Layman System

Chapter 2125: task

The two have been here for a long time, so now Zhou Dong is constantly thinking about how to escape from this place.

After all, they don't know what will happen next, this place is too dangerous for them.

At this moment, the system issued a mission to the two of them. Zhou Dong clicked on the mission and found that this mission was to escape from this ghostly place.

The moment Zhou Dong felt helpless at the moment he saw the task entry, what was the situation?

Zhou Dong didn't know he needed to escape now, so even if he didn't have this mission, Zhou Dong wouldn't want to stay here for a minute.

"I found out that you are only talking about these useless every day. If you want us to escape quickly, then tell us how to go." Zhou Dong shook his head helplessly, but the system did not speak.

Now that the system seems to be less and less humane, Zhou Dong still has to find a way to escape from this place by himself.

At that time, Hong Long came over and said to Zhou Dong, "How can we run away from this ghost place? Is it really like that person said, we can never escape?"

This place is too mysterious, Zhou Dong doesn't know what it contains.

"No, we will definitely find a way." Zhou Dong must say.

Although the task has now been sent to the group owner, there is definitely a chance for this task to succeed. Zhou Dong believes that he will be able to find a way to solve it.

"But that's how it is said. Just now the man in the red dress said that all of you can't escape here? Are we going to stay here for the rest of our lives?" Hong Long felt helpless.

Now they have nothing to do, Zhou Dong also has no clue, although the system has already sent him such a task, it will not give them a clue.

"I calm down and think slowly now, if I'm always frizzy like now, then we will never find a way out." Zhou Dong said seriously.

Now there is not much time left for Zhou Dong and the others. Zhou Dong must quickly find a way to leave this place within a limited time.

Just when the two of them were at a loss, the banished immortal in red suddenly came over, and Zhou Dong Ruoyouruo found out that there seemed to be something different in the banished immortal.

Zhou Dong seemed to see some blue light from this person, which was particularly conspicuous against the red clothes.

It's obviously not there just now, why does it suddenly appear now?

Suddenly, Zhou Dong seemed to have thought of something. He summoned the system and asked the system: "Are those Blu-rays helpful for us to go out? Do we rely on these Blu-rays to find a way to get out."

Zhou Dong felt that these things were definitely not simple at the first moment, so Zhou Dong must seize this opportunity.

Sure enough, the system finally spoke under Zhou Dong's repeated questioning: "As long as the blue light is broken, there is a chance to be able to go out, but I don't know these things. You still have to find a solution by yourself."

The system's voice was cold enough, Zhou Dong couldn't help but roll his eyes, how do you feel that the system seems to be getting more and more gripped recently.

The Red Dragon was still at a loss over there, as if to find a way for them to go out, and constantly explore the way out of this place.

"How is it, have you thought of a way? I haven't thought of how to get out for so long." Hong Long said.

Zhou Dong said to Red Dragon what the system had just said: "Did you see the blue light on the red-clothed fairy? I think if we pierce this blue light, we have a chance to get out."

Although there is a chance, that is, no matter how you say it, what the system says is a reliable tone. I believe that it is better to believe the system if you let them spend a long time here.

Just when Zhou Dong was planning how two people could pierce the blue light, Hong Long suddenly said: "What are you talking about there? Why didn't I see any blue light."

Hong Longzi carefully watched the red-clothed immortal for a long time, but still did not see the blue light Zhou Dong said. He thought Zhou Dong had dazzled eyes.

"What? You didn't see such an obvious light?" Zhou Dong asked in disbelief.

At this moment, Zhou Dong was still looking at the immortal, and a very obvious light appeared on the red-clothed immortal.

"I haven't seen it? You are not dreaming, are you? Is the thing you said reliable? Can we go out as long as the light you said is torn apart?" Red Dragon kept on Watching around the red-dressed immortal.

What Hong Long saw was nothing but nothingness in front of him, and Zhou Dong was sure that no one except himself could see this light.

"It's like this, maybe you can't see it, but I can see it very clearly. Sitting around the red-clad fairy, there is a very obvious blue light. If we just pierce the blue light, it is very likely to be able to Go out." Zhou Dong said.

Although Hong Long couldn’t see what Zhou Dong said, but when he thought that the two of them would be able to go out soon, he couldn’t take care of that much. He said with some excitement, "What you said is true. Isn’t it? Then we don’t rush to think of a solution."

Zhou Dong is thinking about this thing now. The red-clothed immortal is still there now, constantly sweeping back around. It seems to be very defensive to them. If the two of them want to go out easily, it is basically impossible.

"Although I can't see it, but you can tell me the specific location. I won't know how to think of a solution when the time comes," Hong Long said.

Zhou Dong thought for a while. It was indeed the same. He knew it alone, and it was better to find a way than two people.

"It's right next to the red-clothed immortal. It doesn't take long. When the time comes, we just have to find a way to go. When the red-clothed immortal's attention is attracted, there will be a way to find the light." Zhou Dong said He also pointed to the red-clothed immortal.

The red-clothed immortals seemed to have noticed their movements, and they still felt strange. He asked them, "What are you doing there? I warn you not to play tricks. You can never get out now. If you should play tricks, don't blame me for being rude to you."

Speaking of it, the red-clothed immortal seemed to not want their people to show up, so Zhou Dong had to take his hand back.

"I see, don't talk anymore." Hong Long said.

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