Layman System

Chapter 2051: Become rich

When Zhou Dong learned that Zhou Jin Guo had nothing to do, he finally let go, and said with a smile on his face.

"Nothing is fine. I was worried that they would hurt you just now. I didn't expect them to do two things. I, like those who secretly learn, are quite useful."

Zhou Dong said this to protect himself, not to let others know his life experience.

Zhou Jinguo looked at Zhou Dong dubiously and said nothing.

Now the main story is going to be right. Zhou Weiran felt that this businessman was really shameless. He did not expect to use this method, which is really disgusting.

Since he was already shameless, there was no need to leave him anything. After all, he was a person who couldn't stand his anger, so he couldn't continue to drag him like this.

So I hid my mushrooms and went straight to chase the old dog. At this time, the old dog was limping, so it didn't take long to catch up.

When the old dog saw Zhou Yanran appearing in front of him, some became scared, and said at a loss.

"What are you going to do this time? I didn't do anything. You must not do anything to me."

When Zhou Dong saw the old dog like this, he looked at him with a smirk and said.

"You guy is kind of extreme. You were pretty awesome in front of me just now. Don't be afraid, and compete with us again."

The old dog naturally knew the preciousness of life, so he shook his head and said.

"Forget it, the younger one still doesn't have the strength to fight with you. You can rest assured that I will guarantee that this will never happen again. I see your old father and I stay in hiding. Do you think you can? Let me go today, please!"

In fact, when Lao Gao saw Zhou Dong catching up, he thought he was going to settle the account with himself, so he came up with a trick not to confess himself, and recognized all the things he had done wrong in advance.

This way, even if the fight can be a little lighter, this old dog is also an old world, and he knows better about this aspect.

Zhou Dong didn't understand what the old dog was talking about, he always felt weird, watching him answer in confusion.

"Are you talking about this? It feels weird. Who said I'm going to hit you? I'm just here to ask you where the businessman is. Tell me quickly and I'll leave. There will be no harm. You have a vellus hair."

Because the old dog was really afraid of Zhou Dong, when he heard this condition, of course he readily agreed, and he was particularly happy to tell Zhou Dong everything he knew.

After hearing this, Zhou Dong felt that this old dog was still pretty good, knowing that he would not have to suffer from flesh and blood.

He is a smarter person, and he likes to deal with such smart people.

After learning the news, he walked around and released the old dog, and went to the merchant's residence alone.

When he reached the door, Zhou Dong specifically stopped and looked inside, and he found that the businessman was waiting for news.

Moreover, he still looked very leisurely. Looking at him, he didn't know that the matter had been exposed, so Zhou Dong walked in with a wicked smile.

When the businessman saw Zhou Dong, the whole person was stunned, and then he understood what was going on. It was estimated that the old dog was not doing things badly, and he had already said everything.

After thinking about this, I quickly apologized to Zhou Dong.

"The little brother is really sorry for me. This is also a moment of dizziness. I want to use this method to solve it. I am really sorry. This time, the old brother is wrong."

Zhou Dong felt that the businessman was still quite interesting, and walked in front of him slowly. The businessman thought Zhou Dong was going to do it with himself, so he subconsciously stepped back and said.

"Little brother, don't do anything to me. I can now collect your mushrooms for 20,000 yuan per jin."

After hearing this, Zhou Dong felt that the businessman of 20,000 yuan was also earning some money, so he answered.

"No, it's been so long now, and my price has gone up a bit."

The businessman looked at Zhou Dong suspiciously, wondering what the increase in his mouth was? Zhou Dong saw it and said again.

"Just for a little bit of time, you need to increase me 5000 yuan."

The businessman couldn't believe it. At this moment, he happened to run into a limping old dog, and he was immediately scared, so he should save money and avoid disasters, and readily agreed to Zhou Dong.

"No problem, my little brother, I only collected 251 kg of your colonies."

Zhou Dong laughed, feeling that this businessman is really cheap. It was already the result at the beginning, why not do it? It takes so much trouble to do it!

So the two of them made a deal that night, paying the money in one hand and delivering the goods. This time, the village left a deep impression on the merchants and left the village overnight as soon as they got the goods.

Zhou Dong made a total of 50,000 yuan from these mushrooms. He felt that it was relatively easy to make money here, and he could earn so much in such a short period of time.

Looking at the 50,000 yuan in hand, I was a little worried. After all, there are more thieves in this era, so I hurried to the town and put 50,000 yuan in the passbook.

When the bank manager saw this scene, he was immediately stunned. He didn't expect that a person dressed in such a soil would give such a large sum of money.

At that time, he walked in front of Zhou Dong and asked with his head down.

"Sir, because you have too much money, you need to go to the office to handle it with me."

Zhou Dong is a little puzzled, is 50,000 yuan more than that? This can be taken out casually in my own time.

When he thought about these questions, he suddenly realized that he was no longer in his own time, it was the 1960s.

It was not easy to be able to come up with so much money in that era, and he was considered a rich man.

Zhou Dong had to get up and followed the bank manager and walked in. As soon as the bank manager entered, he asked Zhou Dong.

"Sir, you have saved so much money. Do you need to do some other business?"

Zhou Dongyi shook his head and refused when he heard that the bank manager let himself do business, he still had no interest in doing business.

"I'm really sorry, I haven't figured out how to use my money yet, so I don't have any business ideas yet. I will come to you when I have business ideas."

When the bank manager heard these words, he could not help but nodded silently, which was regarded as an agreement.

In fact, Zhou Dong said this because she didn't want to do any business, but simply wanted to save the money and wait for it to be used.

When you save money, you are particularly anxious, and you have to borrow money everywhere.

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