Layman System

Chapter 2149: They are together

Zhou Dong's luck was pretty good. He actually let him find out the whereabouts of those people in the bar. Those yellow hairs were mixed with a person named Cyclops, and he knew that those people were in this area.

He heard that Cyclops was opening a mahjong hall nearby. He thought that he could pretend to play mahjong with them and come and mix in among them so that he could catch them.

He saw the mahjong hall they opened. When he was going to go, he was stopped by people. Those people looked at Zhou Dong and found that he didn't know him at all. He didn't let him in at all for people he didn't know. He was a cyclops. The one-eyed dragon asked them to watch those people at the door.

Those people naturally watched and listened to the instructions of the Cyclops, but Zhou Dong obviously couldn't come in vain.

He looked at a few people at the door and said to them: "I'm here to play mahjong. You let me in. I'm lucky these days. I want to go in and try."

But what he said was as if those people hadn't heard him. No one paid any attention to him. It could be said that those people seemed to despise him. He felt that way.

He looked at those people, and those people looked at him. He was lucky, but he didn't look like a gambler. What they said to him was dismissive and dismissive of him at all, thinking that he was coming for trouble. .

Those people said to him: "You go quickly, go quickly, if you don't want to die, what kind of people we receive here, do you know? We receive all our acquaintances, who are you, we don't."

When he heard those people say that he would only pick up regular customers, he thought that this should be troublesome. Either the people at the door were warned, or those people just opened their mouths and were ordered to stay here and not let him run around, so he In his heart, thinking that he had to find a way to get in.

These people would definitely not let him in, because they were not familiar with him. If he rushed in, he would definitely fight with these people. It would be difficult for him to beat a group of them alone.

What's more, if they fight, it will definitely cause all the people inside to move. When the time comes, the gain will not be worth the loss. Zhou Dong suddenly feel helpless, even if he thinks of a way, he can't immediately let him in!

Just when he was trying to get in, he suddenly found that the cyclops inside seemed to have come out. Sure enough, the cyclops came out and lit a cigarette, which happened to be caught by him.

The one-eyed dragon looked at Zhou Dong and asked, "Do you know this person?"

Obviously he was a little puzzled. Why did strangers come to their gambling hall? Those people shook their heads quickly. They claimed they didn't know them.

When I learned that my subordinates didn’t know him at all, this matter was more interesting. What did he come to him for? Because they mixed in this area, the eyes of the Cyclops are still very vicious. This person treats them. Whether it's good or bad, he can see clearly at a glance.

He found that this man’s eyes seemed to show a kind of viciousness, but this viciousness made him not afraid at all. On the contrary, he admired him a little, daring to play his trump card by himself. He was still the first. He came to die, but this person felt a bit interesting.

The people at the door said a few words to the Cyclops. Zhou Dong knew that these people would not say anything good about them. After listening to them, the Cyclops did not have a very good impression of Zhou Dong.

He called Zhou Dong in front of him and said to him: "Hurry up. We don't welcome people who don't know come to play mahjong. If you are the truth, leave as soon as possible." When he drove people out, there were so many The posture of points, seeing that he was about to be driven out.

Zhou Dong absolutely couldn't be driven out by them like this. He originally came to find those yellow hairs to settle the accounts. What was going on with them being driven away like this, but that one-eyed dragon obviously didn't have such a good temper.

If he does not leave, he will inevitably not let many of his brothers come out and challenge him for a while, but a group of people will beat him.

The people inside were playing mahjong and found that the Cyclops was gone. Several people said, "I'm not lucky! Let the boss come for me and I will go to the bathroom."

As soon as that Huang Mao finished speaking, the Huang Mao who was opposite said to him: "If you want to run, just say, why bother to do this! The boss has already gone out, come by yourself."

The Huang Mao glared at the person opposite him, knowing that his shortcomings would pierce him, but at this time he was losing and making trouble, the boss suddenly left, so that he could not find anyone to replace him, he said to those people : "Stop playing, I really want to rush to the toilet."

The man next to him said: "You go to the toilet, I will help you play a few, and I will continue to give you the cards when you come back, aren't you going to the toilet? Hurry up!"

Huang Mao's teeth were itchy, and he had just thought about covering it up directly. Who knew these people didn't let them go, and they had to lose all their pants.

When they watched him leave, those people said with a smile: "Is he afraid that there will be no more pants left, so he doesn't want to play anymore, hey! If you can't lose, you can't say you can't lose. Why look for so many Excuses!"

The people laughed and beaten haha, and when the Huang Mao went out to the bathroom, he saw their boss and didn't know who he was talking to at the door.

It seemed that it was very unpleasant to make trouble, Huang Mao just passed by. When he saw Zhou Dong, he didn't know Zhou Dong, and thought that the person provoke the cyclops unhappy.

"Boss, I will help you deal with this person. You go in and help me make two laps. He lost weight. He is not worthy to start with the boss. Boss, please go in and I will protect you." This Huang Mao pretended to swear to death. Protect the appearance of the boss.

Only the one-eyed dragon saw his intentions. 80% of them played mahjong and lost again. He asked him to fill a vacancy for him. He looked at Huang Mao and said, "Do you know this person?"

Huang Mao quickly waved his hand and said that he didn't know him. He just went out to the toilet and scratched his head. He probably already knew that the boss had seen his intentions. He didn't dare to talk when he asked him that on purpose. I'm afraid that any sentence is wrong.

The one-eyed dragon said to Huang Mao: "You go in first, tell me how much you lose later, I'll make it up for you, we have something to solve here, you don't follow to make trouble."

Huang Mao heard these words from their boss and immediately went in and continued playing mahjong with them.

Seeing Huang Mao's return, those people laughed at him: "Are you afraid of losing nothing, so you ran away."

Zhou Dong could see that the Cyclops did not want to be okay.

"I'm looking for something to do with you." Zhou Dong said to the cyclops.

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