Layman System

Chapter 2111: A choice that will die

Zhou Dong sorted out his emotions, thinking that since this was his own decision to sit down, all he had to do was to respect his choice.

"You really want to use your blood to suppress the red light. If you die in the end, you won't regret it. This is the answer I asked you last. I won't ask you again this time." Zhou Dong has sorted out his mood.

Now that he has made such a choice, it doesn't make any sense for him to persuade him more. Now he can only pray that he can control that force.

In fact, Song Ziqi felt very uncomfortable when she learned that Song Aolong was going to donate blood.

But she wouldn't say it, she was afraid what if he regretted it.

It must be too late for them to find someone at this time!

Zhou Dong said that he was allowing himself to consider this matter. He suddenly didn't have that great confidence in his ability, he said to the people around him.

"I still can't agree to this. Even if he really wants to, I can't promise that if he really died because of me, I will have a conscience."

When he heard the news, he had always had this consideration, or he wouldn't have been here to persuade him.

Because if Song Aolong died because of him by then, even if he was not the murderer, he would be the one who killed him indirectly, and he couldn't accept this result.

Just solved a problem from Zhong Shiqi, he encountered another problem here. He felt a little confused in his mind and wanted to be alone.

Seeing Zhou Dong's painful expression here, Song Ziqi began to persuade: "Actually, you don't have to feel sorry for this matter and who you feel ashamed. Then, as long as you control the red light, he will be fine."

What she just wanted to say was that if he could, even if he really died to restrain the red light, that was his choice, but she felt that if she said that, Zhou Dong would not agree to let Song Aolong donate blood. Such a thing.

This matter was not the decision of Song Aolong alone, but the decision of their Beilong family.

Zhou Dong was stunned when he heard that it was the Beilong family's decision. He didn't expect them to know about it so soon.

At that time Song Ziqi said that he would think of a way, he should stop her, he couldn't think of her method was to let Song Aolong donate his blood.

And the whole family didn't care about Song Aolong's decision, whether they regarded life as a child's play, or did they believe he could control the red light!

He can't think of a reasonable answer now, but the only thing he knows is that he can't hesitate.

When Zhou Dong saw the determined faces of Song Ziqi and Song Aolong, they both believed him so much, so he couldn't let them down.

They had already discussed the countermeasures, and Zhou Dong agreed that Song Ziqi and Song Aolong would use his blood to control the red light.

After a few people talked about it, Song Aolong sent Zhou Dong out. He also persuaded him not to think too much. He believed in his ability and respected the Beilong family's decision.

When Zhou Dong returned home, he had been thinking about this. It seemed that when he went to the funeral tomorrow, he must carefully investigate the Beilong family.

Otherwise, he wouldn't use Song Aolong's blood to restrain the red light.

He has been thinking about this for a long time. He has been thinking about it since he was at Song Ziqi’s house. It doesn’t matter if someone finds out that he is investigating the Beilong family. After all, he has to do far more than investigating Beilong. The family matter is even more important.

He lay on the bed and turned and couldn't fall asleep, always wondering who came forward to make Song Aolong agree to use his blood to suppress the red light.

He always felt that this matter was not as simple as he thought, but he had to investigate it.

Just when he was thinking about it, the system had given him a reminder, so that he could not think about it. It was too late. The system gave him the decision to solve the magnetic field mission, and now he has no arrow on the strings. Stop posting.

And after sending Zhou Dong away there, Song Ziqi let Song Aolong take a good rest.

"Aren't you curious what he asked me just now?" Song Aolong said to Song Ziqi.

As long as the current trouble can be solved, Song Ziqi is not curious about what question he just asked.

"When he first went out, he kept asking me why the people of the Beilong family would agree, did they force me to agree, and I said you can’t do it well. He just waited until he did it. At the time, I was telling him that he was willing to suppress the red light with blood willingly." Song Aolong said so much in one breath.

It's not that she hadn't considered it just now, but Song Ziqi said: "I don't want to lie to him. If he knows that it is you and he chooses to give up, wouldn't it be a failure?"

They were actually right. Song Ziqi saw Zhou Dong's intolerance just now. In fact, when she saw that expression, she didn't feel very well in her heart.

Because that feeling was telling them two, in fact, he didn't have much confidence in restraining the red light, otherwise he wouldn't say anything that might kill people.

However, since Song Aolong chose to donate blood, none of them could stop his decision. Song Ziqi persuaded him to give up after hearing about it.

But if he doesn't give up, he can't help it.

Wang Xinxin thought for a long time. She didn't want to stay in the team anymore, but she felt that it was not appropriate to post now, because it was getting late, and Zhou Dong should already be asleep by this time.

At the funeral tomorrow, she was saying that it is not too late.

Early the next morning, Zhou Dong got up very early. He had been thinking last night that after attending the funeral today, he would investigate the truth about the Beilong family asking Song Aolong to donate his blood.

He cleaned himself up, took a look at the house and went straight out.

But in the middle of the journey, he received a call from Zhong Shiqi, and he asked him to wait for himself.

However, Zhou Dong said that he was on the way to the funeral now, so he had something to say after he settled it.

In fact, Zhong Shiqi was fine looking for him, just to determine his location. After knowing his exact location, he was considering investigating his affairs.

He must investigate what his identity is. He has been thinking about it for a long time. He didn't get out of this hurdle last night, and today he was afraid of being discovered by him, so he called and asked him.

Hearing him say that there is a very important thing to do today, he can finally do what he wants to do with confidence.

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