Layman System

Chapter 2118: Solved the problem

He waited for a long time without seeing Song Ziqi coming back, so he had no choice but to find Song Aolong.

When he found Song Aolong, Song Aolong was staying at home, and when he saw him, he quickly invited him in and sit down.

"You are here to find Song Ziqi! She went to solve the elder's cause of death, don't you know everything? She always wants to give everyone an explanation." When she finished saying this, she saw Zhou. Dong actually stopped talking.

They couldn't figure out why Zhou Dong stopped talking. It was because what he said irritated Zhou Dong, but Song Aolong didn't think it should be!

When Song Ziqi told him about this yesterday, he also had an unbelievable attitude.

He did not believe that Zhou Dong had agreed to this matter. It was not because he wanted to solve the cause of death of the elder, otherwise he would not have agreed to the magnetic field.

Song Aolong and Zhou Dong said: "Song Ziqi is afraid that if this matter keeps bothering you, it will affect your mood at that time. If you don't agree, then we will have nothing to do, so..." He sighed helplessly. Sighed.

Song Aolong said that Song Ziqi came over to talk to them with some sincerity, and he felt that those of them would agree to these conditions.

The two people had a conversation, and after waiting for almost half an hour, Song Aolong had already made two pots of tea for him, and he almost sent him out.

But finally he waited for Song Ziqi back, and when he saw Song Ziqi, he was quite surprised.

Because he felt that Song Ziqi might not be able to solve the matter alone, but what he didn't expect was that Song Ziqi would solve the matter well.

After Song Ziqi saw Zhou Dong, a tired smile appeared on her face. She was exhausted just after solving the matter and dealing with those people. It is better to come back, at least not to be so restrained.

But when she saw her face so bad, Zhou Dong felt distressed instead.

Zhou Dong thought that this incident was caused by himself, after all, he felt sorry enough that he couldn't help her solve this incident, and let her face the difficulties of everyone alone, and it seemed that he was a bit unmanly.

He asked: "How did you solve the matter? Those people didn't make you embarrassed! Sorry, I promised you to help you solve this matter. I didn't expect to be late and let you face those people alone. Make things difficult, but we didn't make it difficult for you!"

Seeing Zhou Dong's worry about this incident, Song Ziqi could see that he was worried about himself, thinking about it as if no one had ever worried about himself so much.

When he thought of this, he felt that it would be better to resolve this matter as soon as possible.

"You asked me to drink water, I'm telling you." She didn't even drink any water in the past, so she hurriedly returned after solving the troublesome people.

As if she didn't want to stay there any longer, she said to Zhou Dong: "I have solved this matter. You don't need to think that they will trouble you in the future."

When she said that it was solved so lightly, her game was sluggish.

She didn't know how she solved the matter, she said that the matter was almost solved.

She told him some interesting facts when she went to solve the matter. After hearing this, Zhou Dong didn't show a very happy look, she knew it.

But she was just to enliven the atmosphere. Of course, she didn't say that going to the magnetic field would definitely lead to death. If she knew she would be sent to death or let him go, it would not appear that she was a scheming woman.

When she saw that she hadn't spoken yet, he asked directly: "You told them about the magnetic field! What did you say to them, how did they agree to it?" How did he feel that those people agreed too much? It's too easy.

He always felt that something was wrong, either because Song Ziqi gave them some promise, or those people felt that they had benefit and agreed to it.

When he talked to Song Ziqi about this, Song Ziqi seemed unwilling to tell him more about it.

But Song Ziqi, a six or seven-year-old girl, really did not expect that she had such a great ability to solve this matter. He thought about it for a long time and didn’t understand it, but he also knew it was them. He is not suitable to ask more about matters within the Beilong family.

She can tell him that’s good, she looked at the teapot on the table and said, "It seems you guys are not drinking less! What are you two doing here!"

What are the two of them doing here, of course they are drinking tea here waiting for him to come back.

But they just said something about her, and you can guess that Song Aolong will definitely tell Zhou Dong about her.

However, the Middle East praised her more. I didn't expect that a child who seemed to be only a few years old would have such a great ability to deal with those people in her small body.

When they left yesterday, Song Ziqi asked: "I think your friends seem to have opinions on this matter, but you should have persuaded them!"

She saw the problem at a glance, and when it came to this, she said to him: "Solving the magnetic field problem does not necessarily lead to death, it is because everyone thinks this matter too seriously."

She said it was so simple, thinking about the matter too serious, and it was not that she had never experienced someone dying there, so it was normal for them to worry.

He said to Song Ziqi, “It’s mainly because my friends died because of the magnetic field, so they started to express their opinions about me entering the magnetic field, but that opinion is of no use to me. I have agreed to you. , I will do it, I have checked some information."

When he said this, he smiled, and Song Ziqi saw that he was really going to help herself, and the empty glass he gave him was filled with a glass of water.

He looked at him and said, "Your cup is empty. I'll refill you one more. The two of us are talking about magnetic fields."

However, Zhou Dong felt that there was something wrong with telling her about this. She was too young after all.

When he saw that he seemed to be looking at him all the time, he asked: "Why are you looking at him all the time? I feel a little hairy, do you know?" After he finished speaking, he saw that Song Ziqi seemed to no longer use it. Looked at him in such a way.

Looking at his particularly serious eyes, Song Ziqi felt that he was treating her as a child.

"Are you treating me as a child? You think I'm only five or six years old, so you're bullying." He kept paying attention to his eyes when speaking.

When he heard Song Ziqi's words, Zhou Dong smiled instead. Didn't she look like she was five or six years old or she read it wrong.

But Song Ziqi particularly hated to see him looking at her with the same eyes that he had just looked at a child.

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