Layman System

Chapter 2080: Turn on the magnetic field

Zhou Dong didn't understand the meaning of the system, and he had some doubts.

"Can you give me a more detailed explanation? I feel that you told me that I have you to use it first."

The system nodded helplessly after hearing it, and started talking again.

"Well, since this is the case, then I will explain it to you again. Didn't you just say that this aura is really too big? So you have to restrain it with a metal. If you don't restrain him, I'm afraid you people will hurt him. The only information I have at the moment is this. I have told you everything."

Zhou Dong understood it this time, and then nodded and walked out.

As soon as Zhou Dong quit, he began to speak to everyone.

"Because the magnetic field inside is really too big, we can't go directly. If we go directly, we will definitely hurt ourselves. At present, we can only use gold to guide his magnetic field. We just need to take the opportunity to enter. "

Everyone was a little confused after hearing Zhou Dong's words. They didn't know what he meant. Zhou Dong understood their expressions when he saw them, and replied silently.

"You may not understand what I mean, anyway, you just need to know that now I need a piece of gold, and then I will do the rest."

After hearing this, everyone understood, and quickly looked around for gold.

Hong Long had some strange things at this time. I don't know how Zhou Dong knew about these things. I remember he didn't say much before he came.

Silently walked over and asked.

"How do you know about this? I feel like you are part of their family."

Zhou Dong was embarrassed. He didn't expect that the first person to question him was Hong Long. In order to avoid the system from being discovered, he could only find an excuse to answer.

"In fact, these things are all I have seen in the book, so I understand the truth here, don't worry, as long as you can do what I say, there will be no problems."

Seeing Zhou Dong's eyes so firm, Hong Long didn't seem to lie to himself, so he believed it.

Although Hong Long believed it on the surface, he still had some doubts in his heart. After all, in his eyes, Zhou Dong had too many secrets.

It was like a bottomless pit, there was nothing he didn't know, and what impressed him the most was that he always felt that someone was helping him.

It was the kind of extremely awesome help. For this matter, he also deliberately asked someone to investigate Zhou Dong to see if he could find out what happened.

However, after investigating, he did not give him an accurate answer. He just replied silently. The confidentiality of this person was too high.

After hearing what his own people said, Hong Long became more suspicious of Zhou Dong's identity, but the things he could do nothing about slowly became apparent, and he could not find anything to understand.

Anyway, if Zhou Dong is together, he will pay attention to him, and see if he can find anything else from some of his actions?

Zhou Dong watched Red Dragon stay in a daze, and walked forward a little strangely as if he had been in a bad mood.

"Big brother, what's wrong with you, why are you suddenly in a daze? Don't worry, what I said is based on grounds and absolutely nothing will happen. Let everyone prepare quickly and let us finish it right away. This time it’s the task."

Red Dragon was called back to God by Zhou Dong's words, and he quickly said to everyone.

"Alright, the big guys heard what Dong Brother said just now, don't chirp there anymore, take out everything quickly."

In fact, everyone just looked through it, but there was no gain. I don't know if there will be any gain this time. There is no way that this is an order from the superior, so I can only continue to find it.

At this moment, Luo Hun suddenly took out a gold pendant and walked to Zhou Dong silently and asked.

"Brother Dong, I just looked around and found that everyone didn’t bring gold. I don’t know if this thing will work or not. Anyway, he is my amulet. I always carry it with me. See if you can use it. ."

Zhou Dong looked at the gold pendant after hearing it, and felt that it should be ok, because the system only said it was a parent-child, but it didn't say what type it was.

Nodded and answered.

"I don't think there should be any problem. Then take it here to see if it has any effect. Don't worry, I will definitely protect your amulet. I will return it to Zhao when it runs out."

Luo Hun smiled and said.

"Brother Dong, it doesn't matter, it's not for everyone's safety, so I'm quite proud to be able to make these, so I just need to use it."

Zhou Dong continued to nod as he listened, then turned around and followed the instructions of the system.

When the magnetic field was turned on, everyone's eyes paid attention to the past. After all, this was something they had never seen before, so they were still curious.

Probably due to the daytime, the magnetic field just appeared a blue light and there was nothing left.

Everyone looked a little confused, and felt that this thing was too fast, and said helplessly to Zhou Dong.

"Brother Dong, what are these? I think this is too fast. We just saw a blue light and disappeared."

Zhou Dong felt that everyone was watching the excitement. If this kind of thing were not guided by this parent-child, it would have produced a lot of power.

Just now, I was particularly afraid that such a small piece of gold would not have any effect, and I didn't expect it would go on so smoothly.

Finally replied helplessly to everyone.

"Okay, I only want to see this kind of thing once, and if it happens again, I'm afraid we will no longer be in this world."

Everyone didn't know what to answer, so they could only continue to stand and watch.

In fact, Zhou Dong has just observed everything. The reason Zhou Dong can see these things is because it has a magnetic field detector.

At the moment when the blue light disappeared, some red lights suddenly appeared. According to the hints given by the system, this Hongguang must be the problem.

Only if he is resolved, then this matter will be perfectly completed.

But how to solve this red light has become a new problem.

Zhou Dong thought about it for a while, and felt that this matter still has to trouble the system. After all, he is an encyclopedia, and there should be no one he doesn't know.

Decided to try to enter the system and ask.

"It's your turn for the system to help me again. Please help me find out how to solve these problems."

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