Layman System

Chapter 2190: dejected

Thinking of the remaining residents so stubborn, the men in suits suddenly felt a headache, and it didn't take long before it was time to rest.

The men in suits decided to have lunch first and then came back to solve these problems, so they said to Zhou Dong: "It's already time to rest, presumably Mr. Zhou and Ms. Li are already hungry, why not let us first Go have lunch and come again!"

When Zhou Dong saw this, he asked Li Li on the side: "Let's have a meal first, and then solve these things!"

Li Li nodded to Zhou Dong and said, "Hmm, good."

At this time, Zhou Dong and the others went to the place to eat with the men in suits. Eating should have been a happy thing, but at this time, the faces of these men in suits showed a sad expression, because they were not easy. If you can get a salary, there are also performance requirements.

It’s better to return to the company if the performance is up to the target. If the performance is not up to the target, it will definitely be criticized if you return to the company, not to mention that this time the matter is not so easy to solve.

Song Juyu had issued orders to them a long time ago. If the matter is not resolved this time, they will all be fired.

Zhou Dong didn't know what they were thinking. He just looked down at the group of men in suits in front of him and asked in confusion, "What's wrong? Isn't it just a few households who are more difficult to communicate with? Don't be so discouraged."

I saw one of the men in the suit said bitterly to Zhou Dong: "Hey, you don’t know the difficulties of us people. The upper hand throws us a problem that they can’t solve, and asks us to solve it. Otherwise, he will be expelled."

After hearing this, Zhou Dong immediately formed a huge contrast with the men in suits. The men in suits felt bitter in their hearts, but Zhou Dong was joyful in their hearts.

It is a good thing for Zhou Dong that these people can be fired. After all, these people are members of the Song Group, and the Song Group happens to be its own competitor.

So when these people were downcast, Zhou Dong picked up the mobile phone while they were not paying attention, and sent a message to Song Xiaohu: "Little Tiger, I am now responsible for the demolition of the Song Group."

It didn't take long for me to quickly reply: "Boss, what's wrong, what happened?"

At this time, Zhou Dong told Song Xiaohu about the cooperation between Song Juyu and himself, so Song Xiaohu hurriedly asked: "What is the situation of the demolition of the Song Group of the boss?"

Zhou Dong quickly replied: "Two-thirds of the residents in the old district are willing to sign a contract with the Song Group, while the remaining one-third are not."

Song Xiaohu asked in confusion: "Why? The conditions offered by the Song Group are much better than ours. It stands to reason that they would choose the Song Group."

Upon seeing this, Zhou Dong replied: "The relatives and friends of these people have been cheated by the Song Group, so they said they were unwilling to sign a contract with the Song Group.

Song Xiaohu, who understood the ins and outs of the matter, even if things became clear, Zhou Dong continued, "You can start with that one-third of the people."

Song Xiaohu quickly replied: "Okay, I will prepare now."

Zhou Dong didn't pay attention to him, and turned his head down and thought about how he thought of how to solve the remaining two-thirds of the residents, even if one-third of the residents were not willing to sign a contract with the Song Group.

But two-thirds of the people still have to be willing, otherwise it would not be a good thing for Song Xiaohu and the others.

While Zhou Dong was still thinking about how to solve it, the man in the suit asked Zhou Dong with a sad look: "Mr. Zhou, I don't know how you can convince the remaining third of the residents."

Upon seeing this, Zhou Dong shook his head and said to the men in suits: "This matter is not very easy to solve. After all, they have experienced those things earlier, which makes these residents have a very bad impression of our Song Group. So I also need to think about what to do."

Seeing Zhou Dong, the man in the suit had no other way to make his face more gloomy.

Zhou Dong then asked the man in the suit: "Is there nothing you can do to solve these residents?"

Hearing this, the man in a suit was stunned in awkwardness and said to Zhou Dong: "We are really out of luck, otherwise we won't ask you Mr. Zhou for advice."

If they hadn’t found out, the remaining one-third of the residents had nothing to do with Song Xiaohu. Seeing that those residents were so biased towards Song Xiaohu, otherwise they would have thought they were Song Xiaohu’s relatives.

At this time, Zhou Dong said to the men in suits: "Well, everyone, don't frown, cheer up!"

The men in suits were not happy when they heard this. The sadness on their faces was undiminished. Zhou Dong had no choice but to continue saying: "If you don't cheer up, how can you do the next thing? You want the residents to, See your frowning face?"

After seeing this, the faces of the men in suits recovered some of their complexions, and their complexions became a little better, after all, they did not want to frown.

But this time the matter is related to their destiny. If the matter this time is not handled well, they will all get out of the Song Group.

In the face of Zhou Dong, they also felt very reasonable. If they went to communicate with those residents, they would see that they were waiting for someone with a sad face.

In the end, it must be impossible without even thinking about it, so the group of men in suits stood up and bowed deeply to Zhou Dong and said, "Thank you, Mr. Zhou, for pointing us out."

Zhou Dong immediately waved his hands when he saw the men in suits in such a big battle and said, "Sit down, everyone is to solve this headache. That is to say, we are all friends, and friends should help each other."

The men in suits nodded profoundly, and raised the water cup on the table and said to Zhou Dong: "Mr. Zhou, because it is inconvenient to drink in the afternoon, we will replace the wine with tea and toast you a glass."

After speaking, he took the lead and drank the water in the glass in twos or threes.

When Zhou Dong saw this, he had to drink the water in the glass in front of him. At this moment, the restaurant owner had already brought up the dishes one after another.

Zhou Dong said to the men in suits: "Then everyone should eat first. Only when you are full can you have the strength to do things."

The men in suits all nodded, and began to eat the food in front of them. They were already hungry for a long time. But when everyone was eating, they appeared in front of them. They visited for the first time. The old man holding a mop to drive them away.

I saw the old man hurriedly walking towards the restaurant.

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