Layman System

Chapter 2207: Puzzle

Faced with Zhou Dong’s question, Zhang shareholder immediately replied: "I am not very clear about this matter, because the withdrawal is what Liu shareholder found me and said."

Even if Zhou Dong was puzzled, his withdrawal was actually caused by shareholder Liu. He must have been the first to find himself.

He begged to take a stake in his own company, but he did not expect that the withdrawal of shares was caused by him. When even he asked the shareholder Zhang: "Then shareholder Liu found out what you did to make you decide to withdraw. of?"

At this time, shareholder Zhang recalled for a moment and said to Zhou Dong: "At that time, shareholder Liu invited me out for dinner and told me that if he continued to buy shares in your company, it would be dangerous."

Hearing this, Zhou Dong suddenly became puzzled, and said to Shareholder Zhang: "So what danger did Shareholder Liu say?"

I saw Shareholder Zhang nodded and said to Zhou Dong: "I also asked Shareholder Liu what the danger is. How could it be dangerous if he had made a lot of money since he became a shareholder? Shareholder Liu said that if you continue to invest in shares, there will be a major crisis, and also said that your company may also be about to close down."

After hearing this, Zhou Dong's heart became even more puzzled. He vaguely felt that a huge conspiracy was waiting for him.

Shareholder Zhang looked at Zhou Dong and continued, “Brother Zhou, businessmen like us, as you know, certainly don’t want to do such a risky thing. What's more, shareholder Liu said that his information was reliable at the time, so I decided to talk to them. Withdraw the shares together so as not to lose money."

Zhou Dong said to Zhang’s shareholder: "Does anyone say that I am going to go bankrupt and I will go bankrupt? Do you believe that?"

I saw shareholder Zhang said to Zhou Dong: "I am more of a businessperson in our business, and there are other credible news about this kind of news, it is not credible, right? Not to mention it was said from the mouth of Liu shareholder."

Zhou Dong lowered his head and began to ponder. He thought he would know the truth about Zhang’s shareholder’s affairs, but he didn’t expect to run around until the end, he still had to investigate from Liu shareholder.

So he said to the shareholder Zhang: "You come with me!"

Shareholder Zhang immediately replied: "Brother Zhou, where am I going with you?"

Zhou Dong replied, "Go find shareholder Liu and let him give me a reasonable explanation."

In fact, Zhang shareholder is also curious about this matter, because he is also curious about where Liu shareholder learned the news.

So he said to Zhou Dong: "Okay, you wait for me to change a dress and I will go with you."

After a while, Zhang, who had changed his clothes, said to Zhou Dong, "Let's go!"

Then the two of them walked outside the house one after the other, but when they reached the door to open the door and go out, Zhang shareholder’s wife walked out, looking impatiently at Zhou Dong and questioned: " Where are you taking him?"

Zhou Dong was too lazy to explain to her, but just glanced at her, and a sharp look in his eyes looked at her and said, "Go and ask her yourself."

Zhang shareholder's wife felt a flutter in her heart by this sharp look.

It's not good to continue to ask Zhou Dong, Dang Even looked at the shareholder Zhang and said, "Are you going out to fool again today?"

Shareholder Zhang was originally a man who was afraid of his wife. What's more, all his status and status today depend on the support of his family.

He quickly showed a smile and looked at his wife and said, "How is it possible, my wife, I am going out to do something today because of things."

Who knows that Zhang’s wife, a shareholder, smiled contemptuously and said: “Do things, what else can you do besides going out and fooling around?”

Upon seeing this, Zhang shareholders quickly said: "Wife, in front of Brother Zhou, please pay attention, I also want face, right?"

Mr. Zhang’s wife said: "Do you still need face? Going out every day and fooling around at night, I thought you were going to die on the belly of a woman outside."

Shareholder Zhang immediately smiled at his wife and said: "Look at you, what are you talking about, I can learn from your heart."

At this time, Zhou Dong watched what the two of them were constantly telling him, and he didn't feel that he still existed around him.

If you wait like this, you don't know when you have to wait, and things on your own side can't be mistaken at all.

Dang Even urged: "Shareholder Zhang, can you hurry up!"

As soon as this statement was made, Zhang shareholders suddenly became embarrassed. On the one hand, it was his wife and Zhou Dong on the other. At this time, Zhang shareholder said to his wife: "Wife, you see people are waiting in a hurry."

Unexpectedly, Zhang’s wife, a shareholder, said with a cold snort, “I’m in a hurry. If you don’t explain where and what you are going to do today, you should not go out.”

So Zhang shareholder hurriedly said to his wife: "I am going out this time to do something with Brother Zhou."

I saw my wife looked at me suspiciously.

Zhang shareholder Dang Even said to his wife: "I'm really doing something very urgent this time. You don't think it's very urgent. How could Brother Zhou come to me without calling?"

Who knows, it’s all for this. Zhang’s wife has not stopped showing signs of stopping and continues to ask Zhang’s shareholder: "What are you going to do with him this time?"

Shareholder Zhang’s mind was spinning rapidly, and after a while, he said to his wife: “I’m going out with him this time to check the major problems that have arisen between the two parties’ cooperation.”

Unexpectedly, Zhang’s shareholder’s wife still said with suspicion: "Really?"

Shareholder Zhang hurriedly nodded to his wife and said, "My wife, if you don't believe in the company's business, you can check it directly. How could I tell you such a lie to lie to you, right?"

Upon seeing this, Zhang's wife knew that he should have no guts to lie to herself, so she nodded and said to him: "Then you go. If you don't come back before ten o'clock in the evening, you don't have to come back."

Zhang shareholders quickly nodded and bowed back: "Good wife, I understand, I will go now, go early and return early!"

Dang Even stepped forward to urge Zhou Dong and said, "Brother Zhou, let's go now."

As soon as Mr. Zhang left the house, he saw Song Xiaohu who was waiting at the door, and Song Xiaohu, who was on the other side, managed to settle the group of nanny.

He stood at the door and waited. At this moment, he saw that the door was opened and Mr. Zhang walked out of it. He was shocked.

I saw shareholder Zhang followed by Zhou Dong, and Dang even asked, "What's the matter with boss?"

Who knows Zhou Dong replied: "I'll talk about this later, let's go to Liu shareholders' house first."

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