Layman System

Chapter 2083: Sudden shot

When Zhou Dong saw this scene, he was a little worried. After all, the wave force of this magnetic field was too great. If he rushed in now, wouldn't it be equivalent to death?

I didn't want to see this kind of thing, so I immediately reached out and grabbed them.

"Don't you see the power of the magnetic field? Going in now is like sending you to death. Come back quickly and stop doing useless things."

After Song Aolong heard these words, he was not happy on the spot. What is meant by useless things? Looking back at Zhou Dong with a face of incomprehension, he said.

"Is this useless in your eyes? Our family's mission is to guard this magnetic field. When he is facing a crisis, we can't escape like you do. We must stop it."

Zhou Dong looked at Song Aolong helplessly, not knowing what to say for a while, Song Aolong saw that Zhou Dong had been rendered speechless by himself, and said immediately.

"All the responsibility for this incident is caused by you. All you are doing now is to escape our punishment. We can't do it if we dare to do it or take it."

After listening to Zhou Dong, he was also unhappy on the spot. What does it mean that he dare not be? What's going on now, you can tell with a clear eye, isn't it just going to die for nothing?

Answered directly.

"Everything you said now is meaningless. You can see the seriousness of this matter now. Are you going to go in and die for nothing? I feel that we should calm down first, and we will consider what to do when we go to the safe zone. Right."

The two people argued for a long time.

Zhou Dong saw that the red light in the distance had been pressing in tightly. If he did not leave at this time, there would definitely be a serious problem.

So for the sake of everyone, I decided to take a handful of the North Dragon family. After all, they couldn't just watch them die.

So Zhou Dong tried his best to bring back some members of the North Dragon family, but he didn't know what was wrong with them. It was like being indoctrinated with thoughts, no matter how he pulled them back, he couldn't bring them back.

Walking forward silently, Zhou Dong couldn't stop seeing this situation anymore, he could only pull Song Aolong away tightly.

The reason why Zhou Dong was so determined that La Song Aolong left was because he thought of the little girl just now, he didn't want to lose his father at such a young age.

Moreover, it was too cruel, and it was not what he wanted to meet. He had a father for the little girl, so he worked hard to rescue Song Aolong.

Song Aolong expressed incomprehension about Dudu pulling him, watching his clan rush in, what he thought of as the future of the whole family was actually preparing to escape.

This kind of thing is not possible, and I saw him shake off Zhou Dong's hand in a more determined manner.

"What are you planning to do? People who haven't seen our family are all pulling me out at you. This is a betrayal of them. This kind of thing is not allowed in our family."

Zhou Dong was stunned on the spot. He clearly saved him. How could he say such a thing?

There was some atmospheric answer.

"If you hadn't had me, your life would be gone. Although you are their leader, you can't just go your own way. You must have a big picture, otherwise how can you rule the whole family? Think about your daughter, she is so young."

Song Aolong couldn't think of that much now, and all the things had already arrived here, so he had to do it himself.

Angrily returned.

"You don't have to persuade me. You also know the mission of our entire family. If the magnetic field is gone. We will be severely punished. Since we will all be severely punished, it is better to fight now, no Something will be saved!"

After hearing Song Aolong's words, Zhou Dong felt that this guy was a little bit whimsical. Although his family was guarding here, the magnetic field had been sealed for many years.

They don't know how to do it anymore, and those who are still rushing in will die in vain, and what they did is meaningless.

Zhou Dong explained it patiently.

"I know the mission of your family, but can you seriously consider it? Now is not the time for you to think about it. You should just persuade all your family members to come back. This kind of vain sacrifice has no effect at all. For long-term considerations, you should go back with us well."

Song Aolong didn't know which string was wrong now. No matter what Zhou Dong said, he couldn't listen to it. He just wanted to fight with his family.

Said angrily.

"It’s useless no matter what you say to me now. All my thoughts now are to fight with my family. Without them, our family’s power would be greatly lost. So for them, I also Keep up quickly."

Zhou Dong is really going to be **** off by Song Aolong. He seems to be a fool. He is about to say that he is tired, so why don't he understand?

Song Aolong saw that Zhou Dong didn't intend to let him go, so he could only come up with something hard.

He directly stretched out his hand and greeted Zhou Dong's face. Fortunately, Hong Long was here, and seeing that there was something wrong with Song Aolong, he immediately reached out and caught his fist.

Only then did Zhou Dong not receive any harm. Zhou Dong was also shocked by Song Aolong. He never thought that this guy would actually shoot him. Didn't he know that all he did was saving him?

It was really because of his headache, a helpless expression appeared on Zhou Dong's face, Zhou Dong said in a puzzled way.

"What are you doing? Don’t you understand who I’m doing? If it weren’t for your daughter, I wouldn’t think about it so much. Just go wherever you like. I don't bother to care about you, is it a bit disrespectful of me to fight me now?"

Song Aolong was on the top too. No matter what Zhou Dong said, he couldn't listen to it. He threw away Hong Long's hand and continued to attack.

Zhou Dong was also shocked by this guy.

I didn't expect it. It seemed that some severe measures could only be taken against him, so Zhou Dong and Hong Long joined forces to deal with Song Aolong.

Although Song Aolong still has a little ability, he is not good at facing such two people.

At this moment Song Aolong was already out of breath, Zhou Dong and Hong Long could also see that he was not good enough, they signaled each other and attacked together.

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