Layman System

Chapter 2131: Awkward couple

At night, the man couldn't help but beat Zhu Yulan again.

But she was not allowed to cry, so Zhu Yulan couldn't stand him anymore.

But when she got up the next day, Pang Zheyan got up and did not move, which made Zhu Yulan's mood to the extreme, he always did.

Immediately, Zhu Yulan, who was boring, went to Li Li again. She felt that the two of them could be able to talk. She also envied Li Li and thought Zhou Dong was a good person.

But they couldn't find the strangeness at all. In fact, when she came to Li Li in the morning, she had already found something wrong with her. Li Li seemed to cry when she saw her.

Her eyes were red, Li Li asked: "What's wrong with you, I see your eyes are red."

However, she said something to cover up. She didn't dare to tell them that she was actually subjected to Pang Zheyan's domestic violence at night.

In that case, he would beat her more severely, but at this moment Zhou Dong had already bought some food and planned to have dinner with Li Li.

In the morning, Pang Zheyan left without Zhu Yulan cooking, so she didn't eat either. When she looked at the food on the table, she wanted to leave first, but was left by Li Li.

A few of them ate together, but fortunately, her appetite was not large, and Li Li did not see anything.

When the two of them went to the beach to play, Zhou Dong was also using his cell phone, but when Zhou Dong was on the beach, he saw Pang Zheyan coming back.

He didn't come forward to say hello, because he felt that Pang Zheyan seemed difficult to get along with.

You can't see it these days, and he will suddenly appear again at night.

I really don't understand what he's doing, but after listening for a long time, he seems to feel that something is not right, because he seems to be answering the phone secretly throughout the process.

He has a lot of phone calls. At night, he will buy some food, but Zhou Dong sees that he doesn't buy a lot of food.

In the evening, when they came to pick up Zhu Yulan, they shared some.

This situation makes Zhou Dong feel very strange, but he is not the kind of nosy person, he ignores them, and this situation has been going on for several days.

Zhou Dong thought that there was a problem with the relationship between the two of them. Sure enough, the two of them really had a problem.

Zhou Dong found out that every day Pang Zheyan answered the phone behind their backs. The people on his phone didn't seem to respect him very much, and they were all scolding him.

He had to listen every day, even explaining to those people, Zhou Dong felt very tired in this life.

But this didn't seem to have anything to do with Zhou Dong, and he didn't care about it either.

But he was not the only one who discovered that they were wrong, and Li Li, who discovered that Zhu Yulan was different these days from when she saw her the other day.

Zhu Yulan did not see the two of them the next day. She was a little surprised, but she took Zhou Dong to chat.

"Zhou Dong, have you noticed that there is something wrong between the two of them, aren't they two lovers? But how come I look a little like strangers." She is not the one who can tell.

When she was crying, she did not see Pang Zheyan coming out to comfort her.

Zhu Yulan came to see her for dinner these days, which clearly meant that the two of them had never eaten together. When she thought about it, she felt something was wrong.

Zhou Dong said to her: "You just noticed that something is wrong with the two of them! You didn't see that when the two of them were eating every day, they were basically not together. I think that Pang Zheyan was scolded every day for answering the phone. I don’t know what happened to the two of them."

However, he was not interested in the two of them at all. She looked at them and said, "We should leave other people’s business alone. You are the best help to both of them. After all, you two are still It's not good enough to interfere with other people's lives, so stay away from them in the future."

Stay away from them. When I heard this, Li Li still felt strangely uncomfortable. After all, the two of them met here, and the relationship between the two is quite good. She really didn’t want to miss it like that. .

But even if you don't want to just miss it, there is no other way.

Zhou Dong asked: "I won't be involved in the affairs of the two of them. If the two of them really quarrel at that time, you say you care or don't care."

In fact, thinking about it, Zhou Dong was right, she could not participate in the two of them.

When the two people finished talking about the two of them, Zhou Dong and Li Li saw Zhu Yulan and the others tidy up their clothes and went out. The way they went out didn't seem to tell what they didn't love.

The two of them looked very affectionate, but through the performance of this period of time, she always felt that there was something wrong between the two of them.

When she saw the two of them, Zhu Yulan also said that Pang Zheyan went out for a while and came back in a while, and showed off with Zhou Dong and others what he bought for her when he went out yesterday.

Judging from this incident, Zhou Dong felt that the acting of the two of them was too tired.

In the evening, Zhou Dong said to Li Li next to him: "You have also seen their situation. Don't you think they are a bit too fake?"

Of course she could see it, but what did Zhou Dong mean by telling her that, Zhou Dong asked her not to contact these two people as much as possible.

It seemed that Pang Zheyan didn't look like a good person. After she said this, she said she was going to sleep.

Li Li was a little angry, thinking he was a little cold-blooded, how could this be so, how can she and Zhu Yulan are also good friends, if she really wants to say that Pang Zheyan abused her, she really might go up and help.

However, Zhou Dong's indifference made her feel a little uncomfortable, watching Zhou Dong go to bed first, she stopped talking.

In this way, the two of them slept all night. When Zhou Dong got up the next day, Li Li found that he got up very early.

When Zhou Dong got up to buy food, he met Pang Zheyan, and he also greeted Zhou Dong.

Out of courtesy, Zhou Dong also greeted him.

But that was all. When Zhou Dong entered the door, Li Li saw the two men say hello.

"Why did you two go out to buy food? How do I think you came back with him!" Li Li asked with some confusion when he saw them.

"It just happened to happen, and I bought you your favorite food." Zhou Dong sent the food in his hand.

Your husband was so kind to you, and the words he was eating came back to Li Li's ear.

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