Layman System

Chapter 2073: Meet young family owners

Seeing that Zhou Dong hadn't answered that she was a little strange, the little girl immediately asked.

"What's the matter, uncle, is this something I said too much? If it can't be done, it doesn't matter. When you come to my house next time, I will show you around."

When Zhou Dong heard this, he hurriedly waved his head to indicate that it was not like this, and then explained.

"No, you may have misunderstood what I mean. These things are also very easy to solve. It just depends on how my grandfather and I are talking. If our two opinions agree, there can be a lot of things. Time will follow you to visit."

The little girl nodded excitedly and said.

"Since this is the case, there is absolutely no problem. My grandfather also likes to directly dislike the kind of chirping people, so I will definitely believe that you will talk to my grandpa very well."

Zhou Dong smiled and stroked his head and led him inside. The guard saw that they had already entered, and looked at each other strangely.

"What's all this, it looks like we did a little bit badly. If it weren't for the order from the owner, we wouldn't want it like this. Who wants to take care of these things?"

Another guard said.

"Then there is any way, isn't this our temper? Since we are already living in this big family, let's get used to it. After all, it is very likely that we will obey him in the future. If we offend him now, Isn't that the equivalent of self-seeking death!"

The guard also agreed with what his partner said. After all, they were already like this at this time and they were unable to change other things, so let's finish their job.

Soon the two tall and thin people took Zhou Dong and the others to the place where the head of the Beilong Patriarch met. Zhou Dong felt that this place was quite luxurious, and he could see that this man had a straight temper.

The tall and thin people were brought over, and they stood silently at the door, without saying anything else. Zhou Dong was a little confused. I don't know what the situation was. Wouldn't they make arrangements for them and let this group of people be stupid? stand right here?

Stepped up and said with a strange look.

"I am really not used to your hospitality. Do you treat your little princess' savior like this?"

The little girl also took the opportunity to discover this and quickly shouted.

"Yeah, what's the matter with you? Didn't my grandfather teach you before? Our family has come to visit guests, so how can I arrange a seat for others, do you see how tired my uncle is holding me?"

Zhou Dong was so speechless to this little girl, why would she be willing to pick up the conversation when she spoke by herself?

Acting like one of his servants, now he finally believes that a person's temperament cannot be concealed, which can be seen since childhood.

When the thin and tall person saw that the little princess had already spoken, he felt that they had arranged the seats for everyone. At this moment, a burly, well-dressed man walked out.

The little girl saw that this person became much better-behaved in an instant, no longer like the previous one, Zhou Dong also saw the little girl's changes.

I feel that the person who came this time should be his grandfather, otherwise he would not be so nervous. Although he usually bullies people outside, he will be honest when he meets those who are afraid.

Patriarch Beilong walked to his position and sat down silently, looking at the people sitting below and said.

"Which one of you is Zhou Dong, I heard that she has something to talk to me, hurry up! What's the matter?"

Zhou Dong is a little puzzled, isn't he the one who wants to talk to? Why did you suddenly become yourself? But there is no way, after all, the opponent is stronger now.

Let's follow his arrangement and stand up and say.

"I am the Zhou Dong you just said. Since you have said so thoroughly, then I have nothing to hide. I only have two things. The first is to release all the people who arrested us. Come out, and the second one is to talk about the magnetic field."

Patriarch Beilong saw Zhou Dong stand up, did not speak, and looked at him quietly all the time. Zhou Dong felt that the eyes of Patriarch Beilong were also very scary.

This is very likely to show myself stunned, so I continued to say with a look of confusion.

"Patriarch, how is it? Have you considered it clearly now?"

Patriarch Beilong returned to his senses and found that Zhou Dong was still holding his little granddaughter in his hands, so he spoke.

"How can you talk about things like this? Are you always going to hold my little granddaughter and not let go? You put it down first, and then let's continue talking."

Zhou Dong never thought that he would say such a sentence to himself. Isn't this clearly embarrassing himself? The only bargaining chip in his hand now is this little girl. If he doesn't even have him, it is difficult to guarantee that the next thing will happen.

So for the long-term consideration of the whole thing, he refused and shook his head.

"Let's forget about this matter, it's not too late to let it go after you settle the matter between us."

Patriarch Beilong looked melancholy, and it was the first time he saw someone who dared to say such things in front of him. If he didn't have his little granddaughter in his hands, he would definitely rush to clean him up.

But now it is different. He has enough chips in his hand, so it is quite normal for him to say this.

And the most strange thing happened to him. Actually found that this little girl liked Zhou Dong quite a lot, so she begged Zhou Dong to hold her.

This made Zhou Dong a lot happier. As long as the little girl actively cooperated with herself, then the rest would not be a problem.

When Song Aolong saw the little girl like this, he became a lot of anger and cursed on the spot.

"Why? You still have to rely on him not to leave? Also, don't you continue to act for me. Your grandpa is not here now. I will be responsible for all the big and small things in the house, so don't keep going. Get down there quickly. If you don’t get down again, I will punish you severely, and your mother won’t be able to stop me.”

Zhou Dong was a little strange after listening to Song Aolong's words, how could he be a little dazed by himself? Isn't this young family his grandfather?

No wonder I found something wrong when I came in just now, but I just didn't see anything.

I didn't expect it all to wait here, and I sighed that I was too stupid. How could I be a grandfather at such a young age? I should have discovered from the beginning.

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