Layman System

Chapter 2164: Speak fluent french

No words for a night.

The next day, Zhou Dong was doing nothing to accompany Li Li. When she was busy, she watched it by herself, and when she was free, she went over and talked sweet words with her.

Now Li Li is not very angry at Zhou Dong's behavior yesterday, and it is useless to be angry. Why can't I let him go? Anyway, he also knows the mistake, and if he wants to correct it, just give it a chance.

Soon it was the time agreed with Song Juyu. Zhou Dong drove the car, Li Li sat in the co-driver, and came to the French restaurant. There were few people, but they were all well-dressed people. At first glance, they knew they were rich.

When the two walked in, they saw Song Juyu waved at them.

After finding a good location and doing it, Song Juyu threw the menu to Zhou Dong. He originally wanted to order Li Li because he didn't know her taste, for fear that he would make the wrong order and the beauty would blame it.

It suddenly occurred to Zhou Dong that it would be a scapegoat. If they don't even know what the beauty wants to eat, they will definitely quarrel. That's the opportunity. Besides, Zhou Dong recognizes that French is the same thing.

"I've watched it for so long, why haven't you ordered it? It's not good to keep the beauty waiting for a long time, tusk, can't you be, don't you understand French?"

It took less than a minute to give Zhou Dong the menu, Song Juyu said that he wanted to make people embarrassed in such a hurry. He was really not a good person. Zhou Dong could not believe that it was such a person who saved Li Li. He deliberately set the game, and then the hero saves the United States?

There is this speculation, but there is no evidence. As long as Li Li is safe, I won't pursue other things if I can't figure it out, but if he finds out that Song Juyu is a ghost, he will definitely not be let go.

Regardless of what Song Juyu said, Zhou Dong continued to look at the menu because he wanted a lot of things.

I haven't seen how Li Li eats French cuisine, so I don't know what kind of food she likes. Just order more. There are always some dishes that suit her taste. Anyway, I didn't pay for it by myself.

At this time, Li Li looked at Zhou Dong anxiously. She didn't know if Zhou Dong could speak French. She felt that he could not. She didn't study French very much, so she understood a little, so she could barely read a menu.

"If you don't understand, let me do it! It's not good to make beautiful women wait in a hurry." Song Juyu urged again, just to embarrass Zhou Dong. He had already determined that Zhou Dong would not comment on the text, and now he is just pretending , I don't want to lose face.

That being the case, then he made Zhou Dong's face ashamed! Let Li Li see his merits. Not only is rich, but also French. Which girl does not like rich and educated people?

When he was about to grab the menu and show his talents, Zhou Dong had already called the waiter.

Immediately, a fluent French was spoken from Zhou Dong's mouth. It was like flowing water, and it was particularly sensational, like a French native. The speed of speaking was so fast that the waiter almost couldn't understand it. Fortunately, she accepted it. Only after passing the French proficiency test can I work here.

At this time, Li Li and Song Juyu looked at Zhou Dong dumbfounded. This was incredible. How could they even speak French and still be so smooth.

After speaking, the waiter went to prepare, and even the waiter understood it, indicating that Zhou Dong didn't just say a few foolish words, it was really French.

Song Juyu didn't know what Zhou Dong ordered. He only understood a few cheap dishes. He didn't pay much attention to them. At this moment, there were no adjectives to describe other than shock.

"You grew up in France?" Li Li said to Zhou Dong with an incredible expression. How could she speak such a smooth French if she hadn't grown up in France.

Zhou Dong gave a white glance: "Didn't I just study the time? As for that? I have never been to France."

"Isn't it just French? What's so great, and I will too." Song Juyu said unconvinced. He originally wanted to embarrass Zhou Dong, but he couldn't get off the stage. He knew that he spoke so much French so he wouldn't let him order. Single out.

"Then you have to say a few words." Zhou Dong didn't give any face, so he demolished his platform.

Song Juyu's expression was even more ugly. He was speechless for a while, unable to speak, so he could only keep silent and wait for the dishes to come up, and then find the face when he was eating.

Li Li was grateful to Song Juyu and afraid that Zhou Dong would be jealous, so she didn't say anything, just let the two gods fight and just watch.

After the dishes were ready, Song Juyu realized that it was a huge mistake to order Zhou Dong and he was cheated! The corners of his mouth twitched, and he said fiercely: "Are you trying to waste food? What if you can't finish it?"

"That's not the case. It's a matter of whether you can eat or not." Although a dish is expensive, there are few things. Because it is delicious and beautiful, the price is high.

Zhou Dong's appetite was pretty good. He hadn't eaten for a whole day, and deliberately emptied his stomach. In the morning, he also let Li Li empty his stomach. Li Li also said he was bad.

Soon, Zhou Dong ate food into his stomach like a cloud of wind. There was no need to maintain an image in front of Li Li. Li Li knew what he was like anyway.

"Cut, just a foodie, no image at all, beauty, do you think he is ugly now?" Song Juyu looked at Zhou Dong with contempt and asked Li Li.

"Ah? No! It's okay! I'm used to it." Li Li was a little embarrassed when she was asked, and she blamed Zhou Dong for eating outside, so she didn't care about her own image. What would she do to save her face? put.

"Huh?" Song Juyu heard a sentence and got used to it. He felt a pain in his heart. Can you get used to it? Such a way of eating without aesthetics makes people lose their appetite when they see it. How can people eat?

"Hurt, do you eat it? I'm not polite if you don't eat it. After all, it's not good to waste it." Before Song Juyu could agree, Zhou Dong ate his share.

Song Juyu looked at the empty plate distressedly. There were still a few dishes left, but they were all placed in front of Li Li, which made him feel embarrassed to eat.

Li Li wondered if Zhou Dong would have done this too much, and should he give Song Juyu his own? What if I get angry and fight again?

In desperation, I had to eat it myself. Both of them were eating. Only Song Juyu was hungry. However, seeing Li Li eating food was really intoxicating. It was a beautiful meal, and I didn't feel hungry.

Seeing Song Juyu's fiery eyes, Li Li was uncomfortable. Why do other men think of him this way except Zhou Dong?

Zhou Dong also noticed, and quickly said to Song Juyu: "Thank you so much for saving my daughter-in-law. Thank you so much. Come and respect you!"

After finishing talking, Zhou Dong poured wine on Song Juyu to focus his attention on himself.

Compare with me? You can't drink it! Song Juyu said fiercely in his heart, he was really aggrieved, and he felt like helping others save their daughter-in-law and helping others raise their daughter-in-law. When has he been so kind? Is there no return at all?

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