Layman System

Chapter 2059: Big change

Zhou Dong originally planned to leave as soon as possible, but seeing Li Li's situation, he couldn't leave him here alone. It would be better to decide to send him home.

So I went back to that position again, and Li Li's affairs were resolved soon.

Seeing that Zhou Dong hadn't left, he lowered his head in embarrassment. I didn't know what to say to Zhou Dong. Zhou Dong saw it and fully understood what he was thinking.

Actively stood up and said.

"Well, your place is over. Let's go back quickly. I see you like this, but I can't worry about you."

Because Li Li was still quite embarrassed, she didn't say anything, and nodded obediently, and followed Zhou Dong.

Along the way, Li Li couldn't figure out that the person who saved her was Zhou Dong, but now things have become so embarrassing.

If you say something more, I am afraid it will make things even more unclear how to explain, so there is nothing else to say.

Zhou Dong originally wanted to talk to Li Li about other things, but he was afraid that if he said something wrong, the previous efforts would not be wasted, so he decided not to say it again.

In this way, Zhou Dong sent Li Li back home safely, and Li Li only spoke about it when she said goodbye to Zhou Dong.

"Thank you so much for today's affairs."

After saying this, I watched Li Li sprinting into the house. Zhou Dong looked at Li Li's back and felt a little cute.

Helplessly shook his head, turned and left.

Not a few steps away, the system suddenly prompted.

"Li Li's attitude towards you has changed a lot."

Zhou Dong was a bit weird. He didn't think of his unintentional act, and actually dispelled Li Li's resentment towards him.

Zhou Dong didn't believe it anymore and went into the system to check.

"Is what you told me just now is true? I didn't do anything else. How could the resentment between us suddenly be resolved?"

The system was completely speechless about Zhou Dong's question.

Could it be that he didn't want this resentment to be resolved? Said impatiently.

"What's the matter? You don't want the resentment between you to dissolve? Do you need me to do something for you?"

After hearing this, Zhou Dong was stunned. He felt that this system was too ruthless. He just couldn't believe what he heard.

Why did I suddenly send such a sentence to my own person.

That's what I don't want, he immediately shook his head and said.

"I think it's better to forget it. After all, this kind of thing happens once in a hundred years, and finally resolved the misunderstanding between us. If I ask you to find me something, then am I sick? what?"

The system thought Zhou Dong didn't understand these things! Seeing that he still knew a little bit, he nodded safely and withdrew.

Zhou Dong also withdrew from the system at the same time, and walked on the way home bored. Now that he is almost venting now, it needs Li Li's father to heal, and the grievances between them can be completely resolved.

I really hope that the current medical technology is a little more advanced, so that no more time will be wasted.

At the time of Zhou Dong these things.

The system burst out again, and he said happily.

"The latest news, do you want to hear?"

Zhou Dong heard that it was good news, and of course he really wanted to hear it, so he nodded directly into the system and looked at the system expectantly, wondering what the good news he was talking about.

Seeing Zhou Dong's expectation, the system didn't sell it anymore, so it was straightforward.

"Li Li's father's illness has been completely cured, and the hatred between you has been resolved."

Zhou Dong couldn't believe what he heard, so he opened his mouth and answered.

"What were you talking about just now, can you repeat it?"

The system does not understand what is going on with Zhou Dong today. Why is there something wrong with his ears? Repeated strangely.

"I just said that Li Li's father is already healed, so the grievances between you are completely resolved. What happened to you today? Why are there some problems with your ears?"

This time, Zhou Dong was able to understand it very well. He exited the system with excitement on his face, no matter how much it was, his task was completed anyway.

Now I can fulfill my wish, so I hurried to the county town to buy a similar house for Zhou Jin Guo and Zhou Xixi.

Zhou Dong saw that his work here was basically completed, and it was time to return to the middle of his century.

So Zhou Dong let the system open the portal and return to modern times. I don't know if it was a coincidence. When I returned to modern times, I saw Li Li. Zhou Dong was stunned. Is it possible that he knew that he came back to pick himself up at this time?

Li Li walked over with a dumbfounded look. When he walked in front of Li Li, Li Li suddenly jumped out a sentence to make Zhou Dong stunned.

"Where did I meet you many times? How do you look like you are an acquaintance? Did we know each other before?"

Zhou Dong was a little puzzled about Li Li's question. He didn't know what was wrong, why suddenly he asked himself such a question.

Talking strangely.

"What are you talking about, how come it feels a little weird? We are a husband and wife, why don't we know each other?"

Li Li's expression was astonished for an instant, and she answered in disbelief.

"Who is a husband and wife with you? I feel that I have only met you a few times and have not married you. What are you talking about? Is it possible that you want to take advantage of me? I tell you that I can Nothing to mess with."

Zhou Dong was really weird, so he quickly turned and left. He didn't understand what was going on. How could he call himself not his wife when he came back.

Faced with these problems, he can only find the system to answer them. After all, he knows everything.

"System, what is going on? Why, when I came back suddenly, Li Li didn't admit that we were husband and wife anymore. What happened?"

The system also expressed special helplessness in this matter, because I had already told Zhou Dong before that, don't tamper with history, otherwise there will be trouble.

Why didn't you listen to your own words? It's all right now, there is a moth, and he explains to Zhou Dong helplessly.

"You are embarrassed to ask me this question? I am not because you have tampered with history, and this will not happen. All things are because of you. You must take care of yourself."

Zhou Dong was a little confused. He felt that he hadn't tampered with history. He was very careful about everything. How could he suddenly say that he was like this?

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