Layman System

Chapter 2136: Knocked out

Zhou Dong felt that he had never seen such a stupid woman. He knew that he would not run away after being beaten, and he was still waiting for him. She knew to leave if she was going to be beaten to death.

He was so annoyed that he didn't want to care about this matter. One would like to fight and the other would suffer. This matter was already very clear. Zhou Dong couldn't understand the reason why the system kept him in charge of this matter.

He couldn't figure it out. He looked at the light in the room opposite him and Li Li. It seemed that she was waiting for him before she slept.

The two of them are normal lovers' lives, unlike Zhu Yulan's abnormal lives.

When he saw him not speaking, Zhu Yulan smiled bitterly: "What's wrong with you, do you think I am stupid? Maybe there are not many women like me in the world!"

There are not many women like him in the world, and he really doesn't know how to respond to her question.

But he also understood why Zhu Yulan always likes to pester Li Li.

Because she feels safe only when she is by her side, and no one can bully her with them.

Because as long as Pang Zheyan is unhappy, he will vent her anger, so he understands her suffering.

Zhou Dong said to her: "Why don't you go to my house first, I'll wait for your husband to come back for you, and I'll talk to him."

When she heard Zhou Dong wanted to help herself, she cried and said, "I'll sit here and wait for him to come back!"

Seeing her so stubborn, Zhou Dong said to her: "Listen to me, I can help you deal with him, so that he will not dare to beat you in the future."

"Really? If you can really let him not do anything to me in the future, I really want to thank you." When he finished saying these words, he saw the woman next to him showing an incredulous expression.

Of course he thought this way. He had an appointment with Pang Zheyan, so that he would not dare to do anything with Zhu Yulan in the future, so that his goal would be considered complete.

"You didn't know that I was beaten by him over the years, and my internal organs were sore. I couldn't do anything to tell you these things." Zhu Yulan began to pretend to be pitiful again.

Zhou Dong was even more furious after hearing this, and he wished to beat him up now.

Pang Zheyan, who was still dangling outside before, disappeared. Just as he felt something was wrong, a sap on his head hit him.

Because he didn't reflect it, he hit his head directly.

Because of the heavy blow from that stick, he immediately passed out into a coma.

Seeing him in a coma, Pang Zheyan smiled at the woman beside him: "Good job, now let's go over there and tie up his wife."

When he passed out in a coma, his consciousness was still in the system. The system said he was too careless and cheated by others. The two of them were not lovers at all.

He didn't understand the meaning of the system. What meant that the two of them were not lovers at all. Could it be the woman Pang Zheyan abducted from someone else's hands.

But he also thinks it's impossible, because he still allows that woman to come out on weekdays!

If that woman was really being coerced, she should have called the police long ago!

The system says he is stupid, but he is really stupid.

Zhou Dong is even more unclear, so let the system make it clearer.

The system told him that this was actually a scam, and the two of them not only lied to them, but also lied to many people.

When he heard this, Zhou Dong was silly in a single game and didn't know what it meant.

The system clearly knew that this was a scam and asked him to come over, in the end it was a motive.

The system said that he also asked him to stop them from continuing to lie, but how could he stop them from continuing to lie?

He can't help it! What's more, he fainted at this moment, and the system directly woke him up.

The two had left the hotel long ago, but he didn't know.

And Li Li over there is still waiting for Zhou Dong to come back!

When she called Zhou Dong, Zhou Dong didn't answer her call, she couldn't stand it anymore.

But seeing that Zhou Dong hadn't come back, thinking that she was waiting for him for a while, who knew that Zhou Dong had been waiting for a long time and didn't see him come back, she wanted to tell Zhou Dong that she would go to bed first.

Who knew she couldn't even get through the phone, she wanted to go out and see by herself!

When she first went out, she remembered that her room card seemed to be with Zhou Dong.

She went out, if Zhou Dong is no longer, she won't be able to come back temporarily, so she can't go temporarily.

She thought she should wait for her return in the hotel!

She waited in the hotel and fell asleep. Zhou Dong asked the system: "When will I wake up? Are you going to let me watch Li Li be captured by them."

He wanted to run to Li Li's side right now, but he couldn't help it.

Unless it is the system or his own consciousness that wants him to wake up as soon as possible, otherwise he can only be so subconsciously in a coma, watching the two of them attack Li Li.

But he didn't want to see something like that happen. He said to the system: "Can you let me wake up quickly?"

The system said that it was not possible to wake him up directly for the time being. After he woke up, it would have to be after the two of them entered Li Li's room.

Both of them went in, how he would stop it, and how he thought about it, he felt that the system had pitted him.

The system says it will be soon, and Li Li has already called him, that means Li Li is going to bed, if she does, it will be all right, but Zhou Dong knows that she will wait for her to go back to sleep at ease of.

If this is the case, will he stay here watching her being caught by those people?

He tried to communicate this matter with the system, but the system said that before the time, his angry face would change. This kind of moment was like when he knew she was unconscious.

However, his mood at the moment is much more complicated than that at that time. When he thought of this, he said to the system again: "What should I buy to wake me up immediately."

The system no longer speaks, and it is now imminent over there. They all know that the two people will be at Li Li's soon, and it will really be too late if he stops.

But he thought that the room card was still in his hand. If he can wake up now, he can tell Li Li not to open the door.

He tried to use his consciousness, but couldn't touch the phone at all.

The system kept talking, making him completely panicked. In fact, this was just something he had to go through, and now he was just going through it.

When the two people arrived in the room, he woke up completely.

However, the system feels that it is there and there should be no problem.

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