."

Zhou Dong was stunned. There was no golden lock here. The golden lock was on Song Xixi's body, but Zhou Dong couldn't expose himself, so he could only think of other ways.

In desperation, he had to go to the casino again.

On the way to the casino, Zhang Hunzi suddenly appeared. The sudden appearance of Zhang Hunzi directly shocked Zhou Dong. Why did he think something suddenly popped out?

Zhang Hunzi quickly followed along when he saw it.

"Oh, Brother Zhou, how come I suddenly became timid through yesterday's day. I never saw you so scared when I say hello to you like this."

Zhou Dong was helpless. He usually greeted Zhou Xixi like this, wherever he greeted himself, he was not mentally prepared at all. He suddenly jumped out, not shocking himself, but also shocked him!

Zhou Dong paused for a while and said silently.

"Are you squatting here for a long time, let's talk about it, what can I do?"

Zhang Hunzi said with a grin.

"Actually, there is nothing else, but I want to know how you did it yesterday and what you won?"

Zhou Dong has never cut things like money gambling, and his perspective is not for this kind of crooked road, but he decided to teach Zhang Xunzi well.

I feel that this guy is really disgusting, he can do anything bad, and he doesn't know if his heart is red or black.

If I let myself guess, I guess it would have sucked. After thinking about this, I glanced at Zhang Hunzi and found that he still had an expression of expectation.

Said to him with a smirk.

"I told you, you must not go out and tell me about it. This is my secret magic weapon. I think the relationship between the two of us is good, so I told you alone, you know?"

When Zhang Hunzi saw Zhou Dong's secrets, he immediately nodded and answered.

"Brother Zhou, you and I are not the character who just met me, you also understand, and the relationship between the two of us is so strong, how can I go out and make trouble, you can tell me what you did. It can be 100% suppressed."

Zhou Dong saw that Zhang Hunzi had already taken the bait, so he would play with him, and he answered.

"Actually, I recently met with expert advice, and then I can hear the numbers on the dice."

As soon as Hunzi Zhang heard these words, he became excited on the spot, and he kept getting close to Zhou Dong, and he kept emphasizing.

"Brother Zhou, are you still going to the casino today? You take me to play two games. Recently, my brother's luck has not been very good, so I have been losing money. I hope you can take me to win two games. All the losers get back."

Zhou Dong laughed tonight. As expected, this guy was playing his own little abacus, so he looked at Zhang Hunzi with an embarrassed expression.

"Brother, it's not that I don't want to play with you, but this thing is too adventurous, you know what I mean."

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