Layman System

Chapter 2152: Threatened

After he finished teaching that person, he also gave that person a warning. After his warning, that person was frightened. He didn't expect that he could be beaten when walking outside, but he thought he belonged to that person. Opponents, they played for a long time, and he couldn't see who made the move in the middle of the night.

That person also threatened to let them close the next day, otherwise, he would be rude to them.

The man hurriedly knelt on the ground and begged for mercy, saying that he would let the mahjong hall graduates graduate tomorrow and would not break his promise, begging him to let him go.

Sure enough, when he said those things, Zhou Dong told him that he would come over and watch it secretly tomorrow. If they continued to operate, then he would not be polite to them.

While Zhou Dong warned him, he stole something from Zhou Dong.

He thought that through that thing, he could recognize who was behind him, so that he could find that person to settle the accounts. Zhou Dong went home directly after he had done this.

But after looking for the lighter on his body for a long time, he found that he couldn't find it. He didn't know why, how could he not find the lighter in his pocket.

He suddenly thought that maybe when he was teaching that person, he didn't care about it when he fell out.

After Zhou Dong settled the matter, he went to the barber shop and told them that those people would not trouble them in the future.

The boss admired him very much and thanked him for helping him solve such a big trouble.

The next morning, the Cyclops received the news that the man from the mahjong hall opposite was beaten. They seemed to have dragged things from the person who beat them, but they have not found out who the man who beat them was. .

He also said that he would not let him go! But those people really closed the mahjong in charge, and this didn't mean to cheat them at all.

Cyclops immediately contacted Zhou Dong, thinking that he had agreed to this matter and did it without deceiving himself.

When he received the call from Cyclops, Zhou Dong had been shopping outside for almost all night.

"I have warned those bastards, so that they would absolutely not dare to trouble with that barber shop. If anyone dared, they would have trouble with my Cyclops, and the consequences would be unbearable."

When the Cyclops had finished saying this, Zhou Dong believed that they were still talking about justice, otherwise the words would not sound good.

However, he finally relieved the matter and hung up the phone directly there, planning to go back and take Li Li out for a walk, anyway, he also solved the matter.

But when he called Li Li, he couldn't reach her person anyway.

He didn’t know what went wrong. Li Li would never leave without saying hello to him. He thought about a lot of assumptions. She might have gone out because of something. He hurried back to the villa to find her. .

He remembered that he had warned her not to go out, wondering if she listened to him.

Because he couldn't contact Li Li, Zhou Dong began to look around. He suddenly had a bad feeling that something was wrong with her and he had to find her as soon as possible.

Although Li Li doesn't need his protection at all now, she is also a woman after all!

But no matter how he searched, he just couldn't find Li Li, and even no trace.

Just when he was anxious about this matter, the system sent a task again, and he was about to lose his temper with the system. What task was released at this time.

He didn't expect that the task issued to him by the system was to let him find Li Li.

It seems that something happened to Li Li, otherwise the system would not let him go to Li Li at all.

Just as he was so busy, he received a strange call at this time, and he couldn't see who was calling him.

However, he was worried that someone would find something to him, so he picked it up directly. The person over there was the person he had taught yesterday.

"Are you Zhou Dong? Your girlfriend is in our hands. If you want your girlfriend to be well, you can come to our mahjong tube. If you don't come, I will tell you at your own risk." He heard people's voices, they were particularly familiar.

It seemed that it was under the man he had taught yesterday. He felt so.

He remembered that he had smoked under the hands of others. It was normal for those people to know him, but he began to suspect that someone took out a lighter from his pants yesterday, so there is nothing wrong with admitting him wrong.

But because the other party’s people were taught by him yesterday, he was very worried that they would be disadvantageous to Li Li

He said to those people: "You can come at me if you have anything, but don't come at her. She is a woman who knows nothing."

But those people didn't care what he said. He didn't feel any softness when he hit them. Of course they had to teach him a lesson this time.

The mahjong hall they said was Xinxin Mahjong, which was the one that closed today. Naturally, they couldn't eat for nothing. They knew that the person yesterday was Zhou Dong, so they started on his girlfriend.

However, Zhou Dong's girlfriends didn't seem to know everything about them, but they didn't have any thoughts of guilt towards them.

But Li Li, who was completely controlled, knew that she was kidnapped when she looked at the strange environment. She couldn't provoke these people. What she didn't know was that those people kidnapped her for Zhou Dong.

She asked those people: "What did you kidnap me for? I don't have anything valuable with me. You people are not afraid of my husband calling the police."

When those people heard these words, they didn't have any fear at all, and they said to her: "I'm afraid your husband didn't dare to call the police at all. Didn't you know that your husband was not very good last night? Taught our boss. Whoever he thinks he is, isn't he also afraid of us now."

She understood that these people were all from Zhou Dong, and their purpose was clearly revealed. When they called Zhou Dong just now, she heard it. No wonder she couldn’t contact Zhou Dong. It turns out that Zhou Dong was with this group. People are in conflict.

But on the one hand she hoped that he could come to save her, on the other hand she didn't want him to come to her.

After all, it was easy for Zhou Dong to save her, but with so many people here, she really didn't dare to say for him that she was so sure that she could be saved.

What's more, these people wouldn't do anything to her, she just thought these people in front of her too well.

But I don't know that those people don't care about her life or death.

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