Layman System

Chapter 2232: headache

"What's wrong? Is anyone coming to Hohhot to celebrate? Who are they? Tell me a bit, I think this news seems to be good news.

And this thing should be able to be heard by me, otherwise you wouldn't be so unprepared and I would just say it directly, since you can let me hear it, then you can tell me. "

"You can really listen to this matter. It's not a commercial secret. I asked the kids in the competition to come back and celebrate.

They won the game this time so they let them come to play with me. They don't understand me. This time they just can let them understand. "

When Hong Long heard what Zhou Dong said, he felt that the idea he came over this time was really good. Why did he encounter any good things.

I didn't expect that I would be surprised when I came to Hohhot. This was something he never thought of, and something he didn't prepare.

"There is a team named Wang Chanchan in your game. That is my daughter. I happened to see her this time. I haven't seen him for a long time. He keeps saying he wants to play and I have a lot of things to do. So I haven't seen each other, and it happens to be possible to see him this time. I miss him too."

"Don't forget what you are here to do this time. If your affairs are delayed because of these children's love, what do you think you are going to do?

So you still have to put your business first, and the rest will be discussed later, and you will do it when you have time. "

"Of course I will never forget my true purpose. I just wanted to see my daughter for a long time.

Once I meet, I will continue to finish my things without losing time. Don't worry, I just want to see her. I really miss her. "

"It’s good if you remember your true purpose. I don’t want to prevent you from seeing your daughter, but you still have things to do. Now that you have already planned it, I won’t say much. You will see your daughter this time."

"Of course I remember my own business. By the way, I want to ask what happened to that piece of land. Why did you suddenly show up and asked me to cooperate with you. This time I also cooperate with you. Should you be good with me? Let me explain the things about that piece of land. I just want to use that piece of land to do things. I need to learn more about it."

"What are you going to do with that piece of land? Is it convenient for you to talk to me? I also know a lot about that piece of land.

So as long as you tell me, I can also analyze the pros and cons for you in the middle, and I do have something to do with that piece of land, but I don’t know if the things we two want to use can’t be used together. "

"It's only a temporary thing when I use that quick place, just to bring Song Juyu's attention. Only when he notices me, things will be easy to handle in the future.

So that piece of land is not of much use to me. If you want to use it, you can use it. What do you want to use it for? "

"In fact, Song Xiaohu’s company is my company. So Song Xiaohu has been competing with the Song Group for that piece of land. That piece of land is what I like. He is of great use to me. I have to ask you what you are going to use that piece of land for, and see if it is convenient for two people to use it together."

After Zhou Dong finished speaking, it was Red Dragon's turn to be confused. He didn't expect Song Xiaohu's company to be Zhou Dong's company.

It turns out that there is such a big force behind Zhou Dong that he still doesn't know, and he still doesn't understand how he has worked in Tiangong for so many years, so much useful intelligence information has been left behind.

But now there is still one thing that bothers Hong Long. I didn’t expect Zhou Dong to be an undercover agent in the end. If Zhou Dong is also an undercover agent, then he also needs this piece of land. He also needs this piece of land. How should the two people divide it equally? Red Dragon's use of this land is really useful.

He just wanted to use this piece of land to get the Song Group to trust him first, as long as he helped the Song Group to get this piece of land to be trusted by the Song Group, then he could continue the next thing.

If he doesn't continue with the next thing, his task can't be completed, so everything depends on whether this piece of land can be handled by himself.

But now Zhou Dong also wants to use this piece of land, to complete a task himself, he doesn't know whether this piece of land should be given to Zhou Dong or used by himself.

After all, Zhou Dong also said that this piece of land is very important to him, what should Zhou Dong do if he uses this piece of land.

In any case, the two people are also very good friends. If the two people meet after breaking up Zhou Dong's business, he thinks about how to do it, and his face shows an embarrassed expression.

He just wanted the Song Group to trust him. Why did Zhou Dong pop out in the middle? He looked at Zhou Dong's expression and really didn't know what to do.

He must make the Song Group trust him, and now he should think about whether there is any way to make the Song Group trust him instead of using this land to trust himself.

If he really gave this piece of land to Zhou Dong, is there any way to make the Song Group trust him? This is the only thing he has investigated to make the Song Group trust him. Is it now that he has to give it his hand? ? Is this task destined to be unfinished?

But after all, it’s the Heavenly Palace. There are tasks in the Heavenly Palace that can’t be completed, and I’m still doing it myself. If it’s really not done, won’t the Heavenly Palace’s reputation be discredited?

In the future, how should those people think of themselves, they can't accomplish small things like their own boss.

Honglong thinks about it and feels regret. He shouldn't come to Hohhot this time. As long as he doesn't come to Hohhot, the people who come across will take this land as his own to obtain the Song Group. trust.

But this time he came by himself. The relationship between him and Zhou Dong was really good. He had no way to directly give this piece of land to the Song Group without looking at Zhou Dong's affairs.

That also means that he disregards the friendship of friends, and the relationship between the two people is really good, and he doesn't want to lose his friend Zhou Dong, which is a bit embarrassing.

No matter how you say this matter, you must think of a way to solve it. You can't get stuck here and let two people embarrass him together, thinking about whether there is any solution that can be solved.

"What's the matter with you? I see your embarrassed expression. What happened? Why don't you come and tell me, maybe I can solve it for you, and I'm also very smart. How do you think of it."

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