Layman System

Chapter 2144: Lesson learned

Zhou Dong, who answered the phone outside the door, received a call from the police. Pang Zheyan explained a lot of things, including how he stunned Li Li.

Originally, the place they traveled was not big, and the characteristics provided by Zhou Dong just now allowed them to quickly find Pang Zheyan who was absconding.

He didn't want to admit it when he was caught by the police!

But then he had to admit it at the end. He finally admitted many things under the police's interrogation.

The police over there greeted Zhou Dong and asked him how Li Li was hiding in the trunk.

Zhou Dong told the police that Li Li was fine, so he didn't have to worry about it.

After listening to his words, the police said that they would solve the matter and gave them an explanation. They also worked hard to arrest the two men for a long time.

I didn't expect them to be caught in this place. Thanks to Zhou Dong.

However, Zhou Dong was really in no mood to continue talking with the police. He is going to take care of Li Li now.

I exchanged a few words with the police. Even if the incident was overwhelmed, the police also recognized his anxiety and asked him to take care of his girlfriend.

After passing this incident, Zhou Dong was not in the mood to continue taking her to travel.

After he went in and saw the woman on the bed, he still felt unbearable and reluctant.

Decided to let her stay in the hospital for one day to see if she had any sequelae.

Seeing him in shock when he came back, she said to the people around her: "What's wrong with you? When you come back, I'm so devastated. I'm already awake. We can leave here."

"We can't leave here. You wake up now, and you will be waiting one day and tomorrow for the doctor to see the situation for you. It will not be too late for me to take you away." He saw that when he finished speaking. He showed opposition.

She didn't expect that he could object to this, but she really didn't have any serious problems.

She even went down to the ground to demonstrate to him what she was going to do to the ground. His heart rose and he asked directly: "What are you going to do and what do you need."

What does she need? She is proving to him that she is fine, but it seems that he is destined not to let him out of the hospital tonight.

However, after Zhou Dong saw the sadness of the person in front of him, he said to her: "Or we should go back to the villa where we lived before."

When she heard this, she began to pack herself, planning to go back with him.

The two people returned to the ocean view villa they lived in before. When they arrived at the villa, the system gave him a new task.

It was the task of letting him teach the stabbing head, but he didn't know at all, so he didn't know what it meant to teach the stabbing head.

However, this task did not give him a limited task time, let him complete this task.

He was a little puzzled about this, but he saw that his hair was a little longer, so he thought of going outside to cut his own hair.

When he talked to Li Li about this, Li Li could just let him go alone, and she would obediently not go out in the hotel.

Seeing that she had agreed, he left the hotel villa and went directly to the barbershop.

He had just washed his hair in the barbershop, and saw a group of yellow hairs coming over.

He also saw the barber shop owner panicking when he saw those people. He didn't even know what happened.

It made him start to panic, but he saw that those few people didn't seem to be annoying.

Zhou Dong could also see that these people weren't here for the first time, otherwise the boss wouldn't be scared by them.

People who don't want to be nosy, now they have to take care of this nosy.

At this time, the task assigned to him by the system also came down, which was to deal with them.

Unexpectedly, the thorns that the system had asked him to deal with before turned out to be people like them.

But looking at this group of people, he felt that they were quite easy to deal with. When he thought about this, he looked at those people to prevent them from passing the opposite side of the boss.

When they saw him blocking them, those people and Zhou Dong said, "You'd better give me less nosy, otherwise don't blame us for being polite."

When those people just finished speaking these words, they saw that he seemed to be doing something to them.

Naturally, those people didn't expect that this person who came to cut their heads would dare to provoke them.

Even the hair-cutting boss said to Zhou Dong: "You don't need your money for this hair, you leave now! They are too powerful, you can't handle it alone."

And Li Li, who was waiting at the hotel over there, felt that her eyelids kept twitching. She always felt that something had happened, but she just couldn't figure out what happened.

But why does she feel uncomfortable in her heart? It seems that she has an inexplicable feeling in her heart with Zhou Dong, she always feels that something has happened to him.

She called him and asked him what was going on there. Her call went out, but no one answered. She still didn’t know about Zhu Yulan and the others. When Zhou Dong left just now, she had better not be out. This villa.

Otherwise, if something happens to him, she will have to look for him everywhere. When she thinks of this, she feels very uncomfortable in her heart. She can't save Zhou Dong and her heart is turbulent enough.

At this moment, she felt more and more feelings of ups and downs in her heart.

You can't tell the feeling that way, and she doesn't know what happened to her.

Zhou Dong was dealing with those people at the moment and naturally did not have time to answer Li Li's call.

He didn't know that Li Li was already waiting for him in a hurry, but he was actually to be blamed for this incident. When Li Li was discharged from the hospital, he did not explain the matter to her clearly.

Li Li has come out of the villa, planning to look for him in barber shops from house to house.

I didn't believe I couldn't find him. He had been looking for someone in the barber shop for a long time, but he couldn't find him.

There are also many barbershops nearby. She just followed the recent barbershops. She hadn't seen it. If the barbershop behind the villa was enclosed, she would definitely find Zhou Dong's.

She was scurrying around the villa anxiously, but she couldn't find Zhou Dong, her heart was already feeling turbulent at this moment.

She would really go crazy if she couldn't find Zhou Dong. She looked around, where there was a barber shop.

She thought that she might as well go back and wait. Maybe Zhou Dong went back. She could only comfort herself if she couldn't find Zhou Dong.

And Zhou Dong, who was going to fight with those people in the store, was also worried that Li Li would come out to find herself if he couldn't make a call, but this kind of time is not suitable for calling.

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