Layman System

Chapter 2154: Fight

But these people seemed to have made it clear that they wanted to look good with Zhou Dong, so when these people came over, they all had sticks in their hands.

It can be seen that these people must pay high prices from Zhou Dong. Zhou Dong knew that if he had to get it from these people, he would not necessarily be able to win. After all, these people seemed to have made a lot of money.

Maybe it was because Zhou Dong had done these people too badly before, so these people must teach Zhou Dong a lesson this time.

"You little thieves want to deal with me too?" Zhou Dong didn't think he could deal with these people either.

But in front of so many people, Zhou Dong couldn't lose the battle.

All of these people held sticks in their hands and looked angry.

"What do you want, let me tell you, this time you people are not enough to stuff my teeth, if you are acquainted, leave quickly, so as not to be beaten by me when the time comes." Zhou Dong is very alert to the surroundings.

The more this happened, the more it showed that Zhou Dong was more guilty at this time. If he didn't rely on his own words to defeat the people on the other side, Zhou Dong really didn't know what other way he could do.

"You don't think that it depends on you now that you can defeat us." Those little **** seemed to see that Zhou Dong was bluffing.

But I can't say for sure. After all, Zhou Dong was so good before, and he defeated so many brothers with his bare hands.

"Is it true? You'll know when you come and take a look, but I can remind you to greet your family first, and don't get hurt when you go back." Zhou Dong said.

Although Zhou Dong said that he had no bottom in his heart, he was not afraid on the face. He just looked at these people coldly. After all, he knew his abilities even if he couldn't beat them, he would definitely be able to escape.

Those little gangsters saw Zhou Dong's posture and thought Zhou Dong was really not afraid, and suddenly they didn't know if they could defeat Zhou Dong.

So those gangsters were going to step forward immediately, Zhou Dong knew that his own strength was definitely unable to deal with those gangsters completely.

So immediately Zhou Dongbian summoned the system.

As soon as the system heard Zhou Dong's call, it immediately came out: "Excuse me, what is your order?"

Now Zhou Dong is the ant on the hot pot. If he is not careful, he may be broken into pieces by those punks, so Zhou Dong dare not waste time at all.

"Hurry up, hurry up, hurry up and exchange for an iron jersey that must be particularly useful." Zhou Dong said.

The system’s ability to do things is still very high. As soon as Zhou Dong’s voice fell, an iron cloth shirt was worn on Zhou Dong’s body. After Zhou Dong had this iron cloth shirt, he suddenly had a bottom in his heart and felt that he could do it alone. Deal with those gangsters.

This iron cloth shirt is very powerful, and no matter how the gangsters attack Zhou Dong, it will not cause deadly damage to Zhou Dong.

So with this thing, Zhou Dong is no longer guilty. He is more confident with those people. It's just a little bit. If it weren't for these people, it would be impossible to beat himself.

Most of these people are mobs, and there are no tricks at all. As long as Zhou Dong really wants to win, there is absolutely a way to defeat these people?

"You don't think you can do anything to me just like this." Zhou Dong sneered.

Now Zhou Dong is really not afraid of those people, as long as those people really catch up, Zhou Dong will have a way to fight them.

Just when Zhou Dong was ready, the system suddenly said: "Well, the iron shirt you just exchanged lasts for half an hour. After half an hour, this iron shirt will lose its function."

After listening to the system, Zhou Dong wished he would kill himself at that time. What is this?

There is even a time limit, but why didn't the system say it earlier, now that the ruthless words have been put down, and these little gangsters will definitely not let Zhou Dong go for the time being.

"Why didn't you say it earlier, at this time, if this iron shirt loses its effect, then I am going to die here." Zhou Dong said angrily.

This system has an innocent face, as if the system has nothing to do with it at all.

"It's not what you mean by this. Hurry up and explain it clearly. It's impossible for me to live without this iron jersey now. Can I exchange it for another one?"

It is said that Zhou Dong also feels distressed about the points, but under the current circumstances, if Zhou Dong does not have this iron t-shirt protector, it is possible that these little guys will directly kill him.

"I'm sorry, your current points are not enough to be able to redeem two identical items in a row," the system said.

The system's voice is very cold and unkind, and Zhou Dong has no way to know that even if he is talking to the system, it is definitely useless.

The system could not continue to exchange for Zhou Dong, Zhou Dong could only figure out how to defeat these punks by himself.

This iron shirt only took half an hour, and Zhou Dong knew that he must solve all the troubles within this half an hour.

"Don't say that those are useless there, you can fight if you want." Zhou Dong said.

Zhou Dong is very anxious now. If this is not the case, Zhou Dong has no other way.

Within half an hour, if Zhou Dong can't solve these punks, it is possible that Zhou Dong will die here.

Those little gangsters are a little strange to see Zhou Dong doing this now. After all, Zhou Dong looked so good before, so the state now is obviously different from just now. Is there any other way Zhou Dong can do?

"Don't play any tricks, I tell you, we are crowded now, if you want to take us, you can't do it at all," said the little bastards.

Now Zhou Dong didn't have time to continue wasting with them here, and went directly to fight these people.

Zhou Dong must beat all these people within half an hour, so that Zhou Dong could win.

"I found out why you talk so much nonsense, how can you spend so much time with you?" Zhou Dong asked.

Zhou Dong's hand strength was still quite big, and soon these people were beaten by Zhou Dong and couldn't get up. It was a bit shocked to see Zhou Dong like this.

Zhou Dong's attack was very fast. After Zhou Dong's attack, they didn't even react.

When they reacted, half of them were already on the ground, but Zhou Dong still pretended to be at ease.

Only Zhou Dong knew that his arms and legs were hurting now.

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