Layman System

Chapter 2227: Please

Seeing that Zhou Dong in front of him actually knew Mr. Hong, how could Song Juyu not be shocked, because he had already investigated the identity of the man in front of him. The foreign investor was just his superficial identity, and Song Juyu had spent a lot of money. I know, this man is a very mysterious business man.

When this person first found Song Juyu, it was for the land demolished in the old district. However, after Song Juyu learned of the identity of this person, he realized that if it were not for the land demolished in the old district, I am afraid I would not have seen it in my life. people.

But a shocking scene happened. What made him most unexpected was that the very mysterious merchant in front of him actually knew Zhou Dong, and immediately the doubts arose in his heart. Wanting to understand what was going on, he had to turn his head. Turning to Honglong, he said, "President Hong, Zhou Dong has something to do. I will accompany him to visit first.

Even though Zhou Dongdang was puzzled, he looked at Song Juyu with a pair of suspicious eyes, and saw that he cast a look at himself. Zhou Dong didn't point him at him, and Hong Long said to Song Juyu, "Okay, you have something. Go ahead!"

At this time, Song Juyu hurriedly pulled Zhou Dong out and walked out of the box. After going outside, Zhou Dong looked at Song Juyu with a puzzled look and asked, "What's wrong? What's going on out?"

Seeing Song Juyu's expression of disbelief, he seemed to think that what happened just now was an illusion, so he asked Zhou Dong in confusion, "Brother Zhou, do you really know Mr. Hong?"

Unknown, Zhou Dong nodded and said, "Yes, I met him a long time ago, an old friend."

Song Juyu was even more shocked when he heard this, his face was full of disbelief. He originally thought that Zhou Dong had a relationship with Honglong at best, but he didn't expect that from Zhou Dong's mouth now Li learned that not only did they know each other, they knew each other a long time ago, they were old friends for so many years.

But Song Juyu also had a look of doubt in his heart. Why did Zhou Dong know Honglong, but he was just a small business person?

Dang Even smiled at Zhou Dong and said, "Brother Zhou, since you all know Mr. Hong, you can just ask him to help you, so why bother to do these small businesses?"

Zhou Dong shook his head and said, "I've been talking about it all the time. It's enough for me to do a small business now. It's good to enjoy life after all."

After hearing this, Song Juyu realized that Zhou Dong just wanted to do some small business to enjoy his life. Otherwise, he would not worry about flying with his abilities, and even with the help of the Red Dragon, he developed into a person no less than the Song family. The group's companies are relaxed, and Song Juyu feels a little afraid of thinking about it here.

Thinking that he was looking for someone to retaliate against Zhou Dong at first, and then he kept trying to embarrass him, in case he hated him, what to do with Honglong, and use the strength of Honglong to destroy the Song clan group It's easy and enjoyable.

Dang Even said to Zhou Dong, "Brother Zhou, what do you think of me?"

Zhou Dong didn't know why he asked himself such a question, but he pretended to reply: "What the son of Song said, you are always good, didn't you just want to introduce me to a big man?"

Upon seeing this, Song Juyu said, "Hahaha, do you need me to introduce someone as capable as Brother Zhou to meet? Don't you know it yourself?"

Upon seeing this, Zhou Dong replied, "Master Song has praised him."

At this time, Song Juyu said to Zhou Dong: "Brother Zhou, do you remember how we met? Think about it, the fate is really wonderful."

Zhou Dong also smiled and said, "Yes, I still have to thank you for saving my wife Li Li. If it weren't for your help, my wife wouldn't know what would happen to her, it's all thanks to you!"

Upon seeing this, Song Juyu quickly said: "Where, if it weren't for saving her, how could I make friends with a capable person like Brother Zhou? You really praise me too much."

Listening to Song Juyu's humble tone, Zhou Dong was puzzled when he saw Song Juyu. He didn't know what he was going to do, so soldiers had to stop him.

At this time, Song Juyu was saying to Zhou Dong, "I am also a little wrong about the things before Brother Zhou, and I hope you can forgive me and don't hold your grudges."

Seeing Song Juyu suddenly apologize to himself inexplicably, Zhou Dong became even more confused in his heart, where is this singing? I would praise myself for a while, and apologize to myself for a while, could it be because of the red dragon? After all, Zhou Dong also knew the red dragon's ability.

When Zhou Dong saw this, he had to say to Song Juyu: "What is Song Gongzi's talking about? Don't mention the past. Those things have long been remembered."

Upon seeing this, Song Juyu said, "I'm really sorry for the past, let us forget about the bad things together."

Zhou Dong nodded helplessly. At this moment, Song Juyu said to Zhou Dong, "I have recently cooperated with Mr. Hong on a project."

Even if Zhou Dongdang became confused, what did these things tell me? Do you want me to help him talk to Honglong?

So he asked: "What happened to the cooperative project?"

I saw Song Juyu vaguely said: "This project is very important to our Song Group. I hope the unpleasantness that happened between us. Although we have all turned the story, I hope that Mr. Hong will not know about these things. "

It turns out that Song Juyu was afraid that even if Zhou Dong really didn’t mind turning over with himself, if he had a small talk with Mr. Hong and he knew about it, then he might not be well. You must know that Zhou Dong and Mr. Hong are old. Friends, he knows how these things can be ignored.

The Song Group can also benefit a lot from the cooperation in this project. The most important thing is to get to know and make friends with this mysterious business man.

But you have to know that the reason why you can see Mr. Hong is only because of this demolition site. With his own strength, he can get to this place quickly even if he doesn't start from himself, so he will be cautious about Zhou Dong. Exhorted.

When Zhou Dong saw this, he also knew that he was afraid that he would stumble behind him, so he praised himself and apologized to himself.

When Zhou Dong saw this, he said to Song Juyu: "Don't worry, I'm not so boring to talk about things between us."

Immediately, Song Juyu breathed a sigh of relief and said to Zhou Dong: "Don't worry, Brother Zhou, I will definitely not let you suffer. You can put forward any conditions, and I will promise you."

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