Layman System

Chapter 2085: Shocking scene

But Zhou Dong didn't think that way in his mind. If he didn't take advantage of this opportunity to get in, he wouldn't have a chance to get in if he became stronger in the future.

At that time, there was still no way to stare at him. In order to solve these problems quickly, he still needed to take a risk. After all, Luohun had already lost his life because of this matter.

So in order to be worthy of him, he still needs to go there, Zhou Dong replied firmly.

"What I think is not like this. Maybe this is the only chance that magnetic field gives us. If we don't grasp it firmly, what can we do if we have no chance in the future? Or you will wait for me here, and I will be my own People go in and see what's going on."

After talking about Zhou Dong, he planned to leave. How could Hong Long watch Zhou Dong go in alone, so he quickly grabbed Zhou Dong and asked.

"Brother, if you think about it, it's not a joke. You have seen his power just now. If there is any accident, it is not something you and I can restore."

Zhou Dong can fully understand what Hong Long is worried about now, but he decided to go in and try it out. If he doesn't even have this courage, what else can he do?

Continue to speak firmly.

"Big Brother, I already want to understand this matter, don't worry, I know it in my heart, you can wait for me here with peace of mind, I will go in and see what's going on soon, and I will come out soon."

How could Red Dragon rest assured that Zhou Dong would go in alone? He shook his head helplessly and replied.

"Since you have already decided, I can't let you go in and take the risk alone. Let me accompany you. When that happens, we two will also have a care."

There are some things in Zhou Dong's heart that are not allowed to do this, because Honglong still has a daughter to raise, what if he has any accidents?

So shook his head and refused.

"I feel that this matter should be forgotten. I can go in alone. Just stay here and wait for me. Besides, I have special distinguishing ability when encountering problems, and there will be no safety at that time. The above thing."

Honglong did not agree with what Zhou Dong said. The magnetic field had already given them a blow, and the whole thing was not very friendly.

So I was determined to follow Zhou Dong and shook his head to explain.

"Forget it, you still don't want to persuade me to do this, I have to decide, no matter what you say, I will follow you this time."

Zhou Dong looked at Hong Long's firm expression. If he didn't agree to him, it would be impossible, and the intensity of the red light was indeed not as strong as before.

Feeling that there should be no problems, so he nodded and agreed.

Seeing that Zhou Dong had already nodded in acquiescence, Longlong let go of his heart, and began to have some expectations for you, and asked anxiously.

"Since we have decided to go, when shall we proceed?"

Zhou Dong thought about it seriously, now that everything has been decided, let's do it now, and replied with great justice.

"Since we have made up our minds on this matter, let's take advantage of it now. After all, these things are waiting for no one. Let's find out quickly and come out quickly."

The Red Dragon felt that this matter was also more appropriate, after all, if it ended earlier, they could return to the safe zone earlier.

The two of them reached a unified attitude, and walked directly inside. When I was leaving, I did not forget to remind the people waiting outside.

"If something goes wrong with Zhou Dong, your mission will be terminated this time. I must have seen the power of Hongguang just now. In order to avoid unnecessary losses, let's decide to retreat. I hope you can make the Tiangong organization. Getting better and better."

Everyone didn't want to hear this, and shook their heads and refused.

"Boss, don't say such things. Since they are all here, they must be completed. We will obediently wait for your good news here."

Hong Long saw that everyone was also very sad, and he could fully understand their mood at this moment, but in order to reduce the loss this time, he still had to do that.

He answered with a serious expression instantly.

"What I told you, you just do it, are you ready not to listen to me now?"

When Han Bing saw Hong Long's emotions, he was a little excited, and quickly stepped forward to explain.

Hong Long knew what Han Bing was going to say, so he reached out and stopped him from speaking.

"I know what you are going to say. Don't say anything that is useless. You are the most experienced person in it. If we don't come out then, you can just take everyone back to the headquarters and return to the headquarters. You don't care about anything, I've already planned everything before."

Han Bing didn't understand, and asked in confusion.

"Boss, what are you planning?"

Honglong smiled and said silently.

"In fact, every time you go out to complete a task, I am very worried in my heart. I am afraid that I will not see you tomorrow. So it doesn't matter if the task cannot be completed, I will use my method to solve it."

When Han Bing heard these words, he completely understood it. It turned out that Red Dragon had made all the sufficient plans!

Since this is the case, there is nothing left to say, but one sentence can only be left out at the end.

"Boss, I believe you will definitely come back, after all your strength is there, we will not leave here for half a step."

When Hong Long saw how to persuade them, they couldn't persuade them anymore, just let them wait here.

Turned around and started to follow Zhou Dong into it.

As soon as they entered, a shocking scene appeared in front of the two of them. This may be the cruelest appearance they saw.

The entire environment is dead, and the ground is full of human bones. You can describe the situation this time with terror.

Hong Long couldn't believe what he said.

"What is the situation with such power? Fortunately, we ran fast just now, otherwise it is us who are lying on the ground."

Zhou Dong also expressed regret for everything in front of him. After all, the whole thing was caused by him, and that's why so many people died here.

Moreover, looking at their situation, it seems that the elders of the Beilong family do not understand some of them. As the elders of the Beilong family, they also have a certain understanding of magnetic fields.

How could you think of rushing in? Does this have some non-human ideas?

Zhou Dong sighed back to the Red Dragon.

"Look at these people, they are the elders of their Beilong family. I feel that they also have a certain understanding of this. Why did they rush in just now?"

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