Layman System

Chapter 2221: Solve things

The waiter had to walk towards Zhou Dong with an embarrassed look. Zhou Dong looked at the waiter who came and asked, "Didn't you go to deal with it? Then what's the matter?"

The waiter’s face was full of embarrassment and he had to bite the bullet and replied: "Sorry sir, that gentleman is not willing to leave here."

Zhou Dong frowned when he saw this and said to the waiter: "Then what are you going to do?"

I saw the waiter immediately bent over and bowed: "Sorry sir, these are all my work mistakes. I am really sorry. Please forgive me."

I saw Zhou Dong accepting the waiter's apology with a smile on his face and then said to the waiter: "Okay, I forgive you."

The waiter immediately became happy when he heard this, because the people who can come here to eat are usually big people in Hohhot, and these people are not they can offend, not to mention this matter if the boss knows about it, they will definitely be fired. Yourself.

After all, it irritated the big people and was unhappy, and it would definitely make the boss here more or less implicated, but he did not expect that the person in front of him not only did not blame him, but also forgave him.

Then Zhou Dong continued at this moment: "But I already forgive you, so go find me a box."

As soon as this remark came out, the waiter who was immersed in happiness was brought back to reality. Even if he was at a loss, he asked Xiang Zhou Dong and said: "Sir, have you forgiven me? Why do you want me to give it to you? Looking for a box?"

As soon as these words came out, Zhou Dong was stunned. The reason why he forgave him was because he was just a service industry and embarrassed him. It was not good for him, so let it go.

But I forgive him, it doesn’t mean that I don’t eat anymore, so I said to the waiter: "I forgive you, but I still have to eat. It’s okay if I don’t change this box to another box. I can also accept other boxes. ."

At this time, an embarrassing emotion appeared on the waiter's face, and he said to Zhou Dong: "Excuse me, sir, we have no boxes here. You come again next time, do you think you can?"

Without waiting for Zhou Dong to say more, the restaurant owner who heard the news hurried over and walked in front of Zhou Dong in three steps.

What to say politely: "I'm sorry, Mr. Zhou, this meal gave you an unpleasant experience. All expenses for this evening are free of charge in our restaurant."

Because Zhou Dong in front of him is a senior member in their restaurant, and everyone who can handle senior members here is a big man in Hohhot.

The waiter on the side felt uncomfortable when he heard this, because the consumption of this evening was at least seventy to eighty thousand yuan, but because of such a small matter, the boss decided to waive the fee, even if he knew he had provoke a big man .

I saw Zhou Dong say to the boss: "It doesn't matter what the cost is, but I hope you can give me a satisfactory answer to this matter."

I saw the boss looking at the waiter angrily and said: "I'm sorry, boss, please don't fire me."

Even if things are up to now, the waiter still doesn't want to be fired, because the salary of this restaurant is too good. Working here for a month is like having been outside for a few months.

The boss immediately sternly said: "Stop talking nonsense, tell me what happened quickly, I will naturally make a decision if I can fire you, and there is no need for you to tell me."

The waiter had no choice but to say: "The person in the box is actually my friend. He pestered me all morning and begged me for a long time, so I couldn't give him this box. I'm sorry, the boss."

When the boss heard this, an anger surged into his heart. He looked at the waiter in front of him and said, "Just because the one inside is your friend, so you gave him the box that Mr. Zhou had already set?"

Upon seeing this, the waiter nodded helplessly. He thought he would apologize in the past and then let the guest who booked the box leave.

Then let Luo Yufei and the others stay and be perfect without being discovered by the boss, but who knows that the customer in front of them is so difficult.

No matter what he was thinking about, the boss immediately sternly said: "Idiot, who the **** gave you the right to do this? Now quickly clear up my bedding and **** off.

The irritable boss even swears out, the waiter still begged the boss to say: "The boss gives me a chance, I won't do this next time, would you give me a chance to reform and refresh?"

The waiter still didn't want to give up such a well-paid job, begging to the boss.

The boss quickly said: "I'll give you a chance, who will give me a chance, you should pack your things and get out of here, don't show up in front of me in the future."

Immediately, the waiter knew that he had provoke a big man, or a big man whose boss didn't dare to offend him, so he left dejectedly.

Zhou Dong also knew that as long as he said something, the waiter could still stay here to work, but he did not do so, because he knew that people would be punished for doing wrong things, and you would have to bear whatever you did. What kind of consequences.

At this time, the boss walked up to Zhou Dong and said, "Mr. Zhou, please wait a while, I will drive away the people in the box and make room for you."

Seeing Zhou Dong nodded, he stopped talking. The boss immediately walked into the box upon seeing this, and said to the group of people in front of him: "You guys get out now!"

Hearing this, Luo Yufei's face was blue and white, but he had to bite the bullet and stood up and said to the boss: "Boss, don't you all make money with harmony? Besides, I don't have to pay for this meal. Why not get angry if you don't give it to you."

The boss looked at him like an idiot and said, "Do you think I am the one who is short of the money? I warn you to get out."

Seeing this, Luo Yufei had to bite the bullet and said: "Boss, you can't drive the guests out for dinner, I have booked this box."

I saw the boss observing the look on Zhou Dong’s face while looking anxiously at the group of people in front of him who were not leaving. Hearing Luo Yufei’s words at this moment, Dang Even replied: “It’s really shameful, you can come here. Box, it’s not your stupid friend. I tell you I have fired him. I will give you three numbers and I’m not going to get out.”

Hearing the boss telling the truth, I saw Luo Yufei’s face suddenly embarrassed. He was already able to show off in front of these relatives today, but he did not expect to be caught now. Zhengxing lost a big face in front of these relatives.

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