Layman System

Chapter 2107: Use perspective eyes

Zhou Dong was helpless, but now there was only this way. He picked up the lecture and went back.

When he came to the room, Zhou Dong kept flipping through it, browsing from the beginning. After reading it, he turned to the second page. After reading it again, he found that there was still nothing.

I went on to look at the third page. At this moment, the night was already deep, and bright lights shone from above, shining on his cheeks.

He could see his obvious outline, and his deep frowning eyebrows. He felt helpless every time he saw him, because he had turned ten pages at the moment.

In a short period of time, he was anxious, really tired, got up and went to the window, watching the dark night outside.

A gust of wind brought refreshing, and he closed his eyes and enjoyed the leisure at the moment. He didn't know if he could arrive early. It was so careful that he had watched it for almost half an hour.

But there is no eyebrow, can it be annoying?

After a slight sigh of the weather, he took a few more breaths before leaning against the window sill, letting the breeze blow on the Buddha, no matter how time was flowing away.

After staying for about ten minutes, he returned to the table again and continued to open up, raising his eyebrows for a while, then lying on the table.

It took so much effort, but I didn't see anything.

After flipping through it for almost an hour, he didn't see any news about this, and suddenly felt very discouraged.

If you just close it and watch it, why is it not there? I've been more careful, haven't you? So? Is it useful to take it back?

But maybe it is so precious? Did you still not look carefully? Then he continued to read it, and after watching it for about ten minutes, he didn't watch it at all.

Didi, the sound rang.

This is from the system, right? I don't know what is going to be transmitted this time. Is it related to this? Look at it.

"It's better to use a perspective eye, maybe you can find more information in this book."

This sudden reminder completely slowed him down, and that's right, you can see when you want to look through it like this, but you can see it with a perspective eye.

What's more, he can see what others can't see. This is precious, how could there be nothing? Why didn't I think of it?

A function is good, so use it for a long time, and it will be activated immediately.

Then he stared at the book and saw a page in a short while. He turned to one page as quickly as possible. It really paid off.

I'm really fortunate that I have watched so much just now, but I didn't find it in a daze. It seems that it would not work without a clairvoyance. Now that this is in the hands of others, there may not be a few people who can find it.

A feeling of joy rushed to his heart. He happily came to the window, wanting to say to the red dragon and the others, he found it.

It's also the night, so they should have gone to sleep at this moment, forget it, don't bother, and now they just see it, haven't seen what it is? It's not too late to say after reading it.

But this time, he still didn't say a word. There was a knock at the door. He opened the door and saw the red dragon at the door. He just wanted to say.

Hong Long hurriedly said: "You take these foods, and I will leave first."

Before he could say a word, he saw that he had walked to the side of the corridor and looked at the pile of snacks in his hand. Zhou Dong shook his head, no matter what, he was waiting to talk to Honglong.

Bringing the snacks to the room, he sat down, picked up a bottle of drink and drank it. The grape-flavored and delicious drink made him sink in his heart. After drinking, he continued to watch it. Unexpectedly, as the system said, there was still a piece of paper hidden inside a few pages, and he suddenly felt that his entire vision was much brighter.

If this can find out how to solve the red light, can it be done in time? It will not let the time point disappear.

I was so happy that he didn't touch it for a while. He picked up the snacks and ate them slowly, not in a hurry. If it is, he will finish it today. If it is not, he will continue to look for it.

In this way, let him look at it more calmly. It's okay. It's not too late to wait for ten minutes to watch. In fact, he doesn't want to watch it so early, so as not to waste so much time, and it will be more discouraged. .

It's better for Honglong. I also know that it is the easiest time to give him some snacks. It is the easiest time to eat snacks. There is no need to do more at all. Such a pleasant time is good.

But if the Red Dragon knew they found it, would they be happy? Seeing what they were worried about earlier, if they found it, those in the North Dragon family wouldn't say anything about him, and Song Ziqi didn't have to be so embarrassed anymore. She was the most anxious, just wanting to find a solution.

Looking at the clock, ten minutes have passed. It seems that he still needs to see. He put down the snacks, glanced at the note on the table, and then carefully opened it. After reading it carefully, it really recorded how it was. Can we solve the red light, can we find a solution?

But fortunately there is a system to remind him, otherwise he may not be able to find anything in a few days and nights. What is better is that he has a perspective eye and finally found it. He took a long breath. Red Dragon and the others need to know. Worry again.

But what was said above made Zhou Dong silent again. He didn't want to tell anyone about such a risky thing, who should he let it go? It was hard to find, but it was a danger.

Is it really happy or bitter? He was not at all happy now, so he picked up the snacks and ate them again. How could he tell them a few? Let's not talk about it, if they know, it may not be able to solve it.

Just say how can it be easy to solve the red light? But if you don't do it, the red light won't be solved, so what can you do?

He sighed deeply. This time he was even more worried. He originally thought he didn't need to worry anymore, but the moment he saw it, how could he feel relieved?

Song Ziqi, who was walking in the corridor, looked around and didn't know if Zhou Long had been found at the moment. It had been several hours.

Maybe there is a clue. She just wants to come and see. If he hasn’t found it yet, she can watch with him, and she will find it. She is very anxious. She always feels that there is not a lot of time. She wants to come as soon as possible. When the door came, he just pushed open.

Seeing the person who rushed in suddenly, Zhou Dong was shocked. How did she come? Does it depend on finding it? But she was too anxious. It was only a few hours, and she couldn't wait for a moment. How could this be good? He took the note in his hand.

Looking at the pile of food on the table, and eating some, does it seem quite relaxing? Song Ziqi looked at him and said, "Can you find a way?"

Seeing him with a heavy face, did he find it or not?

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