Layman System

Chapter 2175: Conspiracy

When Zhou Dong heard Li Li's question, he immediately felt that she was a little silly and cute, and even asked himself about such obvious things.

When even stopped eating, he looked at Li Li and said, "Do you think about whether we have provoke anyone recently?"

After hearing this, Li Li bowed her head in contemplation. After a while, she raised her head and said to Zhou Dong, "Is it the Yu Xie who wants to deal with you again?"

After hearing this, Zhou Dong suddenly became helpless. Just when he wanted to tell Li Li that this was Song Juyu’s work, Zhou Dong swallowed what he had just said to his lips, watching Li Li look silly and secretly said: "Forget about this, it's better not to tell her, otherwise it will be a lot of trouble to involve her."

Even though he decided not to tell Li Li about this matter, Zhou Dong had no choice but to say to Li Li: "Hahaha, I don’t know if it’s Yuxie, I don’t know the origin of this group of people, so I should go slowly in the future. Investigate."

Li Li saw Zhou Dong's eagerness to speak and stopped, as if guessing something in her heart, she secretly said, "Could it be that Song Juyu's person came to retaliate?"

When even I wanted to verify my doubts to Zhou Dong and asked: "Do you think that this group of people were found by Song Juyu? You let him lose such a big face at the time. Could it be that the people he found came to avenge us? ?"

In order to relax her, Zhou Dong had to reply: "Well, you have been paying more attention to safety recently, and it will be fine when I investigate."

Just as Li Li was still talking about something, the ringing of the phone rang, Li Li picked up the phone and looked at it. Three characters, Song Juyu, were displayed on the phone screen.

It turned out that Song Juyu insisted on exchanging phone numbers with Li Li. Li Li didn't want to, but because he was his lifesaver, he had to agree.

Zhou Dong also saw Li Li holding the phone, with a hesitant look on his face, and asked: "What's wrong? Who made the call? Don't you answer it?"

Li Li had no choice but to stretch out his hand and handed the phone over. Zhou Dong saw the call from Song Juyu, and he suddenly became puzzled and said in secret, "Well? He was so humiliated by himself, why would he still call?"

Li Li looked at Zhou Dong and asked, "Do you still answer this call?"

Zhou Dong lowered his head and thought for a while and said to Li Li: "You should pick it up. Anyway, he is your savior. It's still a bit bad not to answer his phone."

After listening to Li Li, he had to pick up the phone and get connected. As soon as the phone was connected, Song Juyu's voice suddenly came from inside and said, "Hey, is it Miss Li? What do you want?"

Li Li was puzzled and said, "I'm fine, what can I do if you call?"

Song Juyu said with a sigh of relief: "That's good, that's good, as long as you are fine."

Li Li became more confused and asked: "What's wrong? Is something wrong?" Song Juyu said with a helpless look at this time: "I was on my way home just now when I suddenly rushed out of a group of gangsters and said nothing. They surrounded me and wounded me, and they also warned me that they broke the good deeds of their elders, and let me wait for it to end."

Li Li suddenly became nervous after hearing this, and secretly said: "Yu Xie? How could he retaliate against Song Juyu? Is it because he saved himself that he would retaliate against him?"

Before Li Li could think more, Song Juyu's voice came over the phone and said: "Miss Li, I think you still have to be careful these few days, maybe the frantic Yu Xie will do something."

Li Li had no choice but to replied: "Well, I know, whether your injury is serious or not."

After all, Song Juyu was retaliated by Yu Xie because he saved herself, so she should care about it because of reason.

Hearing Li Li's words, Song Juyu immediately replied happily: "I'm fine, but the injury is a bit serious, so I might have to take a good rest, but it's not a big deal for you."

As soon as Song Juyudang felt that his image had become bigger, Li Li said helplessly: "Then you should be more careful recently. Yu Xie will definitely come back for revenge."

Song Juyu replied: "Don't worry, I'm right here at my residence, there are security guards around."

Li Li replied after hearing this: "You'd better change the place. These security guards are not worth mentioning compared with those of Yu Xie."

"Hey," Song Juyu on the other side of the phone seemed to be unable to help but exhale from pain, and then said to Li Li: "My body injury is too serious, I am afraid I should not be able to leave here in these two days."

Li Li had no choice but to replied: "Then you close the doors and windows. If you find that Yu Xie's gangsters are coming, you can call the police as soon as possible, so those gangsters should not dare to act rashly."

Song Juyu replied: "I'm afraid the police are here. Those gangsters have ran away long ago, it's useless at all, plus I feel that those gangsters will come tonight."

Li Li suddenly became nervous. Song Juyu was retaliated because he saved herself. If she didn't do anything, she would be troubled in her heart, so she looked helplessly at Zhou Dong and asked, "What do you think we should do? It’s not good to let him go."

Zhou Dong also lowered his head to ponder and secretly said in his heart: "Yu Xie should have been taught by himself to not dare to attack himself, he should not have the guts to come to himself. If this group of gangsters are Yu Xie's people, then what Song Juyu said It makes sense. If these gangsters are not Yu Xie's people, then Song Juyu must be lying to Li Li."

After thinking about going to Zhou Dong, he decided to take a look with Li Li. What kind of trick Song Juyu wanted to play, while Li Li on one side didn't know what Zhou Dong was thinking. He didn't pay attention to what he was thinking but bowed his head instead.

So he went on to ask: "What do you say we should do."

Zhou Dong gave her a relieved look and replied: "It doesn't matter how anxious we are here, let's go and take a look at his actual situation."

Li Li nodded and said, "Okay."

Song Juyu's voice came from the phone that hadn't hung up at this time and said, "Miss Li, you must pay attention to safety these days."

Li Li had no choice but to replied: "Where are you now, send me a place, let's come and see you."

After hearing this, Song Juyu was immediately delighted. All he wanted was Li Li to do this, but he still behaved normally, and said to Li Li, "Ah, would it be too troublesome for you?" "

Li Li replied: "It's okay, no trouble." After speaking, he hung up the phone, and Zhou Dong looked at the address on the phone and hurried off.

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