Layman System

Chapter 2168: Angry into anger

"Hahaha laughed so hard at me, there is still such a big person who can pee his pants."

"That's how old you are, you can pee your pants."

"Hurry up and change our pants, it will affect our appetite for eating..." the people around were talking babbledly.

As for the people who came to this French restaurant to eat, many of them were Chinese. Song Juyu by the side understood what he was talking about with the waiter in French. He suddenly became angry, even the image of a gentleman. Ignore it.

He slapped it on the table with one hand, and said angrily at Zhou Dong: "Boy, you're **** looking for death, you dare to do such a thing to disgust me."

Looking at the angry person in front of him, Zhou Dong spread his hands innocently and said: "What else are you talking about, why don't I understand?"

Song Juyu stared at Zhou Dong fiercely: "You actually said that I was peeing my pants in the crowd, so you slandered me so much."

Zhou Dong explained: "I didn't slander you."

When these words came out, Song Juyu yelled at Zhou Dong again in a rage: "You **** fart, you didn't slander me, what happened just now?"

Zhou Dong replied: "I just saw the traces of your pants being a little wet, and thought you drank too much, drunk and peeed your pants."

Song Juyu furiously said on the spot: "You **** fart, even if I get drunk, I won't pee my pants in public. You are completely slandering my personality."

At this time, Li Li also stood up and said, "I think there must be some misunderstanding in this. Zhou Dong would not be such a person who slander others at will."

Song Juyu looked at Li Li and said, "Miss Li, the facts are already in sight. If he hadn't slandered me, how could I be so embarrassed."

Li Li suddenly felt a headache. On the one hand, he was his savior, although he was a respectable hypocrite, on the other he was his beloved man.

At this time, Song Juyu looked at the silent Li Lizai and said, "Miss Li, such a despicable villain, I think you should stay away from him."

Hearing this, Li Li couldn't restrain her temper in an instant and replied to Song Juyu: "My man, I know what kind of person he is, and it's not your turn to be here."

When Song Juyu heard this, he snorted and ignored Li Li. He turned to Zhou Dong and said, "I hope you can give me a satisfactory explanation, otherwise I will definitely make you pay."

Zhou Dong looked at Song Juyu like an idiot and said, "Explain what I want to explain to you. I just talked to the waiter. Didn’t you hear everything? I think you didn’t stop me, and thought you were real. I'm peeing my pants!"

Song Juyu suddenly felt an awkward look sweeping over his body. He didn't expect that Zhou Dong had just talked to the waiter about this, but they communicated in French, and he just didn't know French.

At this time, Zhou Dong looked at Song Juyu and said, "Do you still have to thank me for this matter? I helped you so much. If you don't thank me, it's fine. I still don't give me face under the public. Do you think what you are doing is a bit unkind."

Song Juyu was a little speechless at this time, and he really felt bitter and unable to tell.

At this time, Li Li on the side also stood up appropriately and said, "Yes, since Zhou Dong has already talked to the waiter in front of you just now, why don't you stop him and wait until now to lose his temper? ."

This remark suddenly made Song Juyu feel even more embarrassed. If he admits that he just didn’t understand the conversation between Zhou Dong and the waiter, then the words he just said in front of Li Li were not barely hitting his face. what.

But if you admit it, wouldn't it be necessary to tell everyone that you are peeing in the crowd, and suddenly an angry mood is boiling in your heart.

Zhou Dong said to Song Juyu again at this time: "Could it be that the son of Tang and Tang's son doesn't understand French, right? Since he doesn't understand French, why did he pretend to be familiar with Li Li and me just now? , Don’t you think it’s a face slap now?"

Unexpectedly, Song Juyu quickly replied: "I know French, how could I not understand French."

Zhou Dong looked at him and smiled: "Oh? Then why did you just listen to the conversation between me and the waiter, but didn't stop me, so it seems you are peeing your pants."

Song Juyu quickly explained: "My attention just now was on Ms. Li, so naturally I can't listen to what you said."

At this time, Zhou Dong showed a sinister smile on his face and looked at Song Juyu, and then he said in French: "How are you?"

This is just a simple sentence in French, even some Chinese customers who don’t know French well know what it means.

If Song Juyu can't answer, then the lie he just told will be self-defeating, and Zhou Dong, who knows everything, has long known that this person doesn't understand French at all.

I saw Song Juyu standing awkwardly, knowing that he didn't understand French at all, so naturally he couldn't understand what Zhou Dong said just now.

At this time, Li Li also stood up and said to Song Juyu: "Although I am very grateful for your life-saving grace, but I will pay for this meal as a thank you. I hope you can stay away from me in the future. If it weren’t for you to be my savior, I would have left with my character."

At this moment, Song Juyu was extremely embarrassed and just wanted to leave here quickly.

Just as he was about to leave, Song Juyu walked to Zhou Dong, lowered his head and said softly to Zhou Dong, "Boy, I remember you, this is endless, and anyone who offends me has nothing to do. "

Zhou Dong also whispered back: "I'm waiting for you, come to me if you have the ability, I'm very curious what kind of end I will have."

Song Juyu said: "I will tie you up and let you watch how I play with this **** woman."

Hearing this, Zhou Dong suddenly became angry and turned his head and stared at Song Juyu with angry eyes: "If you are a man, come at me alone."

After all, after experiencing the last time Li Li was kidnapped, Zhou Dong also understood that he could not guard her at all times.

Song Juyu smiled and said, "How is it that you are very angry? This is the consequence of me."

Zhou Dong looked at him like an idiot and said with a joking look: "Go away, idiot peeing on your pants, do you want to continue to be ashamed of staying here?"

Then Song Juyu snorted and left here.

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