Layman System

Chapter 2116: Promised to help because of guilt

Song Ziqi quickly felt a special headache about this, and she hasn't figured out what to do about tomorrow's affairs! If she doesn't hand them over, those people will definitely not let it go.

The two of them went out and didn't know what they were going to say, and they have never returned.

Song Ziqi believed that Zhou Dong would not leave herself alone. He was not such an irresponsible person. If he were, he would not stand up and take on all this just now.

He also pityed her for being the Patriarch of the Beilong Family at her young age, he was afraid that those people would bully her!

But if he was handed over to those people, how could he get through it!

After waiting for a while, when she heard that there seemed to be no movement outside, she thought the two of them had left.

After a while, the two of them came back again, and they said that they had just gone to the toilet.

She didn't doubt that the two of them were going to escape!

Song Ziqi at the moment is not in the mood to discuss Zhou Dong's matter about the magnetic field.

She said to the two of them: "I will think of a solution to this matter tonight, you two will leave first! Otherwise, those people will not let you go."

She asked the two of them to go back to their room and talk, but at this moment Zhou Dong felt a little guilty about this.

He also didn't want her to take on this matter alone, so he said to Song Ziqi: "This matter is no longer yours alone."

Song Ziqi didn't even understand what he meant by saying this.

She directly said to Zhou Dong and the others: "You go back and rest first! I can solve it by myself." She really doesn't want too many people to be with her here, it is easy to disturb her thoughts.

"Otherwise, we will help you solve the magnetic field problem. This can be regarded as an explanation for everyone. You don't have to be so embarrassed. You see if this method is feasible." When he finished saying this, he saw it. Song Ziqi looked at him in surprise.

In fact, Song Ziqi was not the only one who looked at him in surprise, even Hong Long looked at him strangely.

Song Ziqi is a little bit different. She begged him for a long time just now to let him help.

But he said he didn't understand the problem of magnetic field at all, but now he wanted to help her because he was guilty and agreed to help.

Just now she was still thinking about how to persuade him to help them solve the magnetic field problem! Unexpectedly, he agreed to it so easily.

So, she and Zhou Dong said: "Then you are ready! In a few days, I will go to that deserted place to solve the magnetic field problem. I will deal with this matter."

Under her persuasion, the few of them went straight back to rest.

But when they went back to rest, Hong Long asked: "You really decided to go to the magnetic field. I asked you if you decided this matter alone."

In fact, they didn't want him to solve the magnetic field problem at all. After all, because the magnetic field had already sacrificed too many people, Zhou Dong felt that he could solve the magnetic field problem.

This is simply a proposition, it would be better to hand them over to those people.

When he heard Honglong say this, Zhou Dong asked them: "Otherwise, what do you plan to do with me? If this matter is not resolved in one day, then I will not be at peace for a day. Those people will not let us go, and Song Ziqi I won't give up either."

He didn't say this to explain anything to them, but purely to help Song Ziqi solve this matter.

Red Dragon's voice against this incident was stronger than he thought. He said that he would never let him do such a risky thing.

Zhou Dong said: "Don't I do it? You hope that tomorrow Song Ziqi will hand me over to those people, and then give the dead elders an explanation. You said just now, I will die, so this is the only solution. The way of this matter.'

He knows that solving the magnetic field is the only way, why can't he agree to let him go!

And he was the only one who could not die by removing the magnetic field. He had such a certainty, but it was because the two of them had been persuading himself just now, so when Song Ziqi said about it, he said that he had accidentally understood the magnetic field.

But now that something like this happened, they didn't want anyone to think about it, but they couldn't help it, so they had to solve it.

Song Ziqi stayed in her room and couldn't sleep, feeling strange when she thought of Zhou Dong helping her today.

She was thinking of a way to ask him to help solve the magnetic field. She didn’t expect people from her family to come, but it was really time to come. She also felt very sorry for those elders, but I’m sorry, she can’t. To bring those people back to life is not.

She also hoped that they would not be entangled in this matter anymore, and if Zhou Dong was allowed to solve the matter at that time, they would be considered as fulfilled.

On Zhou Dong's side, she knew what he was worried about, and she was also considering the issue of magnetic fields. She might die, so it was normal for him to dare not agree to this matter.

She was thinking about tomorrow's affairs. Those people will definitely come to her tomorrow, but she can't let those people come again. She has to find those people to solve the matter personally.

When she thought of this, she turned on her computer and saw that she was not asleep next to her.

It is estimated that Zhou Dong is also worried about this matter!

Today, all this happened a little bit that caught her off guard. Those people had come to the door before he could solve the matter.

How could those people know that the elder was dead, and suddenly found it, it seems that this matter really cannot be kept secret.

For this, she owed them an explanation to the Beilong family, and she also hoped that Zhou Dong could help herself solve the magnetic field problem smoothly.

Tomorrow she will tell those people that, after all, the magnetic field is more dangerous, and those people are not willing to do it. If some of them are willing to go tomorrow, she will say that she is willing to hand over Zhou Dong.

If none of them were willing to do this, she decided to send Zhou Dong.

She felt that at the level of those people, they would definitely agree to let Zhou Dong go. Then she would say the problem was a little more serious. In fact, it was not as serious as she said. The incident itself would make them feel very serious.

And they know that magnetic fields are likely to kill people, so people like them naturally dare not go.

Finally, someone came out to die for them, and they had no time to solve this problem!

But of course she hoped that Zhou Dong was okay, but it was just dealing with the people of the North Dragon family, deliberately making the matter serious, and those people would forget it.

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